My First Grow: DWC in Grow Box w/ 250 HID Bulb (Open Thread)


Well-Known Member
I would need the flowering period to finish within the first week of August to allow for proper curing time. 8 weeks for flowering means I would start the 12/12 light cycle around the first week of June. So I basically have a little less than a month in the vegetative cycle...
Dude... flowering time is from when the first flowers show.... so if you switch to 12/12 first week june you won't see flowers untill 10-14 days later. Then 8 weeks from that point to finish. So I think you need to move the switch to 12/12 up a bit (like 10-14 days).

The first part of 12/12 is still veg, so you can keep the june 7 flower date, just know that is not the switch date.


Well-Known Member
The day-to-day changes now are obvious. All three have taken to LST really well, especially miss Jean Grey (see second pic). If you look closely, you can see some of the new growth coming in from the LST. Lois Lane is still lagging a little behind the other two.

I retied the twine attached to the top of the plants to tie down the new growth.

I switched the water again today moving to full strength nutes. I used the "Aggressive Grow" amount indicated in GH's Flora's "Keep It Simple Recirculating Program," which called for 15 ml of Gro, 10 ml of Micro, 5 ml of Bloom. Took the oppotunity to take a pic of the roots.



Well-Known Member
Dude... flowering time is from when the first flowers show.... so if you switch to 12/12 first week june you won't see flowers untill 10-14 days later. Then 8 weeks from that point to finish. So I think you need to move the switch to 12/12 up a bit (like 10-14 days).

The first part of 12/12 is still veg, so you can keep the june 7 flower date, just know that is not the switch date.
Thanks for the heads up... I did not know that. I will def move up the start of 12/12 lighting.


Well-Known Member
The girls are growing at a ridiculous rate right now. The main growth is sprouting 1 - 3 sets of new leaves each day while it also grows new nodes. The growth slowed slightly yesterday, I think b/c of the water change. But today, back to blowing up.

MJ showed a couple of spots and discoloration on a couple leaves (see pic 2 below). What you see in the pics is the extent of it and neither of the other girls have it. I suspect either heat stress or pH? It showed up yesterday and never got worse, so I'm not too worried, but looking for some opinions.

Pic 1 - Menage a Trois
Pic 2 - Spots on Mary Jane
Pic 3 - Jean Grey leading the pack



Well-Known Member
I think the spots are pH related. No biggie. You saw the spots on my little girls I think, they were a lot more and they were from pH issues and since correcting no more have shown up and the old spots don't seem to mess with anything either.

Looking good.


Well-Known Member
I think the spots are pH related. No biggie. You saw the spots on my little girls I think, they were a lot more and they were from pH issues and since correcting no more have shown up and the old spots don't seem to mess with anything either.

Looking good.
That's what I suspected... I think I lowered the pH a little too much during the water change. I don't have a digital meter (using the GH pH testing kit). Thanks for the reassurance.


Well-Known Member
For the past week, I've been leaving the door to the grow box somewhat open trying to bring the temp down to the optimal 75-80 degrees (at 85 w/ the doors closed). The way I had the doors open, one plant (JG) was getting an additional wall of light reflection. JG has been the one taking the lead in growth over the past week. Well two nights ago, while stoned, I was thinking about why JG was growing so much faster than the other two. Yeah, maybe she was just a good grower. But then I realized the idea that MJ and LL were getting one less wall of light reflection b/c of the way I had the doors opened. So, I switched the way the doors were open and what do you know? LL and MJ have been doing some serious growing these last two days, and caught up to JG a little. Crazy how such a small thing can make such a huge difference.

Pics below:
2. MJ and the new growth from LST
3. LL's growth from LST



Well-Known Member
My grow is now going into it's second month. It's been a month and a day since I first started germinating my seeds. So to celebrate, here's a series of pics showing the growth of my girls every 4 days.

