my first cfl grow any help very much appreciated.


Active Member
ok here are what the lil ones are looking like on day 5 number one has really started taking off but number two just doesnt seem to impress me that much but none the less i will let her live as she is looking way better than she did while out on the porch.



Active Member
ok so i have a shit load of views and no comments and really would like to hear you guys input on what i have goin on here.
here are teh pics of day 6



Well-Known Member
You're not at the good, dramatic, flowering part, so it's little surprise you don't have a lot of new comments. You're in the "well, it grew another 3/4 today" stage LOL. You should see a little more interest once those flowers start to be visable.


Active Member
thank you bud weaver for checking in on me before i went to bed last night number one was shooting out its set of fourth leaves with a vengence i cant wait to look at them this evening


Well-Known Member
are those a dwarf strain?if not they already bushy as fuk! gonna be a good grow if you stick to the script!
:confused:plants are looking great alot better then mine..I think I was stretching mine cause mine are alot taller so I lowered the bulbs..keep up the daily pics there amazing


Active Member
ok i have all but given up on number two as it has not shown any growth in the last week but im still keepin her under the lights but number one has taken off nicely take a look and tell me what you think.



Well-Known Member
ok i have all but given up on number two as it has not shown any growth in the last week but im still keepin her under the lights but number one has taken off nicely take a look and tell me what you think.

lookin real good to me!Gonna be sum lil bushes!


Active Member
thanks man im hopin to top here in the next few days and find out the sex if she is in fact a female she will become my momma and then im gonna do it big yo!!


Well-Known Member
plants are looking good very bushy! i have a cfl setup aswell and just planted the germinated seeds so hoping to have sprouters within the next day or so
ill be keeping an eye on this thread:peace:


Active Member
cool deal ganja i just took my lil girl and started some lst trainin on her i will post some pics tommorow and hopefully she will take to it pretty good. gonna clean out a lil bigger tub and do some modifications to it till we figure out what we are working with


thank you very much bud weaver i have seen where alot of people have burned there plants by using nutes with the mg soil as well. so let me ask you this. when i did my first grow a few years ago i used what i called compost tea. basically what it was is my mother had a compost pile that she has had for years and still has it. what i did and am planning on doing is taking a pair of womens panty hose and filling it with the compost and putting it in a 5 gallon bucket of water and letting it sit for a few days till the water gets all the good nutes out of the compost and watering it with that. when i did this before the smoke tasted so nice and i didnt get any of that nute taste that you get from nuggets you would pick up from a buddy if you know what i mean.
i just took a look at the lil girls and man that hood made alot of differance. sprout one's leaves are getting wider and darker and has the 3rd set of leaves coming out nicely maybe 1/4 inch long so far and there was nothing there but a very fine tip last night. sprout 2 has started growing rapidly and the leaves are pointing up kinda like a rose bush that is just opening a flower. it was droppy yesterday but now looks like she is ready to do some serious catching up to sprout one.
also once again thank you bud weaver for all of your info
when you do this, you should consider putting cow shit in the mix also. this will add a lot of good nutrients to the tea. Idk about where you live, but there are tons of cow fields by me and it works great. Also there is no need to use "womens panties" just throw them in a thin pillow case and soak that in the water. that way the water can easily flow in and out of the case releasing the nutes into the water, but at the same time the pillow case can be tied shut and nothing will come out of it and get in the water.


Active Member
ok so i started lst on the lil girl yesterday and my nerves got the best of me so i decided to fim her today right before i put her to sleep and now 4 hours after she has woke up she is looking really good first set of 5 finger leaves are coming out nicely i cut the new growth that was coming up in between them hope i did it right


Active Member
ok so i also have another question since i fimed the plant and i have been keeping the light within a couple inches and my plant has stayed short and bushy would it hurt if i lowered the plant from the light to promote a lil stretch so i can speed up the process of getting it around the plant or would it be better to just let it go bushy and have more nodes?


Active Member
Nice and healthy there nitroman :-) Don't worry about her staying shot and bushy, better that way, wont be long before it takes off and you will be bending and tucking and fighting for space! also with CFL's its better to train those budsights to as level a canopy as possible on top. You can go on LST and bending right through flowering if you need to with no harm, they just keep on budding. I do it all the time up to about 5 weeks of 12/12 then I leave them to finish once I have them where I want them.

Good luck with finishing them.


Active Member
Nice and healthy there nitroman :-) Don't worry about her staying shot and bushy, better that way, wont be long before it takes off and you will be bending and tucking and fighting for space! also with CFL's its better to train those budsights to as level a canopy as possible on top. You can go on LST and bending right through flowering if you need to with no harm, they just keep on budding. I do it all the time up to about 5 weeks of 12/12 then I leave them to finish once I have them where I want them.

Good luck with finishing them.
thanks man i can see already that the plant just keeps wanting to fight to get at the light and the stem is really thickenin up nicely


Well-Known Member
There is a difference between just tying a plant down and actual LST. When doing LST the goal is to make the main growth tip lower than any other growth tip. This causes the hormones, auxins I think they are called, to be redistributed throughout the plant which makes lower tips try to grow up to replace the main cola. Just tying the plant down still opens up the lower bud sites to light, which is helpful, but you won't see the yield increase that you will with true LST. You pretty much want the main tip to point down, or at least out sideways, when you tie it off. Hope this helps. :leaf:


Active Member
There is a difference between just tying a plant down and actual LST. When doing LST the goal is to make the main growth tip lower than any other growth tip. This causes the hormones, auxins I think they are called, to be redistributed throughout the plant which makes lower tips try to grow up to replace the main cola. Just tying the plant down still opens up the lower bud sites to light, which is helpful, but you won't see the yield increase that you will with true LST. You pretty much want the main tip to point down, or at least out sideways, when you tie it off. Hope this helps. :leaf:
thanks again for the help budweaver i am using the paper clip hold down method and i am keeping the tip lower than anything else as well i can see the last three nodes before the tip have all started to push out new growth and cant wait till they come on out and really let me see them.