My First Greenhouse Grow


Well-Known Member
big plants indoors and the clone is for outdoor ill put it out doors when roots are astablished

reet im off 2 take sum pics bak in a min


Well-Known Member
yea i buy it ,oz per week,

price usually

1.7 ten quid,,,
3.5 20quid,,,
7.0 40quid
half oz 70
oz 140
heres my indoor crop,, ive removed the bottom 25% ov growth off each plant,,
i intend on having 6ft plants and the bottom 25% will get no light so i removed lower branches so all energy goes to the top and the main branches,,

cutting out the shitty popcorn buds,
ill be vegging theese for another month or more yet

removing a branch is better than removing big fan leaf,, not half as much stress for some reason



Well-Known Member
these plants should be twice as bushy as what they are ,,iv been thinning them out over the last few weeks to get rid ov scrawny shitty branches wich will not produce good bud, instead of all the little tiny buds u get at the bottom of a plant, all that bud will be at the top 60% where it gets full light ,id rather have all power going to the top instead of wasting its energy prazerving useless branches,therefore more yeild, ive got them 4 in a 50x50x200cm cab
when theyre in the cab it looks like 1 big ass bush

the strain is ,,big buddha seeds,, g-bomb feminized, indica, 55quid for 10,, exellent germ rate,, really potent smoke, twice as good as cheese and widdow for the stonage,, great sedative values

dj crane

Well-Known Member
hey king,

i pretty much agree with herbal, though on this grow i did not lollipop the plant, i was going to do it on one, but i had alreadfy started growing it and it was a male, i had one lollipoped, one L.S.T, one topped, and one growing normal, though for the record i believe the yeild will be the same.

Plant 1, has the potential to grow "x" amount of weed if uncut, if you do cut bottom, that diverts resources to be diverted to the main cola, however this will not exceed "x", it simple puts the entire yeild in one bud

2 ounce plant

lollipoped it ghas a huge cola

untouched, it will still produce 2 ounces, only in "popcorn" buds,

either way "x" = "x"


Well-Known Member
to be honest lolipop has great benefits for situations like mine,,
i would rather have lots of medium to large size ripe buds than a few big ones and lots of waffy little un-ripe buds,,
popcorns dont compare ,
and in a side by side grow my topped plants produced around 15dry Gs more than the untopped plants,
maybee because with a topped plant u have twice as many leafs under the light wich = more energy recived by the plant ,
if u understand what i mean
instead ov having 1 huge bud and then all the other bud sites about a foot or more away from the light
but it all depends on the grow situation,,
u need 2 identicle clones from the same plant, 1 natural/ 1 topped, to be able to compare wich style yeilds more
but however for an out door grow i would let the plants grow natural christmas tree style as the more times u chop a top the more potency you loose wich is why i dont ever go for a 4cola plant,, i love potency, and only ever do strains that have the allmighty sedative genetics,,never ever waste time growing strains with less than 18%thc,,
i grow to provide myself with herb i know i cant buy,, i carefully choose my strains, read up on them and prepare the grow ready for the strain,,
i learnt the hard way by trying to grow sativa strain in a 4ft tall i didnt read up on how tall the strain grew..
it was the madusa sativa wich finish at an averige size of 8 to 12ft tall outdoors, indoors mine finished at 6.5 foot but the yeild was great, i moved all 6 in to a 1x1x2m cab and had just over 400dry gram in a metre square,,
i shud ov read up tho as the bud wasnt half as potent as what i like it was only 10/15%thc

and ive just ran out ov green until 2moro (fuckin shitty bastard cunt wipe) all i got is a half oz ov shitty afghan goldseal ,,doubt ill be getting stoned off it lol,

whats you guys fav strains to smoke or grow ?????????????????????


Active Member
first time growing and i smoke what ever i can get hold of really, you?
So bassicaly your saying the more leaves you take off the less thc it wil produce but if you do take leaves off it will grow one big bud instead of popcorns?

dj crane

Well-Known Member
to be honest lolipop has great benefits for situations like mine,,
i would rather have lots of medium to large size ripe buds than a few big ones and lots of waffy little un-ripe buds,,
popcorns dont compare ,
and in a side by side grow my topped plants produced around 15dry Gs more than the untopped plants,
maybee because with a topped plant u have twice as many leafs under the light wich = more energy recived by the plant ,
if u understand what i mean
instead ov having 1 huge bud and then all the other bud sites about a foot or more away from the light
but it all depends on the grow situation,,
u need 2 identicle clones from the same plant, 1 natural/ 1 topped, to be able to compare wich style yeilds more
but however for an out door grow i would let the plants grow natural christmas tree style as the more times u chop a top the more potency you loose wich is why i dont ever go for a 4cola plant,, i love potency, and only ever do strains that have the allmighty sedative genetics,,never ever waste time growing strains with less than 18%thc,,
i grow to provide myself with herb i know i cant buy,, i carefully choose my strains, read up on them and prepare the grow ready for the strain,,
i learnt the hard way by trying to grow sativa strain in a 4ft tall i didnt read up on how tall the strain grew..
it was the madusa sativa wich finish at an averige size of 8 to 12ft tall outdoors, indoors mine finished at 6.5 foot but the yeild was great, i moved all 6 in to a 1x1x2m cab and had just over 400dry gram in a metre square,,
i shud ov read up tho as the bud wasnt half as potent as what i like it was only 10/15%thc

and ive just ran out ov green until 2moro (fuckin shitty bastard cunt wipe) all i got is a half oz ov shitty afghan goldseal ,,doubt ill be getting stoned off it lol,

whats you guys fav strains to smoke or grow ?????????????????????
First off, great post, lol. I love in depth responses!! I never knew about the less potency, though i will freely admit i am a newb!

So how do you feel about a double harvest? Do you think that would fatten up those bottom buds? i had the aame problem on my first grow, i had badseed, and did't even know about the difference between a sativa and indica, and bam! i was trying to grow a monster sativa in a unprepared space. Ah, lessons learned i guess.

Really the only reason i tried different methods on my crop is because they are the same strain, i know not the same charicteristics, but i fiqured this would give me a deeper understanding of benifits and disadvantages of different grow techniques, and to be honest, next time i will prob lollipop 9 out of 10 plants

I can't say abuot my fav strain to grow, as i am still a newb, but i am enjoying the afghans i am growing now, nice and short and broad leaved, but i am very excited to grow White Widow for my next grow if i can afford the seeds.


Active Member
First off, great post, lol. I love in depth responses!! I never knew about the less potency, though i will freely admit i am a newb!

So how do you feel about a double harvest? Do you think that would fatten up those bottom buds? i had the aame problem on my first grow, i had badseed, and did't even know about the difference between a sativa and indica, and bam! i was trying to grow a monster sativa in a unprepared space. Ah, lessons learned i guess.

Really the only reason i tried different methods on my crop is because they are the same strain, i know not the same charicteristics, but i fiqured this would give me a deeper understanding of benifits and disadvantages of different grow techniques, and to be honest, next time i will prob lollipop 9 out of 10 plants

I can't say abuot my fav strain to grow, as i am still a newb, but i am enjoying the afghans i am growing now, nice and short and broad leaved, but i am very excited to grow White Widow for my next grow if i can afford the seeds.
How do you lolipop the plants then?