My First Grow


Well-Known Member
Damn dude your heart gets pumping after that kinda shit huh? The Blue Mystic doesn't seem to be growing anymore, I think the soil got too dry while i was gone. I'm starting a 60 Day Wonder grow in a couple of weeks. Does your friend know how to grow?


Active Member
yer man its fuckin shit hopin its all sorted by the weekend gotta see the pigs on fri, an yer just check your thread that sucks man how long did you leave it for? wots a 60 day wonder grow? he's pretty intelligent so can quite easily comprehend wot i tell him lol shes pretty bushy now so she should be strong enough i think :) im well gutted tho i feel like i've had to give a kid away or somethin lol


Well-Known Member
yeah hopefully it gets sorted out soon. I left it for about 4 days. Temps got up to 88 so I think the soil dried out more than I expected. The new growth is tiny and really light green/yellow


Active Member
unlucky man that sucks :) well hopefully she'll pick up an start growin again :) an im hopin everythin will be sorted this weekend cuz im missin her lol


Active Member
all done a dusted now which is sweet :) im gettin my plant back off my mate tomorrow he's left it on 24 hr light im thinkin that should be fine as shes an auto im hopin shes alright he hasnt watered her but i watered her the day before i gave her to him so i think shes due a watered today or tomorrow so thats ok :bigjoint:


Active Member

so as i said everythin is sorted so shes back home were she belongs she seems good there one or to burn mark from were i think the light was to hot at my mates as he didnt have a fan but apart from that shes A ok :) shes grown quite a bit since i last seen her an im almost 100% its a girl as i can see her pistils :)

so glad shes back home safe

oh an i bought a reflective light shade instead of the cut out can i was using the fourth pic is of my new set up



Active Member
yes ive been feeding her from about week 2 and a half, im toppin up the water with about 1ml each time to see how much she can take i think ive got around 3ml maybe 4ml in 2Ltrs of mineral water at the mo but shes growin well :)


Active Member
hers what shes lookin like today

these pics are of 3 very small areas which are burnt i dont know whats done this but its only in 3 small places so not to fussed at the mo :bigjoint:

these are two pics i took just for the iconic pic :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
no there were loads of little black flies in the soil i read to put a small layer of sand on top stop them layin eggs

Oh ok, that sucks. I get one or two flies every few days. I've only seen one actual fungus gnat, the rest have been just regular ones. I'm going to let the top of my soil dry out a bit more this time. But I don't want to cause more stress to my baby...damn flies. Keep off my plants, no residence haha.


Active Member
yer man but there seems to be less now there dyin off id say there were about 10/20 there were only one or to before i gave it to my mate but the sands doin its job and it reflectin more light lol my only concern is whether theres to much salt in the sand but im monitoring her an she seems fine



Active Member

day 38 she startin to bush up a bit now :)


day 39

you can see the pistils in these pics an you can see her fillin out more
