My Current Grows Continues

i made them that way on purpose so when I go and get the seeds I dont have to fight the bud, if i was making weed for me and the patients then they are compact and look like cannabis should, but they are really stretchy for a purpose :-)


Well-Known Member
Thanks man it was just weird because the others looked so good =) and it sounds like a good idea if like you said for some seeds

i would rep ya but it says i gotta spread some love elsewhere first =)
i havent heard of anyone stretching them on purpose so i decided to see if it was a good idea or not. i have been picking off the balls as soon as i saw them as not to seed the whole plant but I can see that I have missed alot of them since they started to pop this morning.
The 2011 growing season has begun.
Dark Star
Burmese Kush
Deep Purple
and my own strain are all germinated, 100% AGAIN!!
no blaming attitude, lol



Well-Known Member
omg im a kush fan and burmese is the only kush i've never seen hope she grows to be a huge bitch those all feminized?

the newest member of the "Conway Cartel", a party bowl!!
THis was a gift from my good buddy with the 100+pound rottie mixes that play with my dogs all the time.
Smoking some of the headband mother that came off early and holy mother of mary, this stuff is the most potent I have ever had. it has a more pointed sharpness to it than compared to my other all time favorite, Jilly Bean who has a more mellow fruity feeling all yellow and soft orange. I have messaged the "others" and have convened a meeting for tomorrow around2pm to share some of this. I have enough for tasters and no sale...not yet anyway. The mother is still 2 weeks away at best. I am too stoned playting poker to get the batteries for that camera over there and yet by now I could have gotten the damn things.


Well-Known Member
hey jesus nice lookin op. plant r awesome. that headband looks exactly like my bomberry. it was like looking at my plant. im about 36 days into flower. whats that i guess i missed it or forgot by now lol. wana see the headband finish. im subbed.

latest this afternoon
this is the end of the winter growing season for me till fall. summers are too hot and too much aggervation trying to keep the temps down.

KK- our first strain made here in ??, headband x chocolope
DP-Deep Purple
and I forget what the ? is, could be any of the three but I forgot what I farmed out to the group. but as you can see that the cats love this one and leave the others alone

a the HB is at 7 weeks and still has another 4 weeks maybe more. but to finish it is going otuside during the day and getting some free light from God.

that looks awesome, nice job!
I tried an experiment to make my own seeds and I wont do that again. its hard to pick out the good seeds form the immature ones and almost no smoke that dosent have a seed somewhere in there. just a royal pain in the ass