My first 3 chamber closet grow with Blueberry


Well-Known Member
Personally I would add 3.5ml per litre of water for your next feed. You don't need to use your meter, but if you want to you should get an approx. reading of 1.3 EC(ms) or 910 PPM.

Also I would try to get some Ionic soil nutrients, I haven't used the Ionic hydro nutes on soil plants, so I don't know for sure. But I think if your gonna keep her as a mother you would be better off getting the soil type. Oh and Greenmyst is designed for use with the soil formula.

If/when you do start using a hydro system, I will help you out with recommended nutrient strengths, If you need it.

Too be honest my intentions were to get rid of the ionic nutes quickly because I wanted to exchange them for the "Dutch Master" brand, but the company that I had bought it from didnt stock "Dutch Master" & I had the nutesin storage for 6 months so I couldnt return them. I thought my as well use them considering its my first time & Ill probably mess up anyway (& I did...more than once). Do Im just using what I have while I gain a little experience plus I can always use the hydro nutes for the clones which will be grown in RW & clay pebbles.

Thanks again for the lesson :hug:


Well-Known Member
Some bad news... The hydro store emailed me which read deliveries have been delayed due to the Christmas holidays & items will be delivered early Juanuary 2009 :shock:. DAMN! Im not gonna be able to upgrade the cab for a few weeks but Tara (the plant) is growing height & foliage I see new shoots in the shodow of the big fan leaves, I was feeling giddy to snip those cuttings & flower for the very first time:cry:, but now I have no choice but to let time pass by oh well Ive been given a 4 hour documentary from a friend who says their has been an internet uproar about :confused: its called "Zeitgeist" Ill let you know how it is the plant too.

I know I said Ill post hourly pics of Tara but the cam has been playing up sorry to let you down. Its still under warranty so hopefully Ill get a replacement soon oh no wait Im guessing that'll be delayed too doh!



Well-Known Member
No worries bout the photo's, as long as You n Tara are happy, Im happy ;-)

Bloody xmas messing up your delivery and all that, it's not on! You should have asked Santa to deliver, you would have got it in the morning :roll:

Oh and remember to give her plain ph'd water for about a week before you take cuttings, you will get a much better strike rate if the cuttings are not full of Nitrogen.

Hope you have a good Xmas!!!


Well-Known Member

*DAY 51*

Since the over watering with the nutes it seems has if Tara (the Blueberry plant) has overdosed :o, so Ive only been feeding her PHed (@ 6.5) fresh water but it hasnt reduced the yellowing & browning on the fan leaves, yes I know I messed up...again. But the good news is that the she has grown over a foot & I see new nodes have developed, wish I could post pics but Ive already sent my camera off to sony for repairs should get it back this coming week will post pics first thing. Still waiting for the new equipment for extra venting.
Ive been reading up so much on cloning & I still have questions but Ill tkae of it when the time comes.

So what have you boy & girls been up to, how did you spend your christmas, I bet you guys received great presents & gifts, & dare I ask whats is your new years resolution?


Well-Known Member

*DAY 51*

Since the over watering with the nutes it seems has if Tara (the Blueberry plant) has overdosed :o

Oh dear :-(

Well straight water will help, not much else you can do but wait for her to recover. Has she grown to over a foot? Or a foot taller than last time?


Well-Known Member
So what have you boy & girls been up to, how did you spend your christmas, I bet you guys received great presents & gifts, & dare I ask whats is your new years resolution?
Happy New Year to you too. How was Xmas?

I had a nice crop of Lowryder 2 for Xmas, and the best thing is the second half of the crop will be done in a week or so.

Oh and I have managed to drop 2 brand new inline fans, in the space of a week, from not hanging them properly :wall:

So my new years resolution is to stop rushing, and hang my fans properly. :roll:


Well-Known Member
Oh dear :-(

Well straight water will help, not much else you can do but wait for her to recover. Has she grown to over a foot? Or a foot taller than last time?
A little over a foot in total.

The fan leaves are turning a very pale yellow
colour whilst the lower fan leaves are turning brown and getting crusty seems like those leaves are about to fall off, will they grow back, will she recover?


Well-Known Member
Happy New Year to you too. How was Xmas?

I had a nice crop of Lowryder 2 for Xmas, and the best thing is the second half of the crop will be done in a week or so.

Oh and I have managed to drop 2 brand new inline fans, in the space of a week, from not hanging them properly :wall:

So my new years resolution is to stop rushing, and hang my fans properly. :roll:
Oooo lowryder 2 nice nice I like!

Dont worry warrant will cover it...I think.
Just use the fan brackets if possible. Do you happen to have a journal currently in action? Id like to take a look.

Not much happened this christmas its way too cold to even go out & have fun, global warming? More like global freezing!


