My first grow guys!


Well-Known Member
Well I water them, then I leave it for two days and check on the fourth day to see if it is dry, I haven't had to water too much.. And no I don't mind!
I do have a question about my soil. When I put the soil in the pots, I would pack the soil down, spread some lime, add more soil, pack it down, was I wrong doing that, should I have just poured soil into it and not worried about packing it down, seems like I read somewhere today that your soil can be too compact..


Well-Known Member
Dam those look like they grew overnight great job
They did! But I think I let it get a little too cold I'm working out my heater problems as we speak trying to keep it around 68-69 the new growth has slightly purple stems on the middle plant? Not so bad on the other bigger one and the kerala is completely green stem..


Nice, don't need to worry to much about watering or nutes when they are young in soil, I have three plants growing in soil that I literally just forget about, check them every three days.

The leaf curl may not be a deficiency in the seed, I had a hot couple of days and all my leaves of the plants in my hydro system started to warp and twist a bit like that, I got a fan and put an ice pack in front of it so it was blowing over the canopy, the leaves started to come right again and the new top growth was fine.

Topping is is somewhat easy and if you end up fim (fuck I missed) instead don't worry. As above top on fourth set of leaves, I ended up topping three and fim one, the ones I topped have been few days with little top growth (normal as topping sends the message for the energy to be sent to lower points of the plant) but the one I fim has like three new tops, and that was the one I thought I did a really scraggly job on. Check on youtube for some guides, but avoid the ones that encourage plucking the top off by pulling, not a good idea with small plants, use pinch technique or sterilized scissors.

good luck and nice looking girls, I got the promo from herbies before yours, white widow x skunk#1 , have a darkstar, sage n sour, northern lights and two ice in hydro. Have two ww x skunk #1 and one ice in soil. Good luck with pulling some females. I would recommend vegging out for little longer, doing some lst, topping etc first before 12/12.


Well-Known Member
Nice, don't need to worry to much about watering or nutes when they are young in soil, I have three plants growing in soil that I literally just forget about, check them every three days.

The leaf curl may not be a deficiency in the seed, I had a hot couple of days and all my leaves of the plants in my hydro system started to warp and twist a bit like that, I got a fan and put an ice pack in front of it so it was blowing over the canopy, the leaves started to come right again and the new top growth was fine.

Topping is is somewhat easy and if you end up fim (fuck I missed) instead don't worry. As above top on fourth set of leaves, I ended up topping three and fim one, the ones I topped have been few days with little top growth (normal as topping sends the message for the energy to be sent to lower points of the plant) but the one I fim has like three new tops, and that was the one I thought I did a really scraggly job on. Check on youtube for some guides, but avoid the ones that encourage plucking the top off by pulling, not a good idea with small plants, use pinch technique or sterilized scissors.

good luck and nice looking girls, I got the promo from herbies before yours, white widow x skunk#1 , have a darkstar, sage n sour, northern lights and two ice in hydro. Have two ww x skunk #1 and one ice in soil. Good luck with pulling some females. I would recommend vegging out for little longer, doing some lst, topping etc first before 12/12.
Thanks man! And yeah I'm gonna veg for 5 weeks I am gonna try that first. And u got the white widow x skunk too! I just wanted to get used to the growing part before I used my feminized seeds! :) I'm gonna take a picture of this purple looking stem when the lights come on its kinda worrying me. I baby them.. Lol


Oh I know it's long time from flower also but if you want a more up high harvest a few colas when the trichs are cloudy and not as amber yet, less potent but more energetic high, harvest when more amber for a high Thc content and the greatest high, or harvest when mostly amber for a really chill and relaxed high. Can find pictures by doing a search, this way you can get different qualities of high from the same bud, although the Thc of course will be different content, and there is more cbd in a late harvest as the Thc starts to convert a % over to cbd