my first grow box in 10 yrs.


8.7? well they say its about 75% off when you dry it. again thats why commercial growers dont dry it out s it loses weight. every day it sits about not dried its losing money. which is a pretty savage way of looking at it!

well i looked into the haiwian straing for you

3 options
Hawaii Skunk1
Hawaii Skunk
or one i have grown my self is Haiwaiian have which is a beautiful smoke but about 8/10 for growing difficulty if you get a riserva strain. prone to mites and you need to make sure they're in the right pot size, prone to nute burn ect ect but if you can get through all of it you will be rewarded! ut im more than happy to answer any questions during your grow because the three above will be quite similar, they will each have the genetics of the hawaiian plant so will be quite similar with a slightly different kicker.

or if its an outdoor weed
maybe [FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Hawaii Maui Waui

the 2 indoor plants have a strong phenotype and are very satisfying to grow as they are very smelly plants and are very esthetically pleasing!

but your looking at a period of 8 weeks for a Hawiian plant which is about an average plant.




Active Member
8.7? well they say its about 75% off when you dry it. again thats why commercial growers dont dry it out s it loses weight. every day it sits about not dried its losing money. which is a pretty savage way of looking at it!

well i looked into the haiwian straing for you

3 options
Hawaii Skunk1
Hawaii Skunk
or one i have grown my self is Haiwaiian have which is a beautiful smoke but about 8/10 for growing difficulty if you get a riserva strain. prone to mites and you need to make sure they're in the right pot size, prone to nute burn ect ect but if you can get through all of it you will be rewarded! ut im more than happy to answer any questions during your grow because the three above will be quite similar, they will each have the genetics of the hawaiian plant so will be quite similar with a slightly different kicker.

or if its an outdoor weed
maybe [FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Hawaii Maui Waui[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]the 2 indoor plants have a strong phenotype and are very satisfying to grow as they are very smelly plants and are very esthetically pleasing![/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]but your looking at a period of 8 weeks for a Hawiian plant which is about an average plant. [/FONT]

well thanks alot you saved me some time. im going to grow them indoors in my laundry room now since i know the temps out in my shed are not going to be warm enough for a tropical strain like these. i want to convert my laundry room into my flower room anyways. it is going to be a discussion if i cant get temps up in the room we have now. drywall and insulation will probably help alot lol...:blsmoke:


good plan. but mybe think about in the future germinating inside them moving outside for flowering as the air quality will be better. then you'll have space to have a rotational crop.



Active Member
good plan. but mybe think about in the future germinating inside them moving outside for flowering as the air quality will be better. then you'll have space to have a rotational crop.

i have a seprate veg box in the shed attached to the flower box. here are some more pics of what i have growing. i plan on a 30 day harvest cycle. dec 24 these 4 seedlings are moving on up in the food chain lol. the first 4 are pics of the seedling. all 4 have been topped going to fim before i move to flower. next 3 are big bud clones i topped and let veg another month then i fimmed them (4 in all these are just the fullest looking 2). and the last is grandaddy purp 9-10 weeks in flowering.



thats cool bud........dont over nute!! they are looking bushy bud.... what are the NPK levels in your ferts. what medium did you use for your clones?


Active Member
thats cool bud........dont over nute!! they are looking bushy bud.... what are the NPK levels in your ferts. what medium did you use for your clones?
im using a rose plant food 1/4 strength that is 18-24-16. my own compost i have dried and crushed bananna peel for extra k, crushed egg shells for drainage and extra calcium,and gypsum and epsom salt for sufer and magneisum and calcium used rain water for nitrogen and to help decompose all solids so the banannas gas from decomposision dont cause sex change. before adding thing to the topsoil i gave it a o2 boost with a peroxide flush. do you know of a good fert that i can go to say walmart and buy. i cant afford expensive stuff thats why im using such crazy things. oh and for my flowering plants im going to start adding a k-p boost to my feeding water with a aquuatic plant supplement. i looked use if it is possiable and from studies it is so im going to try it on one plant and see if i notice a differance. ther is also a nitrogen supplement im going to look at for veg. lol but thanks for the advise im open to suggestions and a way fatter yeild :weed:


i would just recomend hy-pro io

.....we did a test on it last year and its brilliant. £10 for a litre, 5 ml per dosage every other watering.....and you can use it through vegging and flowering...... made the plants grow an avagerage of 2.5cm a day. you will probaly be able to buy it locally in a hydroponics shop but you can buy it online. always by some thing that it designed for weed because then it will fill what the plant needs, insted of what a rose bush needs for example.
either that or some

Canna Terra Vega

good website btw, got every thing you could possibly want



Active Member
i would just recomend hy-pro io

HY-PRO BIO 1L - £10.00 : Hydra Online, Edinburgh and the Lothians best source for hydroponic equipment and accessories!

