My favorite electric grinder

I thought it'd be easier to chop it up with the food processor before decarbing instead of picking it apart which is what I do now. :-)
Do you decarb for the same amount of time when its all broken apart? I'll start doing it this way as well. Makes much more sense.
I wanted to post this to show that it's not all balls. There's a lot of finer stuff too? It just settles and has to be stirred.

Sorry, misunderstood what you were asking, and I'm actually still having trouble. Can you provide a little more detail for me? Thx

I read back, and I missed the part where dstroy started taking edibles. For edibles, I concur that decarbing is a must. For weed to vape, not so much. The confusion came from my inattention.
I read back, and I missed the part where dstroy started taking edibles. For edibles, I concur that decarbing is a must. For weed to vape, not so much. The confusion came from my inattention.

Gotcha :)

Yeah, if you don't decarb before making oil/budder, it's not going to work so well. Probably just be wasting it.

Dude, this is a great idea for chopping it up before decarbing too, picking it apart takes too long.

I've also got an arizer extreme Q. We just use a cali crusher to grind up what we need though, no wrist injuries here or I'd be on amazon right now ordering one.

We're moving slowly towards edibles though, so I'm going to keep this on the backburner for when we start making larger batches of butter or oil. Thanks

I had bought myself a Volcano a couple years ago, and actually ended up selling it a couple months later. I like the Arizer way better. Maybe it's because I've had mine since 2008, and was just used to it, or what. It may take longer to fill a balloon, but I can get the vapor so thick that you can't see through the balloon. I fill three balloons with a .5g load! I actually run my fan on 2. It takes exactly 3 minutes to fill a 5lb turkey bag, but it's not annoying or anything. I just start it, walk around the house and do stuff, then come back. It's like making coffee :) I run it on 2 because you get thicker vapor. I also clean all my parts every other day and change my screen for every new glass bowl. You don't seem to get as good of vapor with cruddy parts, and the taste is so much better when everything's just been cleaned :-)
I had bought myself a Volcano a couple years ago, and actually ended up selling it a couple months later. I like the Arizer way better. Maybe it's because I've had mine since 2008, and was just used to it, or what. It may take longer to fill a balloon, but I can get the vapor so thick that you can't see through the balloon. I fill three balloons with a .5g load! I actually run my fan on 2. It takes exactly 3 minutes to fill a 5lb turkey bag, but it's not annoying or anything. I just start it, walk around the house and do stuff, then come back. It's like making coffee :) I run it on 2 because you get thicker vapor. I also clean all my parts every other day and change my screen for every new glass bowl. You don't seem to get as good of vapor with cruddy parts, and the taste is so much better when everything's just been cleaned :-)

We use the whip a lot cause it's easier, but when we use the bag we like the fan on 2 as well.
Wanted to give an update on how this is working. Grinding a different strain gave slightly different results. I ended up with balls that were a bit bigger than the previous strain. So I ended up fine-grinding the buds further with my hand grinder. Even though the electric grinder didn't break the buds down as far as I wanted, it did make it so much easier to grind it further with my hand grinder. And it's still way faster than only using a hand grinder.
Wanted to give an update on how this is working. Grinding a different strain gave slightly different results. I ended up with balls that were a bit bigger than the previous strain. So I ended up fine-grinding the buds further with my hand grinder. Even though the electric grinder didn't break the buds down as far as I wanted, it did make it so much easier to grind it further with my hand grinder. And it's still way faster than only using a hand grinder.
It's always nice to end up with bigger balls. (Except in your stash.)
Idk what your headshops are like but just get a two piece quality grinder, like a space case. I'm not usually grinding 15 grams at a time, but saving keif in a 4 piece grinder is like junior high shit. "oh I got some keif in my grinder" "ok who gives a shit?" Not giving you a hard time obviously just sharing some facts
Idk what your headshops are like but just get a two piece quality grinder, like a space case. I'm not usually grinding 15 grams at a time, but saving keif in a 4 piece grinder is like junior high shit. "oh I got some keif in my grinder" "ok who gives a shit?" Not giving you a hard time obviously just sharing some facts

I've got a decent 4-piece grinder, but I'm having to grind often, and its tough on the joints in my hands. And I certainly love kief. I like making pucks using pen tubes, a nail, and a hammer :)
I've got a decent 4-piece grinder, but I'm having to grind often, and its tough on the joints in my hands. And I certainly love kief. I like making pucks using pen tubes, a nail, and a hammer :)
Pen tubes a nail and a hammer? Yeah man Im kinda the guy that scores OZ/kilos bricks of hash/keif. Idk not bragging dude just saying. And I probably shouldn't have said that
Pen tubes a nail and a hammer? Yeah man Im kinda the guy that scores OZ/kilos bricks of hash/keif. Idk not bragging dude just saying. And I probably shouldn't have said that
I know who's house I'm robbing next LOL! JK

yep, I'm small time lol. I scrape the bottom of my grinder for scraps, then when many months go by and I have enough for a puck, I celebrate like it's Christmas!

But hey, if you're feeling bad for me, I'll give you an address to send me some ;)