Pic 1 - Day 1, 4/14/09
Pic 2 - Day 4, 4/17/09
Pic 3 - Day 8, 4/21/09
Pic 4 - Day 12, 4/25/09
Pic 5 - Day 16, 4/29/09
Pic 6 - Day 20, 5/3/09
Pic 7 - Day 24, 5/7/09
Pic 8 - Day 28, 5/11/09
Pic 9 - Day 32, Today



Well-Known Member
here's a series of pics showing the growth of my girls every 4 days.
That is sooooo cool. I've been wanting to do a slideshoe type thing... and you may have just inspired me. Before you know it they will be giant, and you will never remember them being so small... until you do it again.

I still love your setup.


Well-Known Member
That is sooooo cool. I've been wanting to do a slideshoe type thing... and you may have just inspired me. Before you know it they will be giant, and you will never remember them being so small... until you do it again.

I still love your setup.

you should see the powerpoint slideshow i put together. it just helps me appreciate the grow even more, watching how it progresses right in front of my eyes.

check out my next post, took a picture from a bit further away to show more of the set-up.


Well-Known Member
Been a couple days since an official update. I can't believe how large my girls are getting. Not only that, but every once and a while, I'm start to get wiffs of the sweet smell of the plants. I'm going to have to hook up my carbon filter pretty soon.

The girls are starting to drink a lot more water now. I change the water yesterday and continued with the same nute amounts. The roots are also starting to tangle a bit. It's pretty crazy, but the roots grew exactly above where the airstones are.

While changing the reservoir, I also readjusted the strings attached to the top of the plants, moving them further up the plants. The LST is really starting to show now.

I also did a little bit of measuring and figured out that if I weren't doing LST, my girls would all be about 6-8 inches tall right now.

What's also a bit surprising is how similar the AK-48 and Master Kushes look. If I didn't know where each one was placed, I'm not sure I would be able to tell the AK-48 apart from the two Master Kushes. I'm also a bit baffled by how bushy my girls are. Compared to a lot of the grows on here, my girls seem really really full. Is it just the strains or lighting or a little bit of both?

I'm entering my last week of 18/6 lighting and will probably be moving to 12/12 lighting sometime early next week (thanks again for the advice jigfresh).

Below are some new perspectives of my grow, including an overhead shot. Also included a picture taken from a bit further back to show more of the set-up.

Pic 1: The girls in their home
Pic 2: Take a look at MJ's growth from LST
Pic 3: Overhead shot from yesterday



Well-Known Member
When I came back from work today, I could smell my girls very faintly as soon as I walked into the door. I ended up throwing the carbon filter on today and it made a big difference almost immediately. I'll throw some pics of it up tomorrow. Right now, I'm stoned as hell and about to pass out.

I didn't realize how bushy my girls would get when I set-up my tub. They're all starting to really grow into each other now, I hope this doesn't become a problem. I imagine in a week, my grow would look a bit like a SOG grow, if you didn't know any better.

I'm cooked and about to pass out... pics tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Glad you are blazed... glad the girls are little bushes. Don't worry about crouding... you'll figure it out. Those little girls are going to do you proud no matter what.

Man they sure look good. Can't wait to see how big they are now.


Well-Known Member
It's technically day 39, but I'm putting up pictures that I took last night.

Each plant have multiple points of primary grow now so needless to say, I'm pleased with the progress of the LST. I'm entering the last few days of 18/6 lighting and expecting to switch to 12/12 on Monday.

Question: When do I start transitioning to the nutes feeding schedule for flowering? Do I use the transitioning phase feeding at the start of 12/12 lighting? Or do I start transitioning when the first pistils first appear? Jigfresh, I'm looking your way, haha. But hey, I appreciate help from anyone.

Pics below:
Pic 1: The girls as of last night
Pics 2 - 4: My homemade, cheap-o Carbon Filter



Well-Known Member
Here's what I say about the nute transition. I'll tell you what I'm doing in my current grow... and then what I think you should do. I just switched to 12/12... gave them a 36 hour dark period before the lights came back on. When the lights went out I changed the nute solution from 100% veg nutes (and additives)... to 2/3 Veg Nutes and 1/3 Flower Nutes... and I'm still using veg additives (I think it's lame that companies divide up additives between veg and flower... I think it's just for more money... AN has two cal-mag's). I will use this 2/3 - 1/3 mix a for about 4 days... then I'll bump it up to 1/3 Veg Nutes, and 2/3 Flower Nutes... and start with the flowering additives. Then 4 days later (or when pistals start showing) I'll change the mix to Full flower nutes.