.....we did a test on it last year and its brilliant. £10 for a litre, 5 ml per dosage every other watering.....and you can use it through vegging and flowering...... made the plants grow an avagerage of 2.5cm a day. you will probaly be able to buy it locally in a hydroponics shop but you can buy it online. always by some thing that it designed for weed because then it will fill what the plant needs, insted of what a rose bush needs for example.
either that or some

Canna Terra Vega
Canna Terra Vega 1 liter - £14.00 : Hydra Online, Edinburgh and the Lothians best source for hydroponic equipment and accessories!

good website btw, got every thing you could possibly want

well thanks bro for the info. wish i had the $$$$ to buy some but no credit card:wall:
hey let me pick your brain for a min about something: i done a little reserch about using fish aquarium plant nutrients on my plants. they are avaliable in just k and p and they are in my price range and i can get them anywhere fish are sold lol. can you reserch this for me and see if im confused? thanks sir


Active Member
Does anyone know what is wrong with my plants? it is only the 4 seedlings and i know they are atleast 2 dif strains. 1st pic. is the problem and rest are just some random shots. last pic is temp in flower box top number is current temp lights out, second number is the high temp during lights on and third number is the lowest temp reached. i would say im safe now.



just a bit of discolouring most likely to be cause by some form of nute or overwatering.......the new leaves will be green if you have corrected the measures.



well thanks bro for the info. wish i had the $$$$ to buy some but no credit card:wall:
hey let me pick your brain for a min about something: i done a little reserch about using fish aquarium plant nutrients on my plants. they are avaliable in just k and p and they are in my price range and i can get them anywhere fish are sold lol. can you reserch this for me and see if im confused? thanks sir
Sorry didnt see this q!! errr well nutes are elements bruv, but you need to see if they are natural (such as coming in from other decomposed plants) or artificially produced. i would stay away from artificial nutes as they can do more harm than good. :o lol.

how ever what you can use is banana peel for potassium.......its very good for that
this list may help

and for Phosphorus

what you might think about is putting a pot out side and just put banana skins in and some sunflower seeds so for your next lot it will all be in the soil. then before the next flowering period mix this compost from the pot into the compost.

how ever for now tomatorite
its a lesser fert i think 4-4.5-8 but its full of micro nutes and will cost like £3. I used to use it and can say it works as one of the better of 'non-weed' ferts. :weed:
how ever fish ferts can be ok
i would reccomend
but make sure its a liquid fert.........not like potassium rock. and make sure its specifically for aquarium plant food, insted of nutes for the fish!

how long has your girl been in flowering now bruv



Active Member
Sorry didnt see this q!! errr well nutes are elements bruv, but you need to see if they are natural (such as coming in from other decomposed plants) or artificially produced. i would stay away from artificial nutes as they can do more harm than good. :o lol.

how ever what you can use is banana peel for potassium.......its very good for that
this list may help

and for Phosphorus

what you might think about is putting a pot out side and just put banana skins in and some sunflower seeds so for your next lot it will all be in the soil. then before the next flowering period mix this compost from the pot into the compost.

how ever for now tomatorite
its a lesser fert i think 4-4.5-8 but its full of micro nutes and will cost like £3. I used to use it and can say it works as one of the better of 'non-weed' ferts. :weed:
how ever fish ferts can be ok
i would reccomend
but make sure its a liquid fert.........not like potassium rock. and make sure its specifically for aquarium plant food, insted of nutes for the fish!

how long has your girl been in flowering now bruv

dude you rock!!!! the grandaddy purp is 10 1/2 11 weeks flushed her last night.
she looks good for not using any kind of nutes except what i use in my compost.
the other four big bud clones the 2 look sweet

then there are these 2 bastards lol
the top half of these two have balls the bottom half has hairs. any advise?
ok thanks again for all the info i will put it to good use. and im getting ready to go to the hydro shop for nutes im back to work finally.


mte just let them grow!!! they'll sort them selves out, and also surely an ounce growing from the bottom will be pretty much an ounce that grows from the top! so no worries man, what you can do is spray a small amount f mist with ferts to try and help stimulate the plant to make bud sites. how long has your plant be in flowering 10.5 weeks?!?!


Active Member
mte just let them grow!!! they'll sort them selves out, and also surely an ounce growing from the bottom will be pretty much an ounce that grows from the top! so no worries man, what you can do is spray a small amount f mist with ferts to try and help stimulate the plant to make bud sites. how long has your plant be in flowering 10.5 weeks?!?!
the gdp yes from the research i done it is a 10-12 week flowering bud if you know different please let me know...i pulled them two i thought were male they definitely had lots of seed pods last night when i checked on them.


Active Member
GOT NUTES IONIC GROW BLOOM AND BOOST. Funny thing is the grow shop is only ten miles from here and i didn't even know. i heard it on the radio at lunch and went after work lol.

couldn't afford fox farm but am getting in a few weeks for the next group in the box.


thats good....................its amazing whats so close to you and you dont even realise...mine was the same bud! fair play mate all looks tall is she
and hav ou harvested her how much did you get? peace.....
i realise it s early but now would be the time if you want a clear stone.....
later if yiou want a more deep stone
im using a rose plant food 1/4 strength that is 18-24-16. my own compost i have dried and crushed bananna peel for extra k, crushed egg shells for drainage and extra calcium,and gypsum and epsom salt for sufer and magneisum and calcium used rain water for nitrogen and to help decompose all solids so the banannas gas from decomposision dont cause sex change. before adding thing to the topsoil i gave it a o2 boost with a peroxide flush. do you know of a good fert that i can go to say walmart and buy. i cant afford expensive stuff thats why im using such crazy things. oh and for my flowering plants im going to start adding a k-p boost to my feeding water with a aquuatic plant supplement. i looked use if it is possiable and from studies it is so im going to try it on one plant and see if i notice a differance. ther is also a nitrogen supplement im going to look at for veg. lol but thanks for the advise im open to suggestions and a way fatter yeild :weed:

I use an orchid fert that has nutrients that are much more soluble than your regular Miracle-Gro solution. Don't waste your time at Walmart because they've swapped all of the grow stuff out for Christmas junk... Lowes and Home Depot keep their's around all year. My orchid fert cost like $12 for way more than I'll ever use.

I don't know how effective your CO2 rig is, but getting that dialed in can certainly boost your yields by ~25%.

Looks good, keep it up!