My first grow (with bag-seed to make it interesting too)


Well-Known Member
haha got batteries for my camera now i can take good qual pics of my new babys and document it better, since im doing 6 hour interval checks on growth and to see if they need more water, so new heights and pics of my girls in an hour n 1/2


Well-Known Member
Ok, heres an update on my girls (hopefully)

Day 3, 12pm
1. 2"
2. 1.5"
3. 1.25"
4. 1.25"
5. 1.33"
6. .5" (just transplanted to soil instead of dirt)

Day 2, 12pm
7. 1"
8. 1"
9. Pronounced dead this morning :sad:



Well-Known Member
1:45 AM
1, 2"
2, 1.3"
3, 1.3"
4, 1.25"
5, 1.6
6, .75" (recovering from transplant)
7, 1.3"
8, 1"

1, 2.1"
2, 1.4
3, 1.4
4, 1.3
5, 1.7
6, .75"
7, 1.4"
8, 1.1"

1. 2.25"
2. 1.5"
3. 1.5"
4. 1.5"
5. 1.75
6. .75"
7. 1.5"
8. 1.1-1.2

im tryin to upload pics but it wont let me


Well-Known Member
Hrmm, it worked when i uploaded them 1 at a time but not when i do 4 at a time, weird.. anyways here they are

Also my tallest plant has yet to still grow its 4th leaf while my other ones almost all have 4 and 2 are developing their next set



Well-Known Member
I got good soil and new pots for my babys and.. the pots are too big for my container.. >.< i gotta save those 6 big ones for my next box and pick up more in the morning along with some nutes n smaller pots, any suggestions on nutes?


Well-Known Member
bought 4 new bulbs for my box and smashed one completely in my hand, i now have 2 6500k 26w cfls, 3 2700k 26w cfls, and 1 13w 2700k cfl running, im getting into the high 80s also so i might have to pick up another fan too when i grab another 26w light to replace the 13w replacement i stuck in there. Still need to get 8 smaller pots to get the 6 big pots and 2 small pots into the same size container i want to use for the rest of my grow


Well-Known Member
Ok heres a little catch-up on my progress.. everythings dead >.<


but i think 1 might have died or gotten close, too soon to tell

anyways back to start, i got my 8 smaller pots and a powerful fan which i added into my grow box and now i got 4 26w 2700k fluoros and 2 26w 6500k fluoros with a large fan inside for air circulation. plants started looking nicer as there new home was well suiting for them.

then i sadly had to go on a buisness vacation (go home from collage and see my friends n family for the 3 day weekend) and leave my poor girls home alone but i gave them what i thought was plently of water.. but i guess most of my plants didnt agree it was enough, especially the completely yellow plant who im assuming is dead but i dont want to give up hope yet (but i dont mind if it dies i aquired a single seed off some fruity bag-weed i had this weekend and really liked it and i wanna grow that now lol) but i gave them water and now there on their start to recovery (except the 3 who got enough water)

pics in an hour and more water for my plants now!


Well-Known Member
i seemed to have forgotten to take a pic of one of my plants and cant do it now so ill do it later when i water them b4 bed and see if the one in the first pic shows any signs of not being dead. oh btw from another post i forgot who started it, about 2 weeks ago, i got my free sweet grape promotion nutes finally


Well-Known Member
just plucked the one in the first picture, its dead, all the other ones are showing signs of new growth and healing, that one fell down farther. i started germinating a seed i got off some bag seed off some pretty dank fruity bud, i hope it germs and ends up being female bcuz i wanna have another strain from the 7 plants i got left from the origional 9, or if it is male i could keep some of the pollin and cross breed one of my mothers and get seeds for future grows.. idk but i think this is for the better, i didnt want to wait till harvest to use that seed anyways


Well-Known Member
aw fuck my sister found my grow, she said she wants it gone, so im going to move it 8 feet away into a new box right under her nose, i got a 4" high velocity fan which isnt quite as loud as the fan i got for circulation right now, the computer fans are silent so as soon as i can get out to get some i need to if i want this to be sucsessful again. i got a storage cabinet from home depot for less then $50 its about 26" wide, 19" deep, 36" tall, with a shelf about halfway down and a little place to put a lock on it, which i plan to do very soon, by the time ive finished fucking with it, it should have proper, quiet ventilation, no light leaks (in or out), odor control, and reflection


Well-Known Member
and it fits 8 6-inch pots exactly, or i could do a grow like the beer pong cup grow like pitbuds did and harvest a half oz out of alot of plants or a few every few weeks perpetually


Well-Known Member
the buds didnt make it out of their dark period as 18/6 when i had to hide them (death threats from older sister to my plants if discovered) instead im just going to start 12/12 as soon as the new box is hooked up, i got a night ahead of me. But it will all be worth it, i got the money to do it right so im not going to get fucked over again. I got a bigger space to work with this time, so heat is much less of an issue happily. I bought a timer so i dont fuck up light scheduals now that im off 24/0 and going to 12/12. In a week or so im going to introduce nutes to my plants to see if it helps their growth since it seems to be so slow right now.

Pics of my completed box will be some time in the morning or really late tonight


Well-Known Member
I plucked out 3 more plants who didnt do very good when i had to leave for that weekend, i found 4 more seeds with much better genetics, i got them germinated and planted and im now waiting on sprouts, i got 4 off my origional 9 still going though, its not a good turn out when u lose more then half within 3 weeks (3 i killed by choice though cuz i got better genetics), so we will see how things will go from here. i gotta finish the box though i still got little light leaks and i fried my exhaust earlier bcuz i hooked it up to an adapter with too high of volts.. woops, seeing that no1 is really interested in my journal since its a noob one like alot of the others ill probably stop posting in it tho


Well-Known Member
lol i havent posted in my own journal in 2 weeks and ive had some crazy growth on the origional 4 plants since then. the 4 new ones i planted got streched the fuck out at first because i forgot to put my stacking stuff into my box to put the pots higher.. yeah im an idiot. But its been about a week and a half since that happened and they are all doing pretty well. There is one that is partially fucked up because a light fell on it and killed 2 leaves on it so its been stunted for a little bit, but im expecting a good recovery within a week or so


Well-Known Member
Also, i fimmed my 2 biggest plants a little over a week ago to see amazing results afterwards, i topped a smaller plant yesturday and the mutated plant actually ended up starting to grow normal now, but im still desciding if i want to top it also or let it grow normally. the lights never actually went to 12/12 until last friday so there just over a week into flowering too. I introdruced nutes which my plants seem to be responding pretty well to


Well-Known Member
pic update

i have no clue how long its been since i started, ive honestly been keeping terrible track of my first grow since i have been so busy recently and i gotta be stealth about checking my grow so i dont got dates of my lsting or topping or anything, i could figure it all out but i really dont care, i know what i did b4 and need to do differently now i dont need the numbers

