My big problem with LSD !


Well-Known Member
Who else likes good MDMA about as much as they do acid ? The key word being GOOD ?
I kinda had a few mental shiftabouts on those two. Though mdma was awesome but when I taste some lucy after 2 months its.... magical :)

They are equals, the best slices of cake from both flavours :D

Full Circle

Active Member
Hey Tenner !!!!!

Eyes over easy, eat it, eat it, eat it! Quote from A Little Piece of Heaven .... Avenged Sevenfold !


Well-Known Member
Never tried it does that increase potency in any way?

I got camomile tea with mine lol
idk. Someone told me this about shrooms. Then acid. Not sure if it;s a myth or not. It seems like grapefruit juice would be a better candidate. That increases all dissociatives like dxm or ketamine.a bitch load. Intensifies them like no other. Done it so much.

Full Circle

Active Member
Lemme tell ya little story heah !

When I was 19 yrs old, I went with two friends to a Grateful Dead concert in a cow pasture outside of Austin TX .... This was my first experience being around a bunch of people tripping. We took 3 wonderful hits of Owlsley acid each about 30 minutes before we arrived. About the time we got the car parked ans joined in a line of THOUSANDS of other concert goers slowly walking towards the stage, the acid started to really come on, and then someone in the crowd started mooing .... Yeah, mooing like a cow. If you have never heard thousands mooing before .... Oh yeah ;-)
So we find us a place on the pasture ground and go to spread our blanket, and had to kick some cow crap out of the way .... and what was under the cow crap ???? Hmm , mushrooms ! We were in a partying mood, so we found some old time Hippies sitting on a blanket and asked them if we could maybe score some more acid ..... Hippie with two ft beard pulls out about 5 sheets and says " Hey man, pass these out please "
Yeah ... we never considered about the acid getting off the sheets and onto our hands ....LOL Then about an hour later the band starts to play .... And I refuse to dance .... I mean, yeah I am tripping hard, but this was 1986, and I was a Heavy Metal singer in a band, and too cool to dance ..... eh, so I thought ;-) In one of those brief moments pf clarity that happen, I look down and realize I have been dancing ... for HOURS ! LOL
Next some girls came around dressed in head to toe neon flower suits and ask us if we are hot .... We say very ... and they kindly spray us off with bottles of water ... or so we thought. It was liquid LSD ... OOPS ...
I look around and see Austin's finest .... That's right, cops. But these cops have NO gun belts on, no shirts on, their hats turned around backwards, and they are DANCING THEIR ASSES OFF !!!! LOL, they had been sprayed with the liquid by the flower girls !!!!! Oh yeah !
Then night fell and people started throwing glow sticks and glow necklaces in the air for hours !!!! Next thing I remember was waking up an hour away in New Braunsfuls TX by a river .... NAKED ! No clue how I got there , no clue where my friends were ... and no clue where my clothes were. Just me naked and stumbling around .... Then a naked girl I did not know walks up and says " Hi, remember me ? " and grabs my cock .... And I did not give a fuck about where my friends or my car was ... or how I got there ;-)