My First Grow A Little Help Would Be Awesome.

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
It wouldn't hurt to have a little more light in there, they do look a bit behind for 5 weeks into flowering, but the next 3 weeks will be the big decider. I'm glad this grow has worked out so well for you and encourage you to try a little more training the next time around to maximize the delivery of light from those bulbs. Maybe even upgrade to HID...

I'm going to guess you're about 1/2 way through flowering. Here are some comparable pictures of my plants. They are about 20 days from the 12/12 switch here and have another 45 days or so to go. Your's will finish late, probably 70 to 75 days. Keep your eyes on the trichomes and make sure you have 100% uninterrupted darkness and all should be shibby :)


Well-Known Member
daaaamn dude, lookin nice. you haven't fed yet? More light would definitely help. Otherwise you'll be gettin some fluffy bud, which isn't too bad but you know. A couple pollen sac won't hurt unless they pop open. just gotta keep on it, you still have a bit to go. don't worry about harvest/curing, you'll be ok. it's not rocket science. hang for 7 days then jar and open occasionally. I'm in the process of curing my 2nd plant right now. I opened the jar to air it out and the whole room stunk. Which kinda sucks cause i'm at home right now and my parents could smell it. my mom doesn't know the smell but my dad does x/
Yah thanks snow I know exactly what the deal was a couple time late at night when the lights had been off a while i went in to the closet to check on the ladies and cut on the lights manually for maybe 15 min and i think that maybe what shocked them slightly but im not too worried about it. I definitely want to upgrade my equipment for the next grow but we will play it by ear for sure some HID's would be choice but how do they do as far as energy consumption cuz the CFL's use hardly any. Yah i think another month or so and the ladies will be good to go im hoping for a nice christmas/new years present for myself we will see haha. I will start posting every 5 days from now on or where I see substantial change thanks bro.
Napa whatup man. Yah I have been feeding since the start of flowering and its definitely helped I tend to get excited when I see a substantial change in the ladies hah. Yah im not too worried about the sacs since I havn't seen any more since the ones I removed so im hoping it will be cool. I plan on hanging then jaring for the curing but we can talk more about that when the time comes I have been trying to read more up on it with the forum so ill just sit on it for now. Sucks about the smell bro but hey at least you know it will be dank. Like I was telling snow im gonna be trying to post every 5 days now just to keep everything more uniform as we get into this last month. O and by the way your 60DW looks fucking epic bro im mad jealous man for real haha im amazed that you were able to do it in a dixie cup badass man I would love to be at that level one day for sure bro.


Active Member
Your buds will be fluffy and sponge like if you don't get some more light. If I where you I would put those CFL's away until your ready to veg. You need at least a 400w HPS for flower.
Yah thanks man I actually just added 3 more 27 watt day light cfl's a day after those pics were taken so thats like an equivalent to 300 watt regular plus the other 3 27 watt day lights that are hanging above in the pic I moved them out of the way for sake of photos and the 2 massive 65 watt 300 watt equivalents and 2 43 watt at 150 so thats an equivalent of 1500 watt however the 65's and 43's are soft white and not 6500k so i figured it couldnt hurt to leave them.
Yah i know but being on a budget and all I kind work with what I got and this is my first grow after all hah but I am seriously going to grab at least a 400.


Well-Known Member
Napa whatup man. Yah I have been feeding since the start of flowering and its definitely helped I tend to get excited when I see a substantial change in the ladies hah. Yah im not too worried about the sacs since I havn't seen any more since the ones I removed so im hoping it will be cool. I plan on hanging then jaring for the curing but we can talk more about that when the time comes I have been trying to read more up on it with the forum so ill just sit on it for now. Sucks about the smell bro but hey at least you know it will be dank. Like I was telling snow im gonna be trying to post every 5 days now just to keep everything more uniform as we get into this last month. O and by the way your 60DW looks fucking epic bro im mad jealous man for real haha im amazed that you were able to do it in a dixie cup badass man I would love to be at that level one day for sure bro.
thanks dude, it's dank for sure. the first grow is about getting the basics down. yes it'll be fluffy weed, but you can improve that next time around. you can get some cheaper HPS lights on ebay to use for your next grow. that's what I did.
Ok so i feel like everytime I add I am adding more lights. Obviously cuz since it is my first grow I havn't sprung for an HPS. Well I can see that the buds are making progress in forming and no new pods have formed so thats good im crossing my fingers now hoping they dense up the short fat one is looking beautiful nice and dense developing around the mid section. However the taller one is looking thin still nice development I am hoping it is only temporary especially as I add more lights it will change but heres where we are right now.


New Member
and thats a cool ideal with the tomato cages easy to tie them to
i would repp u for it but did already
baha thanx bro preciate it yah im hoping they will keep it up man but the girls are looking nice if you got any advice though man I am always up for crits except for "you need HPS" haha I hear that from everybody im just on a budget for my first grow forreal


New Member
only advice is keep it up and get your thumb green then i will tell u to get a hps when u got your own weed u didnt buy use money u would have bought weed with to buy a hps for next grow u got some good results with what u are working wiith
Ok so we are winding down to the home stretch guys we are looking at the 27th for harvesting on these girls these photos were taken about a week ago sorry about the delay I just got internet installed and it was a bitch loading these in secret at barnes and noble but here are the girls as of a week ago to be honest they are at much thicker now but you will see tomorrow here is just a nice lil progress report.

So I think its time guys the buds are looking very fat and alot of the white hairs have turned orange and they smell amazing let me know what you guys think.
