my arjans 1# using 400hps,


Well-Known Member
nearly week 9 of flowering

getting a really hazy smell now, smell bootifull , an last night i smoked a nug id take from the middle of a branch, i put in a brown paper enverlope a left it on the light ballast for abouyt 3 hours,

it was lovly, very very strong head high an tastest smooth, here they are, wot use think so far??

mmx 007.jpgmmx 006.jpgmmx 001.jpgmmx 016.jpgmmx 004.jpgmmx 002.jpgmmx 008.jpg
mmx 003.jpg wot sort of weight can i expect to yeild? anyone? an thanks for time all


Active Member
Coming along very nice indeed. You're going to getting some great smoke outta those. My brother had taken one seed from me and for some reason his finished alot earlier than mine, so I've already been enjoying the Arjan #3 smoke and yeah, what you
said about the head high. I love it. Absolutely no body bonk going on at all, which is weird. Smoke that haze and you get a head full of ideas.

I'll be popping out tonight to check on mine (just finishing week 7, I reckon), and will try and get some good pictures. Was out trimming them on Wednesday evening and man they're starting to look, feel, and smell incredible. They're getting close.


Active Member
Got another camera. Cheaper, but hey. These are going into week 8. Only have to water them once a week. They seem to be taking their time. The shed is about 15 celcius in the day, and probably gets under 10 celcius at night with the lights off.
Still no heater going, but if it gets below zero consistently it'll be going on.
octobr 16 3.jpgoctober 16 2010.jpg


Lazy Eye, OMG these plants are INSANE!!! Plus they are Sativa HAZE -- the best! I did not know you could grow these this tall indoor. These look like LST / topping / close-in light yields but they TALLL. You are doing something right my friend. Your thumb is GREEN. OMG LOVE it!!!

I been wanting to grow some Arjans #1, was looking for a grow journal, now I see I must -- its a moral imperative!


Well-Known Member
thanks for your comments,

there in week 9 ish, now one of them looks a couple of weeks ahead, so i think id like o now chop her so i can move the others around to get more light on them for another couple of weeks.

would any suggest using the 36 hour dark period? an wot benefi would this have ?

many thanks, an fascist, wow is the high headstrong or wot!!!


Well-Known Member
well ive cu an dried the plant that seemed more mature, she dried at just over 2.5 oz,

i did flush for a week an the taste is bootiful, i think i made the right choice as for the space, 5 plans under that 1 light was not enuff, so ill

now leave the others for about another 2-3 weeks, theyll hopfully get more light now,


Well-Known Member
good idea!, you will get to see if there is a difference in the 2 weeks extra. any pics of dry buds?


Active Member
Finally got a new camera. I'll take some pictures tonight, but I think I'll start a new thread so as not to confuse/jack this thread. Since they really were outdoor plants, I'll be posting in the Outdoor Forum (though still checking in on this one).


Well-Known Member
right i choppd another plant last night 217 gram wet on the stalks, got 3 left, an heres the biggest budd ive grown so far!!

baby an her ner seat xx 047.jpgthe main cola weighd 110 g alone


Active Member
The 2nd from the left bud is choice. Nice and fat and together. You'll soon be getting free, primo weed for a while.


Well-Known Member
well after wot seems a very very long time im drying my last plant an have 1 ounce in a glass jar to cure an 7 o dry in a freezer bag,

the big Q is am i happy?

well, i was hopin to shift a bit to reclaim some of the cost an expenses ive laid out, but i have this problem, although this gets u sooo fuckin stoned, i dont smell of anything!!!!!

ive go rid of 1.5 o, an their happy, i done a wighd Q for £50 an some 1 else an o for £150, the problem is i didnt think i would end up wiv somethin i would have to sell,

when u got some stinkin dank shit, it sells itself, an ppl are sellin that at 1.5- 2.0 for £20, an a o is goin for £260 !!!! So, my anser is, am i happy? not perticuly, my only alternative seems

so sit it out an hope its dry as a nuns at xmas,

the next Q is will i be growin arjans haze again? almost certainly not, far far to much hard work, on the plus, it doesnt stink ur house out, when i was trimming it smelt lurvly, really fruity,

then as she dried, ZIP! nothing, so, while i think about my next move, im gona roll the biggest j an sit back an wait for my sunday roast! probably wiv a bit of only fools an horses!

thanks for all ur help an intelligence thru this thread GHB , STEAMPICK an others who took a peak.......



Active Member
I chopped one last night and I pretty much have the same feeling as you. The plants were scent-free for most of their lives (only started with the peppery/lemon smell half-way through flowering),
and once dried out a bit, are back to being almost scentless.

I don't think I'd grow Arjan Haze 3 again simply because it takes for fucking ever to finish. Maybe if I was in a tropical locale, but I'm certainly not. Next year, it's gonna be 5 inidica, and 5 sativas that
are known to finish a bit sooner (maybe White Widow, Ice, Northern Lights or plants with those strains in them).

I love the sativa/haze buzz, though. Here's a pic of one chopped last night:



Well-Known Member
well after wot seems a very very long time im drying my last plant an have 1 ounce in a glass jar to cure an 7 o dry in a freezer bag,

the big Q is am i happy?

well, i was hopin to shift a bit to reclaim some of the cost an expenses ive laid out, but i have this problem, although this gets u sooo fuckin stoned, i dont smell of anything!!!!!

ive go rid of 1.5 o, an their happy, i done a wighd Q for £50 an some 1 else an o for £150, the problem is i didnt think i would end up wiv somethin i would have to sell,

when u got some stinkin dank shit, it sells itself, an ppl are sellin that at 1.5- 2.0 for £20, an a o is goin for £260 !!!! So, my anser is, am i happy? not perticuly, my only alternative seems

so sit it out an hope its dry as a nuns at xmas,

the next Q is will i be growin arjans haze again? almost certainly not, far far to much hard work, on the plus, it doesnt stink ur house out, when i was trimming it smelt lurvly, really fruity,

then as she dried, ZIP! nothing, so, while i think about my next move, im gona roll the biggest j an sit back an wait for my sunday roast! probably wiv a bit of only fools an horses!

thanks for all ur help an intelligence thru this thread GHB , STEAMPICK an others who took a peak.......


if you are looking to sell it in the future you are best sticking with cheese. in the u.k everyone knows what it is and it will always stink to high heaven. you don't need to cure or even dry it properly, people just love the smell. its done in 8 weeks and the kids by you will be biting your hand off for it. with regards to the arjans haze the longer it cures the more you will come round to it, i'm on to the last bit of my lemon skunk now and i swear, it is the nicest weed i have ever smoked.

good luck in the future, you gonna do more journals?

grow the cheese to sell and another strain to smoke
To me, the indicas are not even marijuana. Arjan's haze is the stuff!! I stopped smoking 20 years ago when the Indicas took over for commercial reasons --because I though I developed a bad reaction to Marijuana, LOL! (no joke--I really did!). To me, it is like saying "alcohol is my favorite marijuana because it is easier to get and messes you up too". UH, WHAT?