My experience after quitting smoking after 6-7months of daily use


Well-Known Member
I'd get so blazed at night that I was terrified of everything. I'd honestly go to sleep in terror. Marijuana can have mental withdrawal symptoms as mentioned above, lack of sleep and loss of appetite being the major ones, however it doesn't last very long. I know for a fact I'm nowhere near normal and probably will never be; I'm afraid I don't know what normal even is, however, all I know is that I need money, and that's all that really matters to me anymore. I dropped out of college the semester after all that took place and went to a vocational academy.


Well-Known Member
If you make the body used to anything, it is going to react negatively to its absence.


Well-Known Member
the symptoms you are describing are those of manic depression. feeling like a god at one point and then extremely depressed the next. these types of mental illness usually show themselves or manifest in the early twenties when times of great stress and change can affect an individual. sometimes use of illicit drugs can reveal or agitate mental illnesses. your reactions are not typical of someone who stops smoking weed. i think you are either blowing it out of proportion, or you have a mental illness. if you think you had withdrawals from marijuana, you dont know what withdrawals really are. try kicking heroin, no that is withdrawal.


Well-Known Member
Everything seems to be fine now, I'm "normal" or whatever the fuck you call it.

EDIT: Bill hicks definitely helps people get out of depression. pot/psychodelics are a great way to expand your mind and realize that matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, and understanding how you are related to everything and everything is related to you. Also, fuck pacifism.


Well-Known Member
Cannabis didn't do that to you. Your brain did that to you. Like previously said. It's not physically addictive but can be mentally when you have an addictive prone personality. Don't blame the weed because you have an imbalance in your head.

Edit: I'm 3 days into stopping smoking. I've toked once yesterday to get rid of my stash. I haven't had a problem. In fact I just made the biggest breakfast I could. Tonight I'll sleep like a baby, right after a huge dinner. Probably rosemary lamb chops and a pumpkin risotto... cause I'm feelin' froggy.

2nd edit: I'm only stopping smoking because I have to go back to the doctor for an assessment so I can start getting my pain medication again. You wanna talk about withdrawals? Take 240 30mg oxycodone (per month!) for 2 years then lose your insurance and have to wait a few months before going to see the doc again.


He be paranoid skitziod, in a few years you will experiance " THINGS THAT MAKE YA GO HMMMM".
Pot = sleep dep?? Your trippin or smoking meth.... Weed doesnt give you sleep dep FULL STOP. Lose of appitite?? Sounds like tobacco.. I seen the worst of the worst with weed ( my brother went skitz and stabbed my mother to death ). Due to depression and paranoid skitzoizm, smoking weed sent him over the edge and made him flip out.. Ive seen the worst weed can do and its like nothing you discribe from my own experiance.. Id go see a quack if i where you mate..