My First Greenhouse Grow


Well-Known Member
when u re-pot give em a good watering in with water that aint to cold,, it will get rid ov air pockets in the soil,,
u might think an air pocket is good and that roots will get oxygen from it but it isnt,
its a pocket of stale miost air wich will grow mold over time
after that leave them till its dry and u will see roots come to the bottom of the pot looking for moisture and exploring the new soil,,
if u dont let it dry the roots will just stay in the old soil and not go in to the new stuff and then at worst u will have root rot...
iv just moved up pot size my self it will be 7 days'ish till i water now,, if no roots come to the bottom in the 7 days in know they still got moisture in there,, soon as i see some roots coming threw ill know theyre looking for water and ill stil probly leave them a couple ov days untill lots of roots are there until i give em a drink


Well-Known Member
norfolk lights & google it
11 ltr atami square willma pots.. 1.75 each,,,, bargin for some propper ganj grow pots..
they deliver quite fast 2..


Well-Known Member
some people who are a bit unsure will weigh the plant/in the pot when its dry,, take note of the weight ,and and water when it gets back down to that weight
if u get me?


Well-Known Member
not until budding,,, i used mg before and didnt nute at all til flower,, and even then i only used a bloom stimulater,, or some pk 13/14 wud do good


Well-Known Member
if your plants stop growing and new growth totaly slows down and plant starts loosing greeness, then the nutes in the soil has ran out,, mine were in mg all purpose for 3.5 months. all purpose feeds for about 2.5 to 3 months


Active Member
Is this good enough to grow cannabis under?


Body material: Thermoplastic
Circuitry board material: Diecast Chrome
60 Blue light LEDs: 465nm (nanometer) wave length
165 Red light LEDs650nm (nanometer) wave length
165 + 60 = Total 225 LEDs

Color: Red + Blue = Purple looking to the eyes
Working Voltage: 240V
Power: 13.8 Watts
Dimensions: 12 ¼ x 12 ¼ 1inches (30.5cm) square


dj crane

Well-Known Member
i've had muchrooms grow in my indoor grow, it was because of humitity, and then mold followed, i combatted this by removing the muchrooms and lowering the humitity, i dont know about outdoors though


Well-Known Member
i have decided to bring the 3 younger plants out in the garden today , i had 2 put the 2 older 1s bak in the greenhouse because they couldnt handle the wind i have noticed some little mushrooms hav strted 2 grow in one of the pots is this a bad thing ?
This is exactly why you needed to get rid of the stones. I see you have, good move.
Dark, moist, humid conditions will grow mushrooms and also mold and it's not good for MJ plants.
Do not water again until you get a dry layer of soil on top.
All these plants are extremely water stressed.
Even the big one has papery leaves which is due to over watering.
Let them dry out a bit before you water again.


Active Member
ok thanks, iv got rid of the mushrooms and im letting the soil dry out to make the roots grow more around the pot


Well-Known Member
what does water stressed mean, will it stop them from growing or slow them down growing?
By keeping the soil over moist you will basically drown your roots.
Roots need an oxygenated environment and over watering limits the amount of air in the soil.
This will stunt growth for sure and stop them growing.
I believe this is what you have been doing.

It's actually better to under water MJ than over water. It's a weed.
Let them dry out a bit before you next water.
The pot should feel light to lift when they need a drink compared to how they feel right now.
Correct watering comes with experience and you'll get there.


Hey king,
Thought i would stop in and see how you are going! I overwatered mine too to start with. I was watering daily and i wasn't seeing much growth...I was still getting growth but slow. I haven't yet watered (this is the third day) and now i have multiple nodes, heaps of leaves crazy growth. I will water tomorrow probably. I will wait till its properly dry then flush again. Then nutes next water.

Ill be back in a few days to see how you are going!