My first grow - Ghetto style...


Well-Known Member
Hi guys

it's my first post, and also my first grow...
i was reading here abit and noticed there are alot of people that know their stuff

I had three plants at first...i took the biggest one out acouple of days ago beacuse i noticed he was going male on me.

the seeds are not bought, i just took some seeds from a freind, i'm in israel so for that matter i know my seeds are real crap.

i had this guys in veg for about 40-50 days under 200W CFL...
i bought a 250 HPS two days ago and switched them to 12-12 lights
the biggest problem now IMO is that i dont have enough height in my space...i'm trying to figure out a way to make it higher. My space is also not completly light sealed for the dark time...i know it's not optimal..i just hope it's not that big of a problem

so what do you say? any observations??



Well-Known Member
ok when u say your space isnt light sealed at dark time i hope u mean when your sleeping the light in the grow room leaks out LOL. is you have your bedroom lights on and its getting into the closet whilst your plants are sleeping your going to increase your chance of males and hermies sinificantly. u wouldnt your closet 100% light sealed so u dont intterupt there sleeping time. you did good on buying the HPS , cfls are not the way to go if u want good results. also what is your closets height? could u maybe tie them down ?


Well-Known Member
ok when u say your space isnt light sealed at dark time i hope u mean when your sleeping the light in the grow room leaks out LOL. is you have your bedroom lights on and its getting into the closet whilst your plants are sleeping your going to increase your chance of males and hermies sinificantly. u wouldnt your closet 100% light sealed so u dont intterupt there sleeping time. you did good on buying the HPS , cfls are not the way to go if u want good results. also what is your closets height? could u maybe tie them down ?
I hope i'll have time this week to do some work on the closet and get it properly sealed...
I heard before about tieing the plant (low stress training?) i saw a video on youtube of a guy doing that, but he did it on a much smaller plant...isnt mine too much tall to do that? do you have a link to a guide showing this technique?

Thanks for the help :)


Well-Known Member
well u still havnt said how much room your dealing with. but im here to tell u , you dont need a guide just be gentle and roll ure stem between your index finger and your thumb so the stem is facing on a 90 degree angle your good


Well-Known Member
well u still havnt said how much room your dealing with. but im here to tell u , you dont need a guide just be gentle and roll ure stem between your index finger and your thumb so the stem is facing on a 90 degree angle your good
i tied it down...
i've searched around for LST, and from what i saw it mostly done during veg cycle...

here's a picture, does it look alright?!

