my arjans 1# using 400hps,


New Member
omg dddddddduuuuuuuuudddddddeeeeeeeee ggggggggoooooooodddddddd grow !!!!!!!!!!

awesome gona be some sweet nugs g, popcorn size !!! hah lol jokes man

gona be good

good luck


Well-Known Member
lol real funny!!!!!

i reckon shit loadsa pocorn, but there also nearly joining on the upper branches, shouldve got a few few cfl's for the sides


Well-Known Member
fuck it!!!

ive strippd the bottom 1/3 of every plant of its popcorn buds an where they were forming,

its do or die, as i cant get more lights at the minit, i may have set them back a few days but i think it could be worth it in the end.


Active Member
Hey lazyeye: Well, I'd say they're between 7-8ft tall. Started them indoors in April, and brought them outside in pots the last week of May, and that's where they've stayed until the beginning of September as it started getting cold and frosty and rainy where I live, so in they went. I was interested in yours as they are Arjan's Haze like mine (#1 vs #3) and look very similar. Anyway, I'd say they've been in flower for about 3 1/2 weeks, and probably won't finish until November. Given them a little 10-50-10 once a week and clip the small stuff off the bottom stems (especially the growth close to the main stalk). I am very happy with GHS on this one as I ordered 10 feminized seeds and got 10 female plants. I'll post up a few more here as I go.


Well-Known Member
right steampick.... let the battle of the arjans commence!! lol!

day 39 i believe, really noticed a change in shape an density last couple of days,

maybe the boost is doin its thing

birthday! 015.jpgbirthday! 011.jpgbirthday! 014.jpgbirthday! 012.jpgbirthday! 016.jpg

dont know why they are all on the piss , sorry, i had already rotated hem b4 uploadin!


Well-Known Member
show us some pics of the lollipopping!, i wanna see how much you trimmed off. gonna post some pics of my babies tonight, you should check them out. gonna chop mon/tues, i'm so fcking excited.


Well-Known Member
yeah will do mae ill post em 2moro as on way out an dont go in there wen the kids around, ill check urs tonigh, havnt seen them in a few days, lookin forward to it mate

dont think i trimmd off nearly as much as i should have!


Active Member
Got some more batteries for the camera. My Arjan #3's have progressed a bit, but not much. Still, this was the transition week from outside to in, so...
sept 24 008.jpgsept 24 010.jpgsept 24 012.jpg


Well-Known Member
been of for a few days,

let me start by sayin ghb, i cany wait to take a look at ur finished plants an read your smoke report!!

a steampick, those are lookin Fan-fuckin-tastic!!!

heres mine day42, read another journal other day, french i think, he flowerd his arjans for 102 days!!!!! fuck!!!!oh dear 003.jpgoh dear 004.jpgoh dear 002.jpgoh dear 007.jpgoh dear 001.jpgoh dear 005.jpgheres my kiwi 2 pounder


Active Member
Thanx. lazyeye. Yours are looking great too, and are certainly a bit ahead of mine, flowering-wise. My last two outdoor Arjan's are coming in tonight. All they're doing outside is sending their energy to the roots to keep warm with very little flowering growth. After tonight, they'll all be squeezed in like sardines under the 400 HPS. By the way, are yours starting to develop a scent? Mine just have.


Well-Known Member
dont no wot part of our world ur in my friend but its gettin cold here in the uk.... brrr!

not much smell at the minit at all, with thier mother plant i didnt start smellin anything until week 6-7, and tthat was sweeeet! no skunky smell at all, fragrant

lemony pine smell, i choppd her about that time bcause she went strange on me, ( lookd likd she wantd 2 veg or somthing) this time , thank the mj gods, these are budding totaly diffrent,

hows the scent of urs??


Active Member
It's very mild but I'd say a bit of the same lemony pine. Before last week, though, there was zilch. And I was sticking my nose right into the plant. Nothing. I'm in Canada, by the way, and feel fortunate to have had them out this long.


Well-Known Member
day 44,

i worried b4 that i was goin to end up wiv lots of popcorn buds, ive now noticed today that most of the buds along the branches are now startin to join up to the top colas.

i said that i read a journal of someones arjans bein in flower 102 days, fuck that!!!! well the hairs on mine are now startin to turn orange?? does this mean i have long to go??

would any 1 like to hazard a guess at wot i migh expect to yeild?? thinkin of letting them go another 4 weeks,

5 arjans 1#, 1 kiwi 2 pounder, an let me tell u, the kiwi is smellin very citrusy indeed!!
wahhoooo 008.jpgwahhoooo 009.jpgwahhoooo 005.jpgwahhoooo 001.jpgwahhoooo 003.jpgwahhoooo 006.jpgwahhoooo 002.jpgwahhoooo 004.jpg
wahhoooo 007.jpg



Active Member
mine are at least another 4 weeks (and likely 6), so I'd say yours, which look a bit ahead of mine, probably could take 4. These Arjan's are slooooow to start flowering, and not exactly speedy once they do flower. By the way, mine now have a very distinct lemony-pine scent. Kudos to the mad scientist who got this strain to smell like this. Best scented plant I've ever had the opportunity to stick my nose into.


Well-Known Member
yeah definatly a good smell, fragran, had to tie up a couple of my branches to support the weight today,

( ITS ALIVE ) !!!!!!


Active Member
Heading out tonight to get some more pics and to put up another 400 watt HPS. I've got 8 plants in there now and the shortest is 6-feet, so the coverage aint great. Hopefully this finishes the things off properly.


Active Member
lazyeye: if i had to guess, from the look, the height & everything... id say around 22g or so per plant. depending on how dense and how many side branches fill in. dont quote me on it but i bet you do. also the 400 watt hps looks like its doing just fine. since thats a haze, if you leave it for a week or so longer than is recommended itll be better off. im using a 400 watt hps in a 9sq.ft. grow and my buds look fine. in my area most of the people i know grow GHS (i know the bad rep and i know the possible shitty germination rates). you wont be disappointed with your decision, even though hazes are a little unruley and its kinda hard to get a really nice yield without a high watt hps. they look really nice for an indoor sativa grow! nice job! when you get ready to harvest let us know what the yield you got was, and a smoke report if you would. i was looking into arjan's haze #1&3 because of the smoke reports ive heard in the past. i dont know anyone who's grown #1 so if you like hows yours are i may order them. thank you!

steampick: you said you just ordered another 10 seeds from GHS and got all 10 females. many props to get them all germinated and staying alive! if i may ask, which strain are the 10 you just picked up? im just wondering because after being turned on to GHS i have had between 60-75% germ rate, and i follow the HT grow guide to a "T". how are you doing your germination because i have the GHS indica mix H coming in soon and i really dont wanna screw these up. ive been a dinafem&barneys farm advocate but all my friends have gotten me stuck on GHS because of the diversity of strains.

i cant wait to see yalls finished plants. ill be staying tuned in.