My first grow! Updated daily. 400 watt Ebb and Flow - White Berry

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Nice, dude. They will love the increased light. You probably won't even need to drop it all the way to 6 inches. My bet is you'll find the happy zone is 10-14 in. Mh is a different color because it burns hotter so it's hard to get it as close as HPS.


Well-Known Member
Sorry so late. Had PC trouble.

Temp 68-83F RH 40-84%
Current temp 79F 52RH
Last regular water today. Starting nutes tomorrow.
400W 24-26" from tops.

What a growth spurt! :mrgreen:

HPS is worth the $$, people. My girls are LOVING IT. They look like they are reaching just a little but I will bring the light down more tomorrow. Tops are at 24-26" from cooltube now. I dropped it a few inches and the girls grew up to it :lol: Nodal spacing is great so far.:blsmoke:

Note to self... When re-filling the humidifier (twice a day :roll:) TURN IT OFF or it will blow water all over the surge protector. :neutral: I'm glad that that thing is temporary. Refilling it is a pain in the A$$. I am thinking that I will put it on a timer with the lights so it turns off for those 6 hours. 84% is a bit high.

As I mentioned above tomorrow will be the first feeding with FF GrowBig. Will start with 1/2 strength. I need to get a better tray for under the post so I can TDS the runnoff. Hmmm...

Anyway.... PICS!!



Well-Known Member
looking nice! i hope my babies look as nice when they 12 days old =P maybe check my out? but you babies look real nice maybe ill put mine under some hps
Thanks, Kellie. :mrgreen:
They are a little dry in the pics. I watered them right after I took the shots. I actually had to shield the 400 with a HydroFarm catalog so the light was dim enough to take decent pics :blsmoke:.

Checking in on your journal now ....


Well-Known Member
lol damn bright lights making it hard to take nice pics, lol i hate trying to get good pics under 400W hps lol


Well-Known Member
Temps 63-84F
RH - 35-99% :shock:
Lights are 24-26" from tops

I figured I would put up an update while the sun was out. :blsmoke:Lights just came on. :clap:

I need to get the RH dialed in on the humidifier. :lol: I'm lucky it was not raining in the tent. :mrgreen: I will find the correct timing balance. If I keep the RH up above 50 then the temps stay below 80. This is ideal for now. 99% is too high and 63F is a bit cool. I will have to turn off the humidifier when I flower later on but by that time I should have my scrubber/fan combo and be moving more air around. PICS!


Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
Coming along very nicely. I have the opposite problem, my humidity is always way to low. I got a humidifier also but I gotta keep it on 24/7 to keep it around 50% RH


Well-Known Member
My RH is about 20% if I do not run the humidifier. There is only 25 cu ft of space so it gets humid quick if the light is not on to cook some of it off. I will get the timing dialed in eventually.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, Kellie. I think I am doing OK so far. I still need probably $300 worth of stuff before I am done with just this grow :lol:

Oh well. It is an investment. One day in the near future I will buy my last bag of medicine. :hump:


Well-Known Member
Temps 68-88F (Too hot!)
RH - 40-99% (Too wet)
Light 22" from tops

I planned on giving nutes today but they look nice and healthy and growing strong every day so I will wait for a few more days. I just transferred them to the new pots with lots more nute rich soil last week. So just watered with PH'd water (6.5PH). When the light came on this afternoon there was condensation all over the glass of the cooltube and the metal face of the fan. I HAVE to get the RH under control. I plan on putting the humidifier on the same timer as the lights but I can't do that at the moment as the 400 is on and I do not want to shut it off and hot start it after a quick change. I will redo the timer setup when lights go off in a few hours.


Durban Poison (Mallory) - Does she look like she is reaching to you guys?

White Berry - 1

White Berry - 2



Well-Known Member
I slept through my opportunity to redo my timer so the humidifier has been on all through the dark cycle again. :roll: I will turn on some regular lighting in there a few minutes before lights on so I can got thing rearranged to prevent a monsoon in my otherwise desert-like grow. :twisted:


Well-Known Member
Temp - 68-82F
RH - 35-75% ( the humidifier ran out of water during dark :mrgreen:)
Lights 21" from tops
Debating on nutes tonight. They are fine now. No water needed.

I got the timer setup for the humidifier. It will go off when the light does. Hopefully that keeps RH in a reasonable range.






Well-Known Member
I have been doing research here and on other sites and have decided that the FFOF soil I have should keep my girls happy for at least the next couple weeks. I have seen several experienced growers post that FFOF gets them through 2 months of veg with no Grow Big added. I will use my Grow Big eventually as I plan on keeping moms. This bottle will probably last me years if I am only feeding moms with it.

Maybe I will use it for my indoor veggiesin DWC (lettuce, cilantro, herbs, catnip, peppers) next month. It will also be good for my Hempy tomatoes this spring :lol: