My dog aate my weed


Well-Known Member
Maybe you need to not assume that i scared him on purpose and i was just walking around the corner n he was coming up the stairs the other way..


Well-Known Member
My dog was a smoker. If you came in and had a bag, he was at your shit, sniffin and pawin. My buddy's like, " What's up with your dog?", I say "You gaotta a bag huh?", " Ya", He want's to get high. Little fooker would follow a joint around a room, and not sit in front of the joint. He'd wait for you to blow ur smoke, then move on. Take 5 or 6 hits and go lay down. He'd eat the shit too if you left it within reach. Quick little fucker. RIP Killian.


Active Member
Wish my dog would sleep at some point in the day.
May have to mix some stuff with his food so he can fucking chill out for once. >:(

His breed of dog sposed to be fucking lazy. >:(


Well-Known Member
Your dog will be fine; I've known a few differnat types of pets eating weed. They are just really sedated. Don't worry - all will be fine. My cats like it, and my dogs make sure to come very close when PAW is smoking.


Active Member
Now im not an expert on the subject, but here is my take. My sister had a pug, about 20 pounds, and he got into my pot twice! both times were about 3 fat joints. he was so high, for like 2 days both times. the second time he climbed from furniture to get up on my entertaintment center to get it. so all these people saying dogs dont like to eat buds are full of shit, maybe some dont, but this dog would sniff it out and get it if he could. so he was all fucked up, in a great mood, but couldnt walk straight at all. he did not puke or anything, he was just high. now i dont recomend giving your dog weed, but unless its a whole lot of weed, i dont think anyone needs to worry. now the strange thing is that humans dont get high off eating weed. and i know someone will say, well what about pot brownies? weed has to reach a combustable state to release thc into the human body. when you cook brownies, thats exactly what it does. however, dogs CAN get high just by eating it. like i said before i dont recomend it, but if your dog comes around when you smoke, and eats ur stash, he likes it, nobody can argue that, all these animal rights people sayin its immoral and shit. dont force your pet to do drugs, but if they are an adult, they can make responsible decisions, ha.:joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint:


Active Member
hey this is a pretty funny thread. looks like that guys dog greened out. my friend had 8 sprouts this year from some seeds she was given and her cat ate the top off of all them. she went outside and found 8 little stems and no tops on them. she wasnt worried about her cat but she was so shitty about her baby plants. and she is not happy that i have two plants from the same batch of seeds. it made her cat be sick over the yard though


Well-Known Member
ive only gotten my dog stoned once and once i gave him adderall. It made one chill ass dog I swear he loved it. If I take him for a 3-4 mile walk he'll follow me around for a while because he's happy with me and after I got him stoned he followed me around the next day. And whenever I come home with weed in my back pocket he'll sniff my ass and give me the bambi eyes. He loves pot. Dont be greedy guys. Pot is for everyone share ur drugs with your pets. Im a stoner and I approve this message.


Well-Known Member
my dog likes pot.. he's eaten a quarter of dank before.. he was fine and a puppy when he did it.. yours'll be ok.


Well-Known Member
hahaha sorry bro i feel for u one dog of mine has eatin a qp and scattered it around the back yard but i saved some of it he is still here killed a cat today crafty fart. my puppy loves it i cant leave it out with her around she will eat it everytime she is 3 months old and has a a shot glass full and about a quarter of good and my bro lost a half the other day and we couldent find it anywhere after smokin a bowl so we think she got to it but she is still alive so ur pooch will be fine