I'm a first time grower as well, and I feel like I did the opposite. lol For the first couple of weeks, I think I might have used too little water because I read that overwatering could stunt growth. My plants never looked unhealthy, but it's possible that they could have grown a little more had I used more water. I watched a few YouTube videos on watering, and all is good now. I think...
I've read through every page of this thread, and I learned a few things from robro as well. Most notably, I definitely want to include lime in my next soil mix. I saw it mentioned elsewhere, but I wasn't aware of the benefits until I read robro's comments here. I'm currently using Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil, and next time I'm thinking about mixing it with another called Light Warrior, since I've seen it recommended on many of the forums. The FFOF has been good to my plants, but I figured I'll try to improve a little on the next grow.
I went with autos this time around mostly for the quick turnaround. Along with my 1 auto ak47, I have 2 auto Vertigos going that are supposedly 60 day plants. I'm in need of smoke, so I didn't want to wait 3-4 months on a photoperiod plant this time. If these autos turn out well, I'll probably try to create my own seeds. If not, then I'll also be switching to a photoperiod strain in the near future. I notice that some people on the forums bash autos, but if they get me good smoke in my 2x3 tent, then I'll stick with them.

They seem damn easy to grow at this point...
I'm looking forward to seeing how the harvest on that ak47 comes out. I saw that you mentioned bonzaseeds, so I think that we're growing the same strain. Your pics have given me a high expectations on what to expect from my plant. Mine is looking somewhat similar as yours did early on, so I'm thinking that it'll develop into a similar plant. The two Vertigos I have are much more stretchy than the ak47, but they are growing nice as well. The flowers on them developed in under 30 days.
Here are Smart pots. The benefits are supposedly that they encourage better root growth because they allow more air into the roots. They also trap less water, and the best part is that they are reusable. After harvest, you just wash them and start again. They come in various sizes. I'm using the 5 gallon, but i didn't get the ones with the handles unfortunately.