Well-Known Member
A little over a foot in total.

The fan leaves are turning a very pale yellow
colour whilst the lower fan leaves are turning brown and getting crusty seems like those leaves are about to fall off, will they grow back, will she recover?
Sounds like Nitrogen Deficiency to me. Did the fan leaves become yellow gradually? Are the veins of the leaf green with the yellow between the veins?

How long have you been feeding plain water for?


Well-Known Member
Sounds like Nitrogen Deficiency to me. Did the fan leaves become yellow gradually? Are the veins of the leaf green with the yellow between the veins?

How long have you been feeding plain water for?
Yep that description sounds right & in the right order. If been watering plain water since that day I over nuted which was on the 21/12/08 since then Ive water 3 or 4 times with plain tap water (left to sit for 24hrs) PH @ 6.5.

Will it get better on its own or do I need to assist it with certain additives?


Well-Known Member
I think it's more likely to be deficient in N. She may have been on plain water for too long.

Just start feeding but go easy with the nutes, start at 1/4 strength and build up to half strength over a week or two.


Well-Known Member
*DAY 55*

Just finished watering with 1/4 dosage of Ionic nutrients (10.5ml Grow & 7.5ml Humic acid for a total of 6 Litres of water) & PH at 6.0 just to see how it reacts to PH at 6.0. I took your advice on the 1/4 nutes Trickky.

Well the status...? :o is not good!
Firstly there were problems with the lighting, for some reason the lights were switching on & off randomly for 2 days at first I though it was the fluro bulbs but it wasnt so then I checked the timer but that was ok too so then I checked the wiring with a current detector which was also working correctly I still have no idea what the problem is but yesterday I began to worry that the plant my go into flowering mode if the lights carry on playing up so Ive switched the timer to lights "permenantly on" in other words 24/0, but thats not all carry on reading next paragraph.

Many of the fan leaves are crinkly, dry, shrivelled up, yellow & brown. Even the other leaves I think they are called bud sites (the leaves under the fan leaves :?, sorry I dont know the correct term) have become deformed due to the weight & pressure of the larger fan leaves pressing down on top of them overall she has become bushy but weak, even so Im going to cut clones in a day or two & see what happens. By the way if anyone has any guides on cuttings & clones please feel free to post it here I need as much info as possible thank you.

The good news is the new equipment has arrived so Im going to modify the cab which will keep me busy for a while also my camera has arrived so check out the leaf issues in the pics maybe someone can tell me what the problem is & how to solve it.

Man Ive got the blues I was hoping 2009 would begin much better than this :-(



Well-Known Member
Morning! Your up late?

Looks like she's hungry to me. I'm wondering if she might be root bound also, whats going on at the bottom of the pot (drainage holes), can you take a look?


Well-Known Member
Believe it or not I cant sleep because Im planning the mod of my cab carefully because I cant screw up, Im going to begin first thing in the morning I mean when I wake up later on today. Also I need to find a solution for Tara shes in bad shape.

Yep it has a few brownish roots at the bottom creeping out the drainage holes its definetely time to transplant, I have a 15L pot (it smells of fresh plastic) which arrived with the rest of the equipment today I mean yesterday.

Is it possible that the plant is in this state because it is root bound?


Well-Known Member
Well I think it's a mixture of both, N deficiency and Root bound. I'm pretty sure when you lift her out of the pot she is in now there will be a mass of roots.

15 litre sounds good to me, get her in there asap, and you need to feed her a little amount often. A drop of Superthrive would help too if you have some?

Did you get new nutes with yesterdays delivery?


Well-Known Member
As an afterthought, you could post a few pics on Von Danks thread. He sure knows his stuff and might have some advice for you.


Well-Known Member
I didnt order any nutes but Im thinking I should have ordered some better ones than Ionic. Why do you ask? I should be asking which nutes do you recommend?
Ill ask the doc later today.


Active Member
looks just like my problem. your plants look way healthier though. i have rearranged my fans and started some nutrients. my pots are about 3 times bigger, might be 4 than yours.

i think my problem was a ph-chlorine-temp-lack of nutes problem. seems to be settling a bit but the plants are so thirsty which makes me think its still too hot.


Well-Known Member
looks just like my problem. your plants look way healthier though. i have rearranged my fans and started some nutrients. my pots are about 3 times bigger, might be 4 than yours.

i think my problem was a ph-chlorine-temp-lack of nutes problem. seems to be settling a bit but the plants are so thirsty which makes me think its still too hot.
Seems like were in the same boat, theres something strange happening with my plant though...Ive noticed that only the fan leaves are affected even the new ones which are growing at the very top.
I hope it settles down soon, god luck with your grow & keep me informed.