My First Grow - Super Lemon Haze


Well-Known Member
(My Grow Dream: Ebb n Flow 4 (4x4) trays: 2.5 Week, SoG. 1 4x4 Mother / clone Room.)
Super Lemon Haze @ 10 Week Flowering from Clones into Lollipops.

4x 1000w HPS each tray.
1x 1000w MH Mother Room.
Lucas Formula for the Nutrients.

Thats the basics.... I'll be adding in more as It comes together.

All comments welcome and also encouraged.

I'm Currently 1 week in from Germination, so i'm going to write my daily logs down here a week at a time.

April 29th: Seeds arrived started germination.

May 2nd: 4 of 5 seeds have popped, I have plated these in rock wool cubes.

May 3rd: Adjusted PH of the water in the rock wool to 5.6, currently using mineral water.

May 4th: The seedlings are almost to the top of the rock wool. I suspect in 24 hours all seeds will have breached the surface. The 5th seed germinated today I will plant this late bloomer tomorrow.

May 5th: All seedlings have breached the surface, 2 of which are standing tall, I assume they will drop the husk by tomorrow at some point. Placed seedlings under a nanotech t5 light about 1.5-3 inches away.

May 6th: Natural Leaves showing.

May 7th: plants shot up and got to close to the light, one of the natural leafs on a plant is slightly burnt. The 5th germinated seed is catching up.

May 9th: All plants are looking great, except the burnt one, but he does have the strongest root mass to date. All seedlings are between 2.5 Inches height and .5-1 inch width.

May 10th: I added an oscillating fan to the room today put it on a low setting just to keep the leaves moving a little. I also placed all my rock wool cubes into 5 inch net pots with expanded clay.
They are going to remain sat like this for about a week until I fill the tray with expanded clay and actually start feeding them. All plants second set of leaves are starting and look very healthy.
The one damaged plants condition is not worsening, so no worries.


Well-Known Member
I am assuming the burn is from the plant reaching up quickly and touching the light.
So i'm not to worried about it, there a safe distance now.


Well-Known Member
May12: Today I got a bunch of new equipment. 1000w Emperor MH bulb. GH Nute's
Vortex Inline Fan 690 CFM and a Cool Tube and Parabolic reflector for the 4x4 area.

I duct taped up the room, its now air tight on 3 sides and i'm waiting for my Grow zippers to come in to seal off the last door.
i'm not going to seal the bottom though to keep a little bit of a passive intake system and make the room easier to access.


More comments welcome! On how there looking or anything else!! This is my first grow so keep it comein!


Well-Known Member
Learned a valuable lesson today! Don't over water, woke up and one of my plants were just a little limp and droopy. Some of them are a little yellow. I was watering them pretty much every day until now. I am going to wait a few days see how they respond to not being watered so often. Did some reading on you tube on different plants and there signs of over watering. I was thinking about going getting a moisture meter just so I don't have to second guess myself. I also found this comical video

Update: Learned it was under watering.. the rock wool was bone... So I watered her and i'm going to wait till later this evening to see if she gained in vigor.

I also set up the ebb and flow 4x4... Working like a dream.


Well-Known Member
Lost one of the 5 from what I believe to be lockout on one of the rock wool cubes. Weird I thought, but it happens live and learn.
The other 4 are growing like wild fire, as of the 19th they will be 2 Weeks old and on there 3rd set of naturals. After they get this big
I think I will put them under the 1000w MH and bump there nutes up to 50%.


Well-Known Member
So as of recent I put in the 1000w Metal Halide on a Lumateck 1000w Ballast. But I turned down the power to 600w. The plants seem to be loving it, and if i smell close I can smell the very sweet smell. Extremely Satisfying.
Ive been messing with the Lucas formula, and I noticed I have a lot to learn. READ READ READ....

Temps have been a constant 20-25 Celsius and Humidity 45 - 55.

I am slowly over the next week take my solution from 400 ppm to full strength.

I recently got a littttttle deficiency on the plants you can notice... So i'm feeding them a little more just to see how they react.
Watering is currently twice over a 18 hour period..
7am after lights on for one hour, and like 5 pm... flooding for 15 minutes and there
not being over watered so it seems.


Comments Welcomed, as this is my first grow please be constructive!!

Thank you in advance!


Well-Known Member
Went to the local hydro store owner, he told me to try some MagiCal.. a Magnesium, Calcium supplement to add to my regular feeding of my hydro. It recommended 5-10 ml of solution per Gal of Liquid. I put in
5 per ml in my mix. Lets hope this adds a little hope to my girls... i'm starting to worry :(


Well-Known Member
Look into Dutch Masters Saturator. It's for foliar feeding. When u foliar feed u r only getting 10% into the leafs. When adding Saturator ( 2oz per quart ) it opens the leaf membrane so the feed can have open access to the inside. I started using it this season and I foliar once a week with the best results I ever had.


Well-Known Member
Look into Dutch Masters Saturator. It's for foliar feeding. When u foliar feed u r only getting 10% into the leafs. When adding Saturator ( 2oz per quart ) it opens the leaf membrane so the feed can have open access to the inside. I started using it this season and I foliar once a week with the best results I ever had.
Thats the best way and fastest to recover from a deficiency .


Well-Known Member
New shots today.

Plants are eating up everything im throwing at them now, still only watering once a day.
Humidity: 65%
Temp: 23-26

24 more days of veg till clone batch one comes out!



Well-Known Member
Update as of June 4th:

Looking good had a little imbalance in my formula, so plants to a little burn but are back on track, the new growth looks amazing and the leaves are vigorous.
I'm really happy with the stretching so many people have told me not to grow sativa my first grow, and not to grow hydro my first grow... But hey i'm loving this

I added in some hygrozyme, still using lucas formula now at full strength and 1/2 dose of Calmag.

PPM sitting at 1010 @ .5 Conversion TDS. Which I am happy with might not add in cal mag next time see if I can get it at the 947... wont get higher than 1100 tho...

Temps are perfect: 20-25 Celsius and the Humidity is sitting pretty at 60% .

I also today moved the light pretty close to the plants, I am going to monitor them till lights off tonight to see if they start to transpire more.

Also theres one plant that i'm assuming is just bad genetics thats just a little mutant... I nicknamed him.. Cabbage... I'm hoping that hes going to be a beast freak of nature.



Well-Known Member
Picture 215.jpgPicture 029.jpgPicture 037.jpgPicture 030.jpgPicture 036.jpgdont be afraid to flood more often ive done 3 grows of slh in e&f in rockwool my current grow is using perlite for grow medium & im flooding every 3 hrs[lights on] & every 4 hrs during lights out slh is good stuff heres some random pics of my grows


Well-Known Member
Learned another valuable lesson today, you need to let the ph fluctuate in Hydro so the plants can get nutrients from all Micro and Macro sources.... I have been keeping my PH low... controlling it at around 5.5-5.8... which gives my plant barely any time to absorb magnesium... Which is probably why I had that deficiency.... So from now on i'm going to stick to ... stick to 5.5 to 6.1.... Silly little mistakes really affecting my grow... Live and learn and don't make the same mistake twice.