My dog aate my weed


Well-Known Member
i GIVE my dog the stems to eat. she LOVES THEM. she's a 100% pitbull and the SWEETEST dog ever. she hates when people blow hits in her face but she LOVES eating the stuff... i just dont give her any buds - those are for me... but come harvest time - WE BOTH cant wait!


Well-Known Member
Right on! Glad to hear that you dog is fine. I'd be scared shitless if my dog went through that even knowing that no actual harm could be done.

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
Glad to hear he is ok...that pic looked like he was looking for a movie...did he jack the remote dog loves to eat the trim,gotta watch her like a hawk tho


Well-Known Member
yea bro,that dog looks FUCKED up!but yea im happy no real damage was caused,watch ur schwag for now on bro!lol at least ur dog didnt eat 9-10 grams of dank


Active Member
i felt so bad for him when he woke up, when he got up and it looked like he was drunk, then he went outside and started to run around, too bad i didn't record it because it was some funny shit


New Member
glad to hear his doing better and yes he will eat it again think about it we drink puke and fell like shit for 2-3 days and we start drinking again hard alcohol is the worst to jump back into beers fine but still takes some time.


Well-Known Member
Wish i saw this earlier, My dog found my stash of shrooms (4.5 grams) and ate ALL of them including the bag..I had the most fun that night..He was walkin up the stairs and i was around the corner and he came to the top and i scared him so bad he jumped like 5ft back and turned around and ran straight into the wall...I felt so bad but that shit was hilarious


Well-Known Member
Wish i saw this earlier, My dog found my stash of shrooms (4.5 grams) and ate ALL of them including the bag..I had the most fun that night..He was walkin up the stairs and i was around the corner and he came to the top and i scared him so bad he jumped like 5ft back and turned around and ran straight into the wall...I felt so bad but that shit was hilarious

HAHAHA funny as hell right therrre!i get high with my dog and cat all the time at the same time,whenever i light up my dog comes and lays next to me


Well-Known Member
HAHA, sounds like my dog! I swear he hears the bong rumbling and runs into my room and gives me the sad puppy eyes until i put the 2 liter over his mouth and get him RIPPED!! After that he bugs me until i give him those bacon strips for dogs then he passes out watchin some tv with me..hes the shit! We put the gas mask on him one day and ran out of my room and pretty much ratted me out to the p's because it was still stuck on his face!


Well-Known Member
LOL DUDE THATS FUNNY AS HELL! im giving u some rep,check out my thread if u want,and i needa get a gas mask i got ripped a few times off 2 of them,and yea my dog gets the munchies bad as hell,last time ate a box of bones then his whole bowl of food,drank all his water,then passed out at my feet


Well-Known Member
LOL!! Dude dogs are hilarious when you get them blown! I swear they love it!! Gas mask get you retarded if you know how to hit them right but the only bad thing is it can give you acne from sweatin in it from coughin your balls off(or vajayjay) but it was seriously worth the 60$...Dude i get scared when my dog eats that much he just wont stop! I think the worst thing he ate besided my shrooms was one of those HUGE hershey n everything! Thanks for the rep! :)


Well-Known Member
i give my dog chocolate all the time and hes 13 and healthy,its only bad for small dogs they say.and u only paid 60 for the gas mask?WHERE THE HELL DID U BUY IT! haha


New Member
well scaring the hell out of a poor dog is not funny to me i think thats sick and maybe you need to not have animals.