my ballast/light is tripping all the sockets in my flat!

Hi ive got a 600w MH plugged into a ballast,everything worked fine for about a week but now everytime i try and turn it on it trips the power off for all the sockets in my flat.
Has anyone had this problem or know how to fix it???
Ive had a look at the fuses and they seem ok and the socket ive been using works fine with anything else...any advise welcome ,thanks


Well-Known Member
Starting an HID takes a lot of power. I guess you have too many things on one circuit. Get a power bar with a circuit breaker and use that to plug the lights in. That way, only the breaker on the bar will trip and you won't have to reset the main breaker. If you can't use another circuit then I guess you'll have to try a different type of light or lower wattage. Maybe CFL doesn't need as high a voltage to start.
maybe since last week youve plugged something else on that same circuit thats drawing xtra power?
There is a lot of stuff drawing power in the living room ,about 6-8 things constantly plugged in laptops ,tv ect but nothing in my room.found out the ballast works fine its when I plug the light into that everything cuts out
thanks for the help so far people but still no luck
replace the breaker they can get weak
so is that the breaker in my fuse box then? if so how do you go about that? not really done anything more than replace a fuse or flick a switch in the fuse box when it comes to this type of thing


Well-Known Member
cut off the main breaker and remover the panel so u can xpose the wires.undo the screws that hold the wires in place and go to the depot and find the same breaker. Reverse process to install...or find a different circuit to grow on


Well-Known Member
Yep you're running too many amps/watts on a single circuit. You'll have to either turn off some other things, put the light on a different circuit, or install another line just for the light.:peace:


i just urgraded the cord one size for my HPS and it doesnt trip out anymore.could this also be the case for you?