my first go at organics


Well-Known Member
ok i am working with five white widow seedlings in a mixture of pro-mixhp and oceanforest foxfarms. They are 3 gallon growbags under a 2ft 4tube t-5 fluro setup. Now i mixed 24 cups of pro-mixhp to 22 cups of ocean forest, should i add anything else to this? i was thinking of going cal-mag? or some other porducts from botanicare. waht can i add durting the veg period that will help out. i need help and welcome any suggestions. thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
Gjdubbz.... The soil mix you are using, will carry your plants until week four, without any other ferts. Since the Ocean Forrest is so well made, I'd leave your mix like you already have it.
The Bontanicare Pure Bleand Pro series is some excellent stuff. Use it as per the label and you will get great results.
Hope this helps...
Keep it Real...Organic...


Active Member
Ya I use the pure blend pro and am having great results. I am not using the cal-mag, but am using the grow and liquid karma currently and my plants are loving it.