I would suggest you make one transition. So I would start 12/12 with the veg nutes you've been using all along (the first 10-14 days of 12/12 are vegging anyways)... then maybe 6-7 days into 12/12 I would go 50/50 with the veg/ flower nutes. Then when the flowers start showing I would switch to flower nutes.

I suggest the 1 change becuase I am using 1 gal rez.... so an extra change doens't waste much water or nutrients... but my bigger rez I would do what I suggested to you. Also I am changing mine every 4 days becuase I expect my girls to show flower a lot faster. I don't know if they will, but the BushMaster I used is supposed to cut that veg under 12/12 time out. We'll see.

Whatever you do... don't do what I did my first grow. When I started 12/12 I dumped the rez and filled with 100% flowering nutes. Not like it messes anything up.. but they aren't using that stuff yet... plus becuase I (and you) veg so short compared with flower, our flowering nutes will go alot faster than the veg, so wo might want to try to conserve the flowering stuff a bit. I think my veg nutes are going to last me 2 years, while I'm almost out of the flower nutes halfway though my second grow. My ph adjusters are like that too. I bought a gallon of pH up and pH down. I have used about 300 mL of the pH down... and about 3 drops of te pH up. Don't think I will ever in my life use my gallon of pH up, haha.

Sorry long story. Plants are looking amazing my man.

And I love the filter... that is some cheap ass stuff. Did you wrap the carbon in a tissue??? Got the cheap ass Home Depot fan, re-using the box. So ghetto, i love it.


Well-Known Member
Here's what I say about the nute transition. I'll tell you what I'm doing in my current grow... and then what I think you should do. I just switched to 12/12... gave them a 36 hour dark period before the lights came back on. When the lights went out I changed the nute solution from 100% veg nutes (and additives)... to 2/3 Veg Nutes and 1/3 Flower Nutes... and I'm still using veg additives (I think it's lame that companies divide up additives between veg and flower... I think it's just for more money... AN has two cal-mag's). I will use this 2/3 - 1/3 mix a for about 4 days... then I'll bump it up to 1/3 Veg Nutes, and 2/3 Flower Nutes... and start with the flowering additives. Then 4 days later (or when pistals start showing) I'll change the mix to Full flower nutes.

I would suggest you make one transition. So I would start 12/12 with the veg nutes you've been using all along (the first 10-14 days of 12/12 are vegging anyways)... then maybe 6-7 days into 12/12 I would go 50/50 with the veg/ flower nutes. Then when the flowers start showing I would switch to flower nutes.

I suggest the 1 change becuase I am using 1 gal rez.... so an extra change doens't waste much water or nutrients... but my bigger rez I would do what I suggested to you. Also I am changing mine every 4 days becuase I expect my girls to show flower a lot faster. I don't know if they will, but the BushMaster I used is supposed to cut that veg under 12/12 time out. We'll see.

Whatever you do... don't do what I did my first grow. When I started 12/12 I dumped the rez and filled with 100% flowering nutes. Not like it messes anything up.. but they aren't using that stuff yet... plus becuase I (and you) veg so short compared with flower, our flowering nutes will go alot faster than the veg, so wo might want to try to conserve the flowering stuff a bit. I think my veg nutes are going to last me 2 years, while I'm almost out of the flower nutes halfway though my second grow. My ph adjusters are like that too. I bought a gallon of pH up and pH down. I have used about 300 mL of the pH down... and about 3 drops of te pH up. Don't think I will ever in my life use my gallon of pH up, haha.

Sorry long story. Plants are looking amazing my man.

