My first Grow Journal 3 Bagseeds, buds for less, LST, begginer, appreciating input

foil is ok youll be fine, i see you just growing indoor not worrying about having a huge yield just a decent 1 is ok for the money you spend but its all up to you what your striving for nice set up but stems are kind of small you should get a fan in there you can get the 1 at walmart 10buck battery operated 2 D batteries, buy the dollar batts alkaline they last 4 - 5 days. anything to save on da lightbill. make sure fan not blowing your leaves also you can adjust the fan to different angle from its swivel. dont blow leaves just make sure they sway a little


Active Member
looking good lol im growing 3 bag seed seeds as well and they are almost the same size as yours. im also using cfls. this is my first grow


Well-Known Member
Ok... here are pics I took about half an hour ago while LST-ing. Fortunately I didn't screw up any stems at all, but I don't know how effective my technique is. Anyway... sorry for crappy quality pics, here the are!!!


The order of the pics is totally random I don't know why, but here they are :) Please shoot feedback!

Something I have done and I forgot to mention, is pinching. It considerably helped thicken and harden. Bought another 2700k CFL :)



Well-Known Member
looks great i was thinking of trying lsting or a scrog so im gonna be watching this thread


Well-Known Member
LST seems pretty easy if you follow some simple steps. Like do it when they are dry as they are more bendable (weird.. I would have guessed differently). Now.. one of them is very little but still I pulled her a bit to shed some light on the stem... hope I didn't mess up with that.... :leaf:


Well-Known Member
good thing i haven't tried yet i didnt even know that lol. i've seen some pretty amazing yeilds from lsting your plants with cfls


Well-Known Member
yeah well.. trial and error. My last grow which was my first, had some very beautiful plants, turned out I stressed them so much with lights and no lights and nutes and no nutes and experiments that all 3 of them hermied :) I didn't even let the seeds ripen.... Hopefully this time I will at least get a decent joint out of these :) :joint:


Well-Known Member
all leaves are now back up and praying again :) Seems like round 2 was a complete success. Does anybody know if it's best to only leave a few buds if I don't use so much nutes and stuff? I mean less buds = bigger denser buds than many buds which would come out all flaky... right? please correct me


Well-Known Member
bump, is there anyone still posting here? :) I need some help with my questions if anyone could be so kind as to provide the info.. thanks :joint:

pics to follow tomorrow, hopefully another LST...

Maximus cannabis

Active Member
does anybody know how often to LST your plants? is it OK to LST with every node?
Don't over think it, you're doing great so far. There is no magic formula, you just have to check it out every day and guide the growth. That what we all do, just watch your plants, bend them, shape them. You may have to remove a fan leaf here or a small sucker there. When you start to flower, just remove the lower, popcorn buds, pick out the best flowers and let them grow while removing the rest. If you're not going to use much food, grow small plants. One of my grows will have 4 ft tall plants, the other has 1 ft tall ones. One uses 1 gallon of water every two weeks, one uses 1 qt of water every 4 days.

Remember, watch your plants, not the calendar or a manual of some sort. And I'm an engineer, not a hippy. I wish there was a magic formula, but without even knowing the strain, you just have to keep an eye on them. Don't forget, SourD came from bagseed, you never know whats going to come out of there. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
:leaf: thanks a lot mean, most needed info. So, my plan is to turn them around the pot and once they reach a full circle, move to 12/12 . Now.. thing is one of them is growing like mad. I have no idea what's gotten into it but it's like over twice the size of the other two. And it's female, I know that because she showed me white hairs since day 9... and still shows them. :) another one is very bushy and looks awesome. I could almost swear she's some nice strain but can't figure it out which one. The third one, from my best smoke yet, and only seed I got from it, is growing very slowly so I'll prolly only let her have 3-4 colas. With limited nutes, how many colas/plant do you suggest I should leave? Thanks :joint:


Well-Known Member
today they are 3 weeks old. I hope I can put some pics up later. They are really big monster plants now :) it's incredible... one preflowered and it's a girl


Well-Known Member
So here they are, a week after the previous pictures. Sorry for the shitty quality, I really need to get me a better camera...

I'm really happy with how they go.. growing super fast, bushy, strong stems, got some 9 finger leafs. The big one has countless shots all rushing upwards,I began pinching the ones that were big enough and now they thicken as well. Only had to cut 2 leafs from the long bended one, but other than that they have absolutely all seeds intact and extra healthy.

I am thinking about going into flowering in 2 weeks max... maybe next week if they will continue to grow like this. For this I have bought some nutes NKP 7-11-24 + some micro nutriments. Those are to be dissolved in water. Additionally I will buy some liquid nutes with a little N and over 15 P and K. will buy one more 2700k CFL to add up to 6 for flowering.


Again sorry for the shitty quality, but I hope you can observe what needs to be seen :)

Wohooo :joint: :leaf: :weed:


Weed Modifier
looking good man...looks like you are getting a handle on the lst'ing...great job! i like the color to my!


Well-Known Member
hey thanks for dropping by lime :) thanks, I got absolutely no problems so far. Thank GOD! no pests, no burnt leaf tips nothing :) They absolutely love it. So happy