Harvested today.. probably got QP of DANK! Got some 4 inch thick kola's they look amazing.
Like.... Had to shade my eyes cause the tri's are so frosty....
And some others... I wish I could take some pictures but I lost the battery to my camera :S
So.... Here is the plan from here...
1) Wait 1 Week Order a 64 Site Cloning Box of Ebay.. or Build one.. (the ones on Ebay are 124$) and I wont screw them up..
2) Wait another week then begin curing my Harvested Dank, and setup my Hydro Innovations water cooled C02 Generator!!
http://www.hydroinnovations.com/product-details.php?title=MiniGEN CO2 Generator&pro=4
3) Take 32+ Clones from Mothers that look GREAT might I add... Since I added the 400w MH and the HG nutes they have EXPLODED... Roots went from.. 6 inches.. to 2+ Ft Long in a week.. and there Bleach white.
4) Put clones under some T-5
5) Once clones have rooted put under 1000w HPS and Grow.
6) 1 Month later buy another 4x4 flood table and Res. Take 32 More clones and populate 2nd tray.
I now a 4 Week Harvest perpetual grow! Also my 3 mothers are all different peno's of SLH. I'm going to find the BEST for my setup.. and then only use that pheno!
One last thing Im going to point out before I leave!
I learned from my last grow not to screw around with net pots in EBB and Flow.. its a paint in the ass for roots and algae. My roots were bad... and in turn lacked on my final yield.
From now on with this grow.. i am going to use 6 inch square pot's with hydroton so I can get a solid root base. I don't think my plants will out grow those going from clones to flower!
Anyways as always any comments are welcome! Thanks for reading guys!!
I'll try to get some pictures up soon!
OO almost forgot I am now turning from GH and going to HG...
I really like the quality of growth and vigor of my mothers.
So this grow is going to be alllllll HG's Line from Drip clean to Top booster!!