And I love the filter... that is some cheap ass stuff. Did you wrap the carbon in a tissue??? Got the cheap ass Home Depot fan, re-using the box. So ghetto, i love it.
jigfresh... as always, you come through with some really helpful feedback. i'm passing around free reps right now just to try to give you some more and it keeps saying i have to pass it around more... so another verbal +rep to you.

check out my update in the next post and what i decided to do...

and yeah, by the time it got around to making the carbon filter, i was already way over budget. i figured people would appreciate the recycling of the fan box


Well-Known Member
I bumped up the switch to 12/12 lighting by a couple days. The girls were growing much faster than I anticipated. I swapped out the 6500K CFLs for the 2700K CFLs. The HID has both halide and sodium... bought this bulb so it could be used for both veg and flowering.

As for the nutes, I did not change the reservoir today and simply topped off the water (these girls are thirsty!). on monday, i plan on using a transitioning mix for the nutes for a week or so.

On a side note, while working with the LST yesterday, I accidentally snapped the top of JG. Really pissed at myself, but I'm hoping she'll heal herself. The top is still looking strong, but I'm keeping a close eye on her.


Well-Known Member
I accidentally snapped the top of JG. Really pissed at myself, but I'm hoping she'll heal herself. The top is still looking strong, but I'm keeping a close eye on her.
You barely get an update out and here I am to respond to it. I hope I'm not crowding you or anything.

No worries on the snapping bit... I'm sure she will heal right up. I snapped a couple branches around the same time in growing as you and they have fat buds on them right now. The one has been at a 60 degree angle growing like that since it snapped. The other I just left at a 90 deree angle under my screen. I don't know if it botheed them one bit.

You'll probably be amazed at how much more the plants are going to grow even after switchng the lights. I think that is the one thing that completely cought me off guard. Having too much plant is a good problem to have thought.

I'm blazed off my first bowl of my first bud I cut. Super high. Only like 2 months and you'll be blazing yours.

Thanks for updating us (at least me)... love hearing how those little plants are doing.


Well-Known Member
You barely get an update out and here I am to respond to it. I hope I'm not crowding you or anything.

No worries on the snapping bit... I'm sure she will heal right up. I snapped a couple branches around the same time in growing as you and they have fat buds on them right now. The one has been at a 60 degree angle growing like that since it snapped. The other I just left at a 90 deree angle under my screen. I don't know if it botheed them one bit.

You'll probably be amazed at how much more the plants are going to grow even after switchng the lights. I think that is the one thing that completely cought me off guard. Having too much plant is a good problem to have thought.

I'm blazed off my first bowl of my first bud I cut. Super high. Only like 2 months and you'll be blazing yours.

Thanks for updating us (at least me)... love hearing how those little plants are doing.
First off... congrats on your first bowl. How is it? You're def not crowding my space, if anything, I appreciate having someone looking over my shoulder for my first grow. You've been a really big help.

As for the snapped branch on JG, she's still growing strong, though there's a big hole in part of her stem.

And all three girls are still growing at a ridiculous rate. I'll provide more details in my update...

Thanks again jigs


Well-Known Member
The grow is 3 days into 12/12 lighting. Spent some quality time with the girls today. Here's what I did:

1) Changed the reservoir: I used the "Transition" nutes mixture recommended by GH's feeding schedule.

I also have 3 gallons of treated water (pH adjusted and treated for chlorine & chloramide) on the side ready to go since my girls are drinking about 3 gallons a week right now.

2) Checked out the roots: take a look at the pics. Amazing how the roots have formed a "V" that goes right over the V-shape in which I placed the airstones

3) Readjusted strings: Though I'm not doing any additional LST, I did re-adjust all the strings to maintain the current shape of the plants. Each plant all have multiple points of grow.

4) Raised the lights: I haven't moved the lights at all in the past 41 days. Today, the girls were barely touching the CFLs and were about 12" away from the HID. I raise the light so that the HID are about 18" above again. This also made a huge difference in the circulation of my grow box. I'm assuming this is b/c the HID is much closer to the exhaust fan.

Took a bunch of pics today:

Pic 1 - The girls as of tonight
Pic 2 - Overhead shot
Pic 3 - A different view
Pic 4 - Next to a 5 gallon container (with the nutes mix... feeeeeed me)
Pic 5 - The roots
Pic 6 - The roots shaped to the airstones

