My first Grow Journal 3 Bagseeds, buds for less, LST, begginer, appreciating input


Active Member
Hey mate,

Just had a full read through now and I gotta say they are looking rather sweeeet :) keep it up buddy! I've subscriped so keep the pics n posts comin reg.

Nice one!


Well-Known Member
thanks man, I update pics every week or so but I post regularly so check back. Also please feel free to post here questions or anything and I will try to help out as best as I can. I'm still a noob myself but I learn and read and experiment as much as I can. peace :joint:


Active Member
if anyone else has an answer to my question above please share :)
Not not cut them.... He means tops(heads) that produce bud. You want as many tops as you can get.... When you LST your plants, more of your plant is exposed to the light so it encourages vigorous growth of the areas that usually are covered up.


Well-Known Member
no problem millyy :)

OG, that I understand, but he said 5-9 tops. I mean.. if I don't use any fancy nutes and stuff, can I still let them have as many tops as they develop? Or is it better to just leave a few and make sure they grow big enough. Only reason I'm saying this is because I don't want to have a great number of airy leafy buds. I'm just trying to make the best of the setup I have...


Well-Known Member
guys I've put up a thread but no answer so I'm going to ask here. Any of you ever thought about watering with tea? Not any tea.. but tea made of fruits and herbs that bare nutes which our plants so desperately need... I don't know, just an idea. Sorry if I'm absurd :) Peace :leaf:


Well-Known Member
king thanks a lot for dropping by and for the suggestions. I really appreciate you telling me about the CFLs staying horizontal... now I have to find a way to do that :) The soil I'm using is simple plant potting soil I got at the local store, has some NPK as well and some other nutes as well. I'm doing LST AND pinching, so my stems you can see are thick. Bare in mind that I tried to twist a main stem from my babies and the only way to bend it is with a knife I guess now, but that's at the base.

Now, I have a question for you, when you say 5-9 heads, do you mean I'm going to have to cut some? because I already have far more than 9 as you can see, or not because of crappy pics. anyway thanks a lot man +rep for the CLF thingy... basic but damn important :joint:
Main heads not secondary growth If I counted all them it would be 20 or so . Small ones down low should always be clipped they never catch up to the main ones , trimming out the smaller ones helps with air flow I find the small ones get in te way alot when watering too.


Well-Known Member
should I do the clipping before flowering or after I started 12/12 ? I'm asking because I don't want to stress the plants out too much.

On another note, I will start using tea to water one of the plants starting with today. Will go to the store and decide what herbs and teas I will mix in there and will let you all know how it turns out.


Well-Known Member
After 12/12 I still trim but alot less in fear of stunting them in flowering .At this point I just trim small undergrowth and fan leaves that have no choice but to overlap . I have another thread that also shows more details on LST titled All LST GROW its my current veg grow while I wait on te flowering plants to finish.


Well-Known Member
uhum... I see. I will then also try to minimize clippings during flowering. Now, as to the veg part, when I clip, is it important how close to the stem I clip them ? or is it enough if I just make sure they don't grow. I was actually thinking about covering them in tin foil so that the plant will suck the nutes out of those branches before they die. Just a thought.

as for the tea.. I didn't get to do that today unfortunately but I will as soon as I get some spare time on my hands. Right now I"m out of weed, out of $$ and I have a fucking headache :(


Well-Known Member
hey guys, does anybody know if honey can be used instead of molasses with the same efficiency? If yes, how much / litre? +rep


Well-Known Member
Nice grow man kinda like my last grow a good journal too last time I grew with the Same amount of lights u have and then I doubles the bulbs from 4 to 8 for flower and I got an ounce a plant and I had to cut them 3 weeks maybe 4 weeks early because of legal complications and they were 24 to 34 inches being the gigantic saliva beast in the corner But just a suggestion double the lights and almost double the yield plus your plants will eat it up

Towards the honey I use honey and molasses together

1 Tbsp molasses
1 tsp honey
2 tsp cocacola
In a gallon of water then I ph adjust add nutes an check ppm and ph

That's right cocacola has microbacteria in it u just want to over do it


Well-Known Member
hmm.. cocacola I've NEVER thought of that but I will start adding honey and see how they like it. Few more days until 12/12, right now I'm pushing myself to LST again but I'm lazy. Anyway I promise once it's done I post new pics. :leaf: thanks for the tips mate. I have one more 2700k 23W CFL somewhere but I don't have a cable to connect it too. I will buy another one along with the cable and have a total of 6 lights then. For that little grow space I think it should be enough as I won't grow so many plants. 2-3 max.


Well-Known Member
Alright already :) Here they are. FINALLY some decent pics... :leaf:


Now feedback people, keep it coming :)

Yo' lime, can you tell me where the main cola on my left side plant is? hehe

let's move the party here for a little while :joint: :weed::weed::weed: :bigjoint: