my 3 stages of flower


Well-Known Member
Hello boys,

Long time to post.


how are you guys... well on vacate. feels weird not washing botanicare nutes off my shirts.... be back soon


Active Member
glad to hear your all good with new stuff in your heart! I've read this all maybe couple times. I believe your ornery enough to not stay down long!I'm the same! Ha ha! Now your saying you got a heart. Hope you know I'm fu--ing with you. I really appreciate all your hard work you put into this thread. Of course all the help from the other gentleman and ladies, O you too Old Dude! After reading these posts it makes you feel like I no you guys, ladies and the Old Dude. Wow I have learned a bunch! I'll be trying all your growing knowledge pretty soon. I've grown outside in Hawaii for years and then had to quit but started in again about 7 years now with hydro & DWC. Yepper got the addiction and can't quit now...I'm selfish want bigger better buds/yields. Need the Meds also!
Hats off to you folks & Old Dude too!kiss-ass Smoking bowl for y'all, Salute! cough cough bongsmilie
I appreciate any kudos but, most of the things I say are things that SS has said to me before:):) this is all SS!!!! I might tell of a different way that I have done some things, but that's about it:):)


Active Member
I appreciate any kudos but, most of the things I say are things that SS has said to me before:):) this is all SS!!!! I might tell of a different way that I have done some things, but that's about it:):)
I've read and studied all your posts, I understand "Who the Man" and should receive numbers of 'kudos'! I like to read where everybody can answer the question directed to SS1. Hell I feel like I know you guys from this thread. I've never socialized/posted on these sites/threads before, so please give me some slack but let me have it when It's due! (OUCH):evil: I do have question about how you guys store your seeds. I was just going over my inventory of seeds. I'm cheap so I buy mostly from Nirvana when they have sells/specials. Narvana has done me right, I do bitch about their tiny tiny seeds!
oceangreen, kudos to your set up! could you tell me more on your LEDs? size, your opinion as comparison to HIDs? Did I read you were on vacation or back. either way hope it was good for ya. Thanks again for all the great knowledge you all share!kiss-ass


Active Member
Inside Plastic bags inside a mason jar inside a Rice Crispy treats box in the fridge!! Cool and dry!!!!! Make sure you keep some Rice Crispy treats just in case someone asks for one after seeing the box, and they are one of my favorite munches:):)


Active Member
Inside Plastic bags inside a mason jar inside a Rice Crispy treats box in the fridge!! Cool and dry!!!!! Make sure you keep some Rice Crispy treats just in case someone asks for one after seeing the box, and they are one of my favorite munches:):)
Thanks again OD! Can't say rice crispy is my favorite, but hell I like anything when I have the munchies! I have seeds that are at least 3 years old and they popped out good plants. I have mine in plastic and film containers in the frig. I see where the box would catch the moisture, if any. I live where it's very dry and mostly to damn Hot! Not far from Vegas, baby! I had problems with DWC and hydro due to heat but with all the talk, thoughts, knowledge. I have my remedy, maybe! Thanks again to ALL those who reply to this thread!


Well-Known Member
I had some kept in a white envelope on a shelf in veg room for 4 years and they popped. But now i keep them in a altoids can. Lol


Well-Known Member
SS, how ya feeling today?
How long did ya stay in the hos.?

Igot a 600ushio over the top and I think I want a mh on the bottom to supplement?
What kind?

Real glad you recovery is speedy!


Well-Known Member
Feeling better just tire out quickly, but thank you. i am many days behind on work with the girls but should catch up over the weekend. Went out today and got a cool personal vaporizer and 4 different flavors of eliquid so cigs are behind me forever. Need to figure out how to dissolve hash to make a liquid i can use in it. Will hash melt and bond with either vegetable glycerin or propylene glycol?


Active Member
Good to read your post SS1 and hear your doing OK. Where are you with your girls? What is the flavors? I've haven't seen anything about flavors, do you add this with your vap? I better catch up...NO! I'm better off living out in the bush ! Hey Old Dude is that hash good in your vap I'm not overly thrilled with mine. Wish I was there to help you SS1. I'm sure you can't lift (or shouldn't be lifting) or that's what the Dr. said! Be careful and take care of yourself SS1! We need ya Man!
I smoked very little but chewed for over 20 and that was hard to quit. Still get a craving!Kudos on being able to quit smoking!


Active Member
SS1 all I know and I'm sure you do also that simmering butter extracts the THC from your grounded up buds/trimmings. Making oil to cook with or use however you like. I've made some good cookies ! YUM YUM! It's a different high to me. does you vap give you different buzz? Do you guys use the vap becuz of health reasons or like the taste/buzz/high??


Well-Known Member
My new vape is for liquid nicotine and they have all these different flavors that are glycerin based. Nicotine alone is not that bad for u, it is the combustion process that does it.


Well-Known Member
Wow, missed a lot. I am glad to hear you are on the mend SS keep up the great no smoking cigs progress. Have you tried BHO, I have made a few batches and it vapes great.