My Current Grows Continues


Well-Known Member
Usually a sign of overwatering/waterlogged. I have a super lemon haze that tends to do this in super soil though. SLH is not a big eater and she tends to show stress from making spreading her roots in a fresh pot of SS. Maybe try cutting the soil a bit with 20% peat moss and see if it lightens it up a bit for both water retention and nutrient strength?
it was almost a deficiency in the soil, i added some GH micro, gro and bloom and everything came out well :thumbsup:
if you look closely, the tall thins plants around the big center one, ewll the sativas are one month old. go back to page 45 i think, 11.17.12. they are by far the fastest growing plants I have had.

My last emergency stock of seeds and then we are buying something from TGA and something from Gage Green and going to play with those stable genetics for a few years.
what to breed next?

extensions suck

so i was looking at Jilly Bean from TGA and going with Gage Green Black Berry Pie

i love the high and smoothness of Jilly Bean and i thknk adding a little purple,diesel will give it some major depth, but it sounds delicious.
up to date pics
these are the same plant that is coming down real soon
I took these to see any difference because i think it has stopped growing, lol i know.

these are the ones that are just over 6 weeks old, crazy fast growth i have never seen before in any strain of mine. veg for 2 weeks and flower.

of course your opinions are needed, schwag, stump and anyone else here ;-)


Well-Known Member
what to breed next?

extensions suck

so i was looking at Jilly Bean from TGA and going with Gage Green Black Berry Pie

i love the high and smoothness of Jilly Bean and i thknk adding a little purple,diesel will give it some major depth, but it sounds delicious.
I know I wouldn't be inclined based on the photograph lol. I haven't finished a sub strain yet. I got a male vortex and a female querkle right now. I'll probably end up tossing the male vortex as I don't have a place to put him. Unless I get really ambitious and buld a tote to flower him. Happy Holidays JoC.


Well-Known Member
That's good to hear because I waited too long to renew and I don't like being with just the paperwork while I wait for my card.
here is the spring '13 grow, AK-48 from Sharecropper, a new grower/acquaintance that boards their pets the same place we do.

same as before, they sprout and they go into solo cups with Roots until they veg a few weeks or a month depending on space in the flower room.
then they go into their final home, whether 2 or 5 gallon pots i havent decided yet, might do 1/2 n 1/2, veg 6 longer while 6 are flowering.

Soil is still Roots 707 on the top with Supersoil 1/3 way to the bottom, works everytime!!

veging with a 250 hps and flowering with a 400 and 600 hps
they will soak for 24 hours first and the ones that fall are the ones I keep.

wet paper towel folded over with the seeds inside will go into a zip lock baggie and onto the Dish receiver for warmth for a few days til i get taproots
13 of the 15 came out, not bad

and here they will sit for a few more weeks in their red solo cup in some Light Warriot.

Picked up some Happy Frog for flowering, never used it but the hydro said it was almost as good as the Roots 707 but with no gnats, SOLD!!


Well-Known Member
I like happy frog for seedlings and veg. I wouldn't use it for flower though, your flowering plants will turn it into nothing more than substrate in 2-3 weeks, so be ready to feed including cal and mag. Same with the 707 which is about 50% of the concentration of the regular roots, my bread and butter :D

Have you seen Vermifire anywhere in the northern parts? I'd like to try it but haven't seen it anywhere yet. Nice looking sprouts, good luck with the ratio, I'm hoping for giiirrrlz :D
vermfire? i havent heard of it, i am going back to get more shit this weekend, ill check them out and see, chances are that the owner has never heard of it before.

I will put my supersoil on the bottom of the pots 1/3 or so and have HF on top for veg, i think that should be good. I wouldnt mind a few males, i have had this strain before and am looking for a good couple to work with in the near future.

I am more worried about opening my grow to someone besides me and my wife, just leaves too many loose ends to cause trouble and i am a worrier anyway. o well.

Man i love that avatar, lol.


Well-Known Member
Damn JoC, that's an awful condition to deal with I'm sure, both mentally and physically. Get those stitches out quick! Don't scratch!
my docf said one time during surgery that of all the conditions that can afflict the human body, I am lucky to have only these. he has a patient with the same condition except he/she has them all over on the outside, mine are under the skin so they are not as bad. I tried to get in contact with the other patient to give him information that MMJ does help the inflammation and irritation, but patient confidentiality and all.
Physically it hurts all the time, soreness and the constant itching plus they stink to high heaven when the are draining and i have comes to terms with it mentally, but that took years to cope with.
A few years ago, 8-10 or so my nieces told me at Christmas that I had jelly running down my face, a cyst had burst under my hair and I didnt feel it, pus and, jelly :-) love those girls.
Schwag have a great day!!

ak47 from sharecropper and the KK are konway kartel, my strain :-)
these are my spring harvest and with a new cloner in the mail, i will be able to squeeze another harvest in between may and june. fucking love growing and being able to smoke my plants. I "gave" some for a birthday present to a dear friend, the ex, and they loved it and had no idea such quality is around, lol. i think its medium at best but everyone in the circle loves it, i guess i am my own worst critic, i always know i can do better, go longer in
BUt IT couldnt happen without my wifes approval and thats hwy i love her sooooo fucking much, man she saved me from a life of alcoholism and probably much worse, :-) she is awesome.

Camping this spring in the UP again, cant wait, and this time we are meeting some of you fuckers in person, its time!!!

3 hanging to dry, one quick dried and shipped out and one growing and the rest are 3-4 weeks away from flowering, and now with the cloner up and ready..its gonna be pretty fun. I am hoping for a nice AK to clone and keep alive as a mother. My soil was a bit too hot for this round of Konway KArtel, but with the AK's being heavy indicas, i expect them to flourish. i have never grown someone elses'genetics before, kinda nervous to get them right.