
All you guys have great plants here. I am glad you got to the end results. You have to do your homework on Nutrient Deficiencies though, I see so many miss-colored shading leaves, (which are photo generators for bud production) and I also see wilting. That is bad and your EC's are too low. This plant can take alot of nutrients and often grows so fast it staves itself. I suggest you flush more often next time. If you introduce CO2 it is even more important to maintain high nutrition levels. These Big Bang eat up all the nutrients very fast and the plants tell you they are hungry when the leaves are ANY other color than rich green. The one picture shows the leaves wilting and the leaf tips turning down. That is a huge indicator of a Nitrogen deficiency. If the tips are yellow and the leaves turn up toward the light they are seeking potassium. Stay attuned to the plants signs and your yield will triple next time. Also, the mother plants that you are cloning are not necessarily the best ones; rather they are the plant that is coping best with your growing set-up, which is to say growing best under poor conditions. Fix the root of the problem first and then choose a mother clone.
Big Bang likes 400 watt or higher HPS per sq./m, not Cfl, any time after seedling stage.

Hope this helps you on your track growing Big Bang. She is a very sweet and pretty girl when grown right!


delerious , dude nice wht nutes ya use ? flowering the big bang now under 400 watt hps ff hnappy frog w fff nutes .. any suggestions ? ,, nice job by the way


hey guys i have some big bang, currently 3 seedlings about 1inch i am growing organicaly in a greenhouse will they flower themselves without cuttin to a 12/12? Also if possible a pic of a fully mature Big Bang plant how wide would you say they grow i know about 3ft high but i have limited space inside the greenhouse