my clones are not rooting HELP NEEDED DESPERATLY


Active Member
I Have taken some clones from my mother plant and they have been in my humidity dome for 3 weeks now and still no sign of roots whatsoever i was just wondering can i remove from rockwool make a fresh cut on them redip in clonex and put in some new pre soaked rockwool because they are not rooting whatsoever ....... please any help or advice will be greatly appreciated .*


Well-Known Member
rapid rooter cubes and clonex work much better Than RW IMO. aero works too. Cloning takes time to get good at don't get in a hurry.


Well-Known Member
abandon cloning in rockwool. buy yourself a aerocloner and watch as you get results in 4 days.
For sure, only make the ez cloner yourself. Stupid simple and will last years.

But at least get out of that rock wool. I was having better than 50/50 success with domes and root riot cubes and no root harmones, just misting with tap water and they were out in 7-10 days. Near 100% when I added rooting hormones.

But the ez cloner is just way better and faster.


try a heating pad under your humidity dome and keep the cubes moist. I have cloned in RW with no rooting gel.

Also I have found all natural honey to work best

But to answer your question yes you can take them out of the cube cut and start again but why would you get different results?
You are doing something wrong and you need to figure that out first

What could it be
1. What's the temp and hum in your dome?
2. What PH did you soak the cubes and for how long?
3. What does your feeding schedule look like?
4. What is the PH and PPM of your clone/seedling food?


Active Member
I use this one: Had to buy an aquarium pump for air at Walmart but haven't lost a plant yet. After 10-14 days even plants with no roots will grow in a Formula 77 potting soil - perlite mixed 1:2 with good pH'd RO water. The small size is perfect to clone anywhere and to keep tabs on them. Fits my needs.

I'm superstitious and sterilize sissors and razor, cut underwater at an angle, and dip in rooting powder before they go in the foam pad.


Well-Known Member
Hi SSHman,
Been away from growing for awhile...but as I read this thread, I recalled a technique that I used. I cloned mostly in RW to go into hydroton for E&F, but for dirt grows or clone mammas I used peak pucks. Near 100% with both media.

Goes like this: As I'm doing the final cut, I would also make multiple very shallow slices along/around the lower stem (the part that will be inside the cube). I then roll it in cloning gel/powder and into cube. The idea is that this allows an opening for the rooting hormones to enter the plant...and that then becomes a rooting site.

Read technique on a thread back on Planet Ganja.


Well-Known Member
Never had good results with Rockwool either.:neutral:
I use rapid rooters/Clone powder. Clones pop roots in 7- 10 days.
FYI: I start small clones. So, don't wonder why. I have my reasons. Grows are rushed.:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
I bought my 25-site aero-cloner for $60. Sure, you can make one yourself, but for that price, you can barely buy the materials for a DIY.

Definitely great for a project as DIY though, I agree. I'd never want to take that away from anyone.

My cloner has however been the best 'investment' I've ever made for this hobby, and very near 100% success rate.



Active Member
Nothing wrong with rockwool, it works great if you use it properly. I suspect you have a problem with one of your environment variables. Temp should be 68-74F, you can have some condensation in the dome, but it should not be running down the sides. If it is, open the vents more.

As for your current problem, give it more time. Trying to rework the clones at this point will probably kill them. Next time, skip the rooting goop: I've never gotten a 100% success rate with it, no matter the brand. You don't need it with rockwool.

banks dank

Active Member
I bought my 25-site aero-cloner for $60. Sure, you can make one yourself, but for that price, you can barely buy the materials for a DIY.

Definitely great for a project as DIY though, I agree. I'd never want to take that away from anyone.

My cloner has however been the best 'investment' I've ever made for this hobby, and very near 100% success rate.

What cloner is it you speak of? Link?

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Well-Known Member
I bet the RW was too moist and they rotted. I have an areo cloner and use it sometimes.....I find Rapid Rooters to be much easier than the areo cloner though fwiw just less hassle.