My 3.5 week old AK47 auto is only 7 inches tall and 13 inch diameter but looks fine


Active Member
Sorry pirate.Dnt know what made me think you were using coco.
Must have been one of those "Senior moments" i get from time to


Active Member
No problem, I have senior moments all the time. One bit of bad news. I gave the plant a 295 ppm feeding 2 days ago. Today there were about 6 leaves with various brown problems. A few had brown (like decaying) on only part of the margin, one had the entire last half inch of the leaf fallen off, one had brown in a line near the center vein of the leaf so it wasn't the same brown place on all leaves. As you know this plant is very bushy so 6 leaves isn't a high percentage but I thought I'd pass that info on to you. I have done the following. First I flushed the plant with 1 gallon of 6.5 pH water ONLY. Next I moved lights from 3 inches from plant to around 5 inches from plant just on the off chance this is heat related. My camera is at my other home but I should have it back here on Thursday and will send you some pictures then. The affected leaves are all mature and not new growth. All are in the middle outside (not interior) leaves but not all on the same side so that led me to believe it was nutrient related and not heat stress. The plant has grown another .75 inches taller since yesterday and 1 inch wider. On another topic, I did reroute my air filter so now the filter vents into my inline duct fan flexible ductwork and vents outside of tent. The days have been unseasonably warm here lately so my room and tent temperatures have gone a bit higher than I'd prefer (82 degrees F). Since I have no odor problem (yet) I am able to open the windows to reduce the room temperatures to acceptable levels. I keep shooting for 75 degrees.


Active Member
The browning on leaves could have something to do with overfeeding her a couple of weeks ago.
Too much N can lockout K,Ca and Mg.I suspect K lockout,but without pics im not sure.
I dnt think your last feeding of 295ppm will have harmed her,unless you are now underfeeding.
With browning happening on middle leaves it shows it is likely a mobile element (N,P or K).
Did you give her some nutes in the last water of flush? If you did,what ppm?
If you didnt,and you are away til thursday,it could be a bit worse by the time you get back.
Autos dnt like too many nutes,but they still need food.
You cnt do much about it tiil you get back.Dnt do anything else to her til you put pics on.
If i cant help you,there are plenty of helpful growers on RIU who will.
Dnt worry too much,she is fixable.
Merry Xmas pirate.


Active Member
Merry Christmas to you also Rebro. Things seem to have settled down here a bit. I'm seeing no further brown areas. Attached are some screen images of my journal spreadsheet for the last couple weeks. Today is Day 39. You'll see in spreadsheet "problem slide 3.jpg" that I tested the runoff water from last nights flush and it came out 450 ppm with 7.3 pH. This mornings runoff after one gallon of 6.5 pH water was a more respectable 300 ppm with 6.1 pH. I have NOT added any new nutes since then. I'll leave today around noon to have Christmas with my kids but will return here early December 26th and will send you some pictures of plant for your evaluation. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Thanks for your guidance and insight into growing.problem slide 1.jpgproblem slide 2.jpgproblem slide 3.jpg


Active Member
Pleased to hear that the browning has got no worse,so i think it probs came from the overfeeding you gave it.
Your ph in run off seems to be fluctuating a bit,7.3 then 6.1 the next day.If your using a ph meter,is it calibrated properly.
If you dnt have any calibration fluid/powder try testing it on some milk,its fairly constant at 6.6-6.7.
Thats what i do if im not using dolomite of lime in my medium.
Do you know if there is lime in your promix,if there is you shouldnt have to ph.The dol of lime buffers it and allows nute absorption.
The hairs you are seeing on the top of your new growth should be buds starting to develop.
Mine usually start about 4-5 weeks in.
The 894ppm run off you had about day 30 was a biggy for autos,so im not surprised your lady had a reaction.
I look forward to next pics.GL pirate.


Active Member
The two pH meters I bought on Ebay (same style pen version but different vendors) have not been calibrated by me but both register the same values when I test a liquid. Just today I received some 7.01 buffering solution so I'm going now to check for accuracy. I had no idea about your trick of using milk. I have filed that away in my memory banks. I agree that is a pretty big range on pH readings for runoff water. Changing pH of water is very tricky using the pH UP and pH DOWN liquids with a drop moving pH sometimes huge amounts and other times it doesn't seem to alter pH at all in a gallon of water. I know temperature is also a factor when determining pH. My ppm meter seems to settle in on ppm values quickly. My promix and perlite soil mixture does NOT have any dolomite/lime in it. That's another good piece on intel. Can I add lime NOW to top of soil or just wait until my next grow and work it into the soil then? I certainly don't want to get any lockout. Glad to hear that buds are in my near future.
Hey pirate, if you only have a few plants, you could look into a product called ona gel. Never used it personally, but am going to once odor becomes more of an issue. It seems to be a very popular option.



Active Member
Awesome, Dr John Stivers, I just went out to Ebay and purchased a block of Ona Gel for under $10. A quick check around the web gives it excellent reviews so I'm anxious to try it out next week when it arrives. Sounds like it will last me through my grow with no problem. Thanks for pointing me to this product. Man, I'm getting all sorts of good information on this website. Good folks.


Active Member
Dnt use your ph up and down straight from the purchased bottle.
Dilute some in a clean plastic bottle,down to about ph 1(or less)then it is easier to use.
You can add a lot more fluid to get it up or down.Make a bottle full,it will last for ages.
Always mix your feedings/waterings very well,and let it stand for 10 minutes or so to let it stabilise.Then test.
Ive only been using Dol of lime about 6 months,but i find it great stuff.Its best to mix it into your soil at a rate
of 1 tbsp(half oz) per gallon of soil,about a month or so before use to let microbes in soil to process it.
After that there is no need to ph your waterings/feeds,the lime takes care of it.A good source of cal/mag too.
It is soluble in slightly acidic water(wickipaedia)and makes a good cal/mag additive if defs occur.
I would wait til next grow to use it,to get full benefits.But thats just me.
Hope this helps pirate.
Yeah, I just did a search as well, seems to be pretty pungent stuff. Let me know what you think when you get it if you would. Your grow looks very nice though. Good work. I think you are 3 days ahead of my current girl.


Active Member
Great site and I've copied some of the info for future reference. Is there a way to change SOIL pH at my plants stage of growth? I'm going to test the soil using the method in the link to verify what pH it is but sounds like I need to move SOIL pH closer to 6.2 if it's not there yet. I'm also going to stop using distilled water for my watering and feedings since tap water trace minerals have definite value according to information in the link.


Active Member
If youre gonna use Dolomite of lime in your next grow,it will sort out the pH for you.
Dnt jump on the first bit of advice you see,always get some more opinions.

Mycorrhizae fungi is something else you should consider using.
When added to the soil it forms a support system round the plants roots which feed the plant all it needs.
You have to use organic nutes with it