My first grow is ambering up and ready to flush!!!!!!

This is a beautiful thing!!! :mrgreen:
I have been looking at several of these sticky, icky, green, purple buds and they are turning amber!!!
Now, I am wanting to flush immediately, she just went into dark for the evening.

When I go to flush these plants what is the quickest, but best way to flush these? I have heard that you can use clearx and u only have to use it this true?

Also, do I flush like I have before and go 5:1 water:container? or do I have to water for the next week? I am worried about the trichomes going from amber/cloudy to amber but don't wanna sacrifice taste!!

I have used Advanced Nutrients for everything up until now...any suggestions for the final phase flush from AN?
Any suggestions/feedback would be soooo appreciated!!

Thanks guys,
Peace :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
just run water through it until you get a constant run-off
i dont flush tho, just a thought... check the FAQ


Well-Known Member
Flushing for taste, etc is a myth. Proper grow, harvest, trim and cure makes taste, not flushing. Flushing just strips an already-marginally nutritive medium to a worse state. Just stop feeding for the last two weeks if anything.


Well-Known Member
Flushing for taste, etc is a myth. Proper grow, harvest, trim and cure makes taste, not flushing. Flushing just strips an already-marginally nutritive medium to a worse state. Just stop feeding for the last two weeks if anything.
This is correct you cant flush nutrients from soil or plant.
If you have been feeding correctly, you should reduce the dose of the nutrients in those last 2 weeks. With Advanced Nutrients i wouldn't be able to tell you by how much, because i dont use AN. There is nothing to be gained by starving the plant for such a long time. If you have over fertilized, then just water with plain water, which will allow the plant to metabolize the excess in those final stages of flower. ;)


Well-Known Member
i think flushing makes all the difference and it does wash out nutes and salts why do u think it starts to yellow after the flush cuz theri is a lil to no nutes left bud will be much smoother. flush with 3 times the amount of water to pot. like flush with 15 gallons of water for a 5 gal pot or until the runoff is clear.after that water it with plain water till harvest
i think flushing makes all the difference and it does wash out nutes and salts why do u think it starts to yellow after the flush cuz theri is a lil to no nutes left bud will be much smoother. flush with 3 times the amount of water to pot. like flush with 15 gallons of water for a 5 gal pot or until the runoff is clear.after that water it with plain water till harvest

Everything I've read says to flush as well. I have seen some people say not to flush as I have been (3:1) just to water til runs off....I know in hydro systems they flush completely-leading me to believe to flush at 3:1.
Do you think I have time to get in a week of watering without trichs going to complete amber? Id say about 40% are turned as of now.
This is a good thread so far and appreciate the input/feedback!!! :clap::clap::clap:


Well-Known Member
1st you cant compare a hydroponics grow to a soil grow in this respect.
2nd & i'll say it again so you guys in the back can hear it YOU CANT FLUSH NUTRIENTS FROM THE PLANT OR THE SOIL. Im not interested in what you think you know, show me proof, real scientific proof, until then don't spread myth's!


Well-Known Member
well ive flushed plants and havent flushed plants and the flushed is always smoother beter tasting and doesnt crackle from the ferts. im not tryin to argue on this though just sayin flushing helps alot. i think if u were to take a poll to see if it is better or not just to see how many flush and stand behind


Well-Known Member
id say… if yer seeing amber, chop em down, therr done. the trichromes are turning amber cuz they are dying. cloudy trichs are what I like to smoke. I used to flush, now I dont, and I dont mind. flush and cure as u please, u and yer homies can oogle over how 'f'ing smoooooooth' it is.


Well-Known Member
well ive flushed plants and havent flushed plants and the flushed is always smoother beter tasting and doesnt crackle from the ferts. im not tryin to argue on this though just sayin flushing helps alot. i think if u were to take a poll to see if it is better or not just to see how many flush and stand behind
Even if 99% of people here backed flushing, plants & topsoil wont all of a sudden start behaving differently.
The science is clear as day on this & the findings have not changed in 150 years of testing.If you like i can go on further, provide links to research, real research...., but like most occasions, i would get another canned reply about parallel grows, with & without flush that further pushes the I Flush in soil myth.
If your gonna call it something call it what its actually doing, Starving the plant.So if your plant tasted better after you starved it, that means you over fertilized in the 1st place & the diet caused the plant to metabolize the excess nutrients you wrongly introduced in the 1st place.
Can I see the links. Since I am a newbie!!! And, I, for one would enjoy reading these. I AM a perfectionist and shit, man, this is my first grow and am very confident that I will be able to do very very well!!! I just need some pointers and such every now and then. Will you tell me this-does the water need to be ph'd? I have a lifeline but I try and use this forum first. Thanks guys.


Well-Known Member
With pleasure m8, to start with i would suggest the experiment i have already mentioned, its the bit of data that definitely made up my mind thanks to another much more experienced grower than me who has nutrient's named after him no less.

here is a good place to start look in SEF section, it wont let me direct link.

These guys have had an ongoing experiment running continuously for over a 150 years & their findings after using a field that has been purposely built for this experiment, have determined that you cant flush nutrients from plants or topsoil. Just have a read through & also look at all the world wide institutions that use the IACR data from this experiment as their primary source.

if your water is lower than 6.5 pH i would increase it to above this, if its higher than 6.5 you dont have to pH down your water as the soil is a great buffer.
After I came down from being high earlier-i think it had something to do with reading for about an hour here

and it dawned on me. If it were outdoor then yes I agree with this but common sense tells me that it is in a container-which is designed to hold stuff-and if flushing works during troubles of lockout then it only makes sense that it works in this case as well. IDK. Im gonna flush though. I called my buddy and he laughed and said wtf?! yes flush!!! always flush!!! damn, man!!!


Well-Known Member
After I came down from being high earlier-i think it had something to do with reading for about an hour here

and it dawned on me. If it were outdoor then yes I agree with this but common sense tells me that it is in a container-which is designed to hold stuff-and if flushing works during troubles of lockout then it only makes sense that it works in this case as well. IDK. Im gonna flush though. I called my buddy and he laughed and said wtf?! yes flush!!! always flush!!! damn, man!!!
I dont understand? because the soil or the plant is outdoor's the rules of nature behave differently?
if you read the experiment you would see that it was setup to test the top 22 cm of soil in a field that hasnt had fertilizer added to it in 150 years & they determined that no matter how much water percolated through this soil it had no effect to the level's of nutrients in the soil. Neither did the crops they grew on them.

LOL does not your container have drainage holes?

Live in denial if you want, science is science & if they are wrong then any compost you buy is composed, based on these findings, so...:lol:

Also in a nutrient lockout the plant itself is metabolizing the excess, due to it being starved with just plain water, not the water you are pouring through the soil clearing it out! Once over fertilized & locked into the soil no amount of water will get it out.

LOL too funny.