my 3 stages of flower


Well-Known Member
SS I ordered that Monday,it came today.
Hey is that the George from that other site? Had some waterfarms before the rails,I believe.
Made some graphs.


Active Member
SS I ordered that Monday,it came today.
Hey is that the George from that other site? Had some waterfarms before the rails,I believe.
Made some graphs.
no man, this is the REAL George Foreman!!! He helps with growin weed and grillin:):):)

yes, he is the same, very good dude!!!!!!


Active Member
Son of a bitch!!!! Haven't had spider mites for 6 months and the fuckers are back:(:(
What are you doing about it? Azamax, Mighty Wash...

Curious what your weapon of choice is after gaining experience. Fuckers appear to be endemic, reports from everywhere.


Active Member
What are you doing about it? Azamax, Mighty Wash...

Curious what your weapon of choice is after gaining experience. Fuckers appear to be endemic, reports from everywhere.
i bought a electronic fogger and do a every three day fogging of neem, safer soap, can't remember the other one? This system works, just make sure you do it right before lights off!!!!

if you have them or get them, a fogger is a good thing to invest in!! Fog every three days with a different thing!


Well-Known Member
I used that fungacide3 from lowes worked great.
So, guess who had a heart attack last night and two stents put in today? Yes twas me. As i sit here in a gd gown enjoying my morphine. I did find out that having a brother who is vp of a large hospital does have its advantages.


Well-Known Member
SS,glad to hear you going to be ok,what a surprise huh?

George,I was starrider on the other site,glad to see you around,I been thinking about a waterfarm lately.
As I remember you had experience with them.

GL&HY to all!


Active Member
Hey SS, I think I remember you saying you don't move your light in flower, about how for from the lights to the tops do you start with??

Dont care for the taste with the vap too, but they are easy on the lungs!!!


Well-Known Member
SS,glad to hear you going to be ok,what a surprise huh?

George,I was starrider on the other site,glad to see you around,I been thinking about a waterfarm lately.
As I remember you had experience with them.

GL&HY to all!
hi starrider, i see you found the old gang. I like the ebb and grow systems. Once you work out all the kinks and know how to used them, they work great.


Active Member
Hey SS, take care of the incision where they went into the artery, it needs to not leak. You should feel a lot better with the stents, better blood flow to the whole body and less work load on the heart. Enjoy your time with the nurses. My best idea was to have someone bring me some sweat pants, made getting around with a gown easier and less 'revealing'.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, they put a plug in there, its a sore spot for sure. I never had a problem letting it swing free. These damn meds are screwing with me


Active Member
Going around 'commando' is nice, liberating, but since I have such a cute ass it is prudent to keep it covered to avoid an encounter that could burst a suture.


Active Member
glad to hear your all good with new stuff in your heart! I've read this all maybe couple times. I believe your ornery enough to not stay down long!I'm the same! Ha ha! Now your saying you got a heart. Hope you know I'm fu--ing with you. I really appreciate all your hard work you put into this thread. Of course all the help from the other gentleman and ladies, O you too Old Dude! After reading these posts it makes you feel like I no you guys, ladies and the Old Dude. Wow I have learned a bunch! I'll be trying all your growing knowledge pretty soon. I've grown outside in Hawaii for years and then had to quit but started in again about 7 years now with hydro & DWC. Yepper got the addiction and can't quit now...I'm selfish want bigger better buds/yields. Need the Meds also!
Hats off to you folks & Old Dude too!kiss-ass Smoking bowl for y'all, Salute! cough cough bongsmilie