My first clone


Well-Known Member
I heard leave them in the dome with super high humidity for 10 days, then take it off for days 10-12 and it will make the leaves stop absorbing water and send the roots out looking for water and it ultimately makes them root very fast, very healthy- i am gonna give it a try.

Do you have a humidity dome on that, or how are u regulating it?
I have a humidity dome it has vents I can open for the last week. I will open it today or tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Here are two pics.

1 is 2 girls from plant #3. rooted in rockwool

all 9 males rooted all in soil.

The soil way looks fastest they are two days younger than 2/3 of the rockwools. Now maybe males just do better, I don't know. Next time I'll only use female in both and see what will work best.

2 are the grils still in the humidity dome.


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blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
Here are two pics.

1 is 2 girls from plant #3. rooted in rockwool

all 9 males rooted all in soil.

The soil way looks fastest they are two days younger than 2/3 of the rockwools. Now maybe males just do better, I don't know. Next time I'll only use female in both and see what will work best.

2 are the grils still in the humidity dome.
Lookin good! Don't dudes grow faster than the fems?
They're all still kickin though so there is a plus!! :joint:



Well-Known Member
Today I put all 9 males in cups. I may have rushed taking the out of the Humidity Dome. Two wilted when I was at work today. They when I moved them to soil I found that those two had no rooting at all. One was in pete moss 66% + perelite 33%. The other was Pro Mix 66% + perelite 33%. So 2 were lost.

That still leaves 7 of 9 males.

As for the girls 2 were move to soil last night. Are the girls started in rockwool. It may be slower than the soil but if I get about the same sucess rate as soil Then I will stick with the rockwool, They were around $0.18 each. Plus very easy to use.

I put some pics up in a bit. My wife just got home and needs my help.

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
What are the days they are rooting at from cuttings? curious, i have had my clones in for about 6 days now.

Looking good, nice little clone setup for sure.

Clear cups could hurt the roots though from what i have heard if light hits em they die pretty quick.


Well-Known Member
What are the days they are rooting at from cuttings? curious, i have had my clones in for about 6 days now.

Looking good, nice little clone setup for sure.

Clear cups could hurt the roots though from what i have heard if light hits em they die pretty quick.
Clone from female 1 and 3 were cut 6-22. Two of the ones from #3 were ready on 7-2 the last of #3 was ready on 7-4. #1 all have roots started but not ready to transplant. So 10 to 12 days for #3. Still waiting on #1.

All males were cut from the same plant on 6-24 and were rooted on 7-3. Two never developed any roots at all and died. So 9 day for the males in soil they could have waited a day or two.

Clone from female 5 were cut 6-24. As of last roots have started but not ready to transplant.

The boys are in clear cups the girls are in clear cup with red cups as sleeves. The clear cups have holes in the bottom for draining. The color cup have the bottom cut off. I plan to get some blue cup for the boys this weekend.
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Well-Known Member
Here is a pic of the boys spending 6 of there 18 hours under the hps.

tomorrow they will get close to 12 of 18 hours under the hps. the rest of their day is unfer flows.



Well-Known Member
4 more females were ready today. That leaves just one more. It should be ready tomorrow. pics soon.

the boys spent 11-1/2 hours under the hps then 6.5 hours under the flow tubes.


Well-Known Member
I still have 1 that is waiting for roots.

Here are the boys spending 12 of their 18 hours of light under the 430 watt hps. Note the big girls in the foreground.

Here are 8 girls in red and 7 boys in blue.

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
That looks great! Are you ready for this shit! Holy crap! Man you have me so stoked for that time! Looking spectacular!!!!



Well-Known Member
I topped males M3 and M6. The last time I tried this it was messed up.

Todays stats:

1-1) 1.38" rooted.
1-2) 1.50" in soil can't see new roots yet.
1-3) 2.00" rooted

3-1) 1.75" Rooted very good
3-2) 2.13" Rooted very good
3-3) 1.75" Rooted very good

5-1) still in rockwool waiting to root. (I went to throw it out but found out it is starting so she get a few more days.)
5-2) 1.63" rooted
5-3) 1.75" small amount of new roots

M1) 1.75" rooted
M2) 3.75" Rooted very good
M3) 4.38" before top, Rooted very good
M4) 2.13" Rooted
M5) 1.63" Rooted
M6) 5.13" before top, Rooted very good
M7) 2.50" Rooted very good