My 4 clones...


Well-Known Member
My first grow with Dutch Dragon was "ok"... as in not quite what I expected. I think that I harvested too early. Luckily, I cut 4 clones which I put straight into flower as soon as they rooted. They're all about 6-8 inches now, mostly just a straight bud 'stick', if you will. They are underneath a 400w HPS and with 2 26w CFLs for side lighting. They have about 5 weeks left of total flower time left and I really want to get the maximum yield here, any suggestions? I'm watering once every 4 to 5 days on the average, about 2 quarts of 5.5pH water per 1 gallon pot. They are being fed Tiger Bloom at 2 tsp./gal. I only got about an ounce dried from my two larger plants and I'm at least hoping to match that by the end of this grow, so what can I do? I've heard adding molasses helps... do I just get this at my local Hydro shop and is it worth it? Also, what brand? The HPS is about 10 inches away from the plants but my grow room runs at about 100 degrees. It's decent airflow though, so they aren't having many problems. Plus winter is here, so it's cooling down slightly. Thanks.

P.S. - Sorry, no camera anymore.. :cry:


Well-Known Member
Yep, we gotta get them temps down. I have almost a gallon of the right kind of molasses Donnie, you are welcome to it. It doesn't work good in hydro. I suppose it might in flood and drain, it didn't work with the drip system. VV


Well-Known Member
Score! Thanks... yeah I have no idea how to get the temps down, there's really no solution as I live in an apartment growing in a closet stealth grow. I've already cut a hole in the ceiling...


Well-Known Member
Eh I'm good with drywall, i'm on the 3rd floor and there's not much above me except the roof and the hole is concealed in a closet blocked by a table.


Well-Known Member
i did the same thhing with my rental house, dry wall is easy. i have a pre cut piece to slip up there and some nice colgate toothpaste to hide the holes and saw marks.


Well-Known Member
yea man... my mom taught me that when i was a kid cleaning up staple holes and nail holes in a house we were moving out of.
