My CFL Lowryder 2 grow - first grow!


Well-Known Member
how long did it take for your lr to show sex?

my current lr2 showed all within 4days of eachother,and they were on day 10 when they started to show,and thats 12days earlier than theyre suppose to,they should be showin around today if they had waited to show,but they showed so quick so ill breed them for that reason alone,the male showed at like day 8,and the girls a few days later.

u will prob get an oz of fluffy bud


Well-Known Member
Supersam - I thought you said it was a 125w one but I cant remember now. You'd probably want a dual spectrum one so you have both types of light too. If you check ebay you can see what those ones look like. Theres feck all in my area at the mo, got some thai tonight, its not great (and has looooooooooads of seeds just to make it that bit crapper) but its something :/

Nice to you around again queenbee! There looking good i noticed mine started to fill out alot in the last few weeks so maybe yours will do the same? Been having a closer look at your pics and you seem to have a few purple stems going maybe some sort of difcenciy? However you spell that lol. Trinity has only just started getting purple stems in the last week or so i think that's due to age though as the purple stems are only on th bigger fan leaves. What i've noticed is though once the stem goes complety purple the leave dies well in my case they have. Just a thought why they might not be budding as much as you want.
Hiyaaa! I noticed the purple too, I thought Id once heard read something about it being too much water but I dont water them that often so youre probably right about a deficiency. I have given them nutes tho and theres calcified seaweed in the soil. What else could they want?!

Mine showed sex early too, maybe not 10 days, check back through my posts to see when but I remember thinking it was very early.


Well-Known Member
Oh the 125 watt ratio thing, do you mean the CFL's output is equivalent to a normal 125 watt bulb? Coz that wont be enough. Type 'Dual CFL 125w' search title and decription on ebay and you'll see what I mean. They also do 250w. Theyre like massive versions of an energy saving bulb! Ive heard they cost about £2 a week to run so that shouldnt be anything too unusual on your bill, especially in Autumn or Winter.


Active Member
good news poeple i am getting a new pair of lights just got enuff money to cover lecc bills so it shoudnt be that bad a 600 watt cant wait i put pics up when i get them


Well-Known Member
Did you get the CFLs or the other ones? Have you got lots of little seedlings now then or are you waiting for them to germinate?


Well-Known Member
Are you not worried about them using a lot of leccy? If theyve been round to raid you before them they might have you on a list to keep checking up on you or something?! I dont know much at all about the HPS tho, but I thought they used more elecricity. What were you using before that made your bill dodgy?

Ive been looking into this purple stems thing. I found this:

Phosphorus (P) deficiency:
Figure 11 is severe phosphorus (P) deficiency during flowering. Fan leaves are dark green or red/purple, and may turn yellow. Leaves may curl under, go brown and die. Small-formed buds are another main symptom.

But I dont know what to do about it. They have been having nutes and I used it at about the strength it recommends so I dont know if I should have been using more or that its a crap fertiliser. And theyre 7 weeks now so it seems a bit late to start adding more stuff. Its a shame coz I think it has stunted them, the buds just arnt as big as they should be by now. I also read some things saying purple stems are normal but it does seem like the leaves die after going purple so I dont think its normal. At least I know its something to watch out for next time, although Im still not sure where I went wrong, might try using good old manure next time!


Active Member
Hey whats up? I have just read your grow journal, congrats on them healthy looking plants. Im not sure wheather i should use 10-54-10 or 16-24-24 for flowering, Anyone got any suggestions?


Active Member
lol i have by passed the mains electric and it was using £2.50 day i get them somtime next week and good point about the rozzers and i dont really care its a herb right ? lol i no its dodgy but he who dares wins wb x and my plants aka seedlings some have got purple leves and some have purple stems surley it cant be bad ????


Well-Known Member
Hi queenbee as for the purple stems i noticed Trinity had some when she was younger, had no idea what to do about it, but i found that when i repotted her and gave her a dose on some organic nutes it seemed to put a stop to it for a while, but now she has loads like it! I'm not too bothered though cos she is due for the chop in next week i think. It's really too late to be giving her any nutes now so i guess i'll just have to wait it out and hope for the best. Yes your write if the purple stems are not too bad i noticed they seemed to take a good few weeks before the leaves curled up and died off. I guess whatever it is trinity has it worse this time though, cos within a couple of days you can see the leaves dieing off, but like i said i think that could have something to do with how old she is.

Sorry i forgot how old are your plants now? About 7 weeks? If you plan on letting them go for as long as i have Trinity about 10 weeks then you might be ok giving them a small dose of some organic nutes just to see them though, not sure though, i'd wait for someone with more experience to ok it first! But i know if it was me and that was Trinity at that age i would proberly have mixed a small amount of some organic nutes in with her water give her that dose next time i watered and take it from there. If the purple stems are not causing that much damage you might do more harm than good messing with them, i think we both need to do some research.


Well-Known Member
Cheers for the advice Hmmm. I gave them some nutes yesterday or the day before so maybe that will help but Im planning on chopping them at in less than 2 weeks (or one at least) so I think Ill just leave them and hope they make it through the next 2 weeks OK. It says from seed to harvest in 60 days and day 60 would be in about a week and a half so I might harvest C then and give the other 2 another week or 2, especially G because thats always been behind a good few days. Maybe I should nute the hell out of G and see what happens?! Lol, maybe not, but maybe one more dose for her. Trinity looks SO much fuller in the buds than mine tho, youve done something right! Its just annoying that its affected the buds, if mine looked like yours I wouldnt care about what the leaves looked like!! But when its affecting the bud you want to do something about it. I might have a good research later on...

P.S Im so sick of this drought!!! Im also sick of dealers not knowing anything about weed and telling you a load of shit that you know isnt true. I just want a nice reliable dealer who grows it themselves and knows whats what. It sucks. Im sick of giving money to these idiots that dont give a shit about the quality of the weed or how much they fuck you about. Theyre the winners whilst weeds still illegal. Then we can get sent to jail for simply trying to grow some nice stuff for ourselves which bypasses these f*ckers, stops the black market getting the money and keeps us happy and quiet! Ohhhh Im just so annoyed at the mo, I want a decent spliff :'(


Active Member
i get you queen bee its so gay when its dry but good news i got a dealer today through my sis and its the best shit i have smoked to this day as yet and its called black widow i on my 16th shottie atm lol love it ......:mrgreen::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
C doesnt have nearly as much purple in her leaves as the other two (although her leaves are weird and not right from what I think is the heat from the old cupboard) which is interesting. When I feed them I do usually concentrate on her a little bit more and maybe give her more juice than the others because shes always been so beautiful! So maybe I should have fed the other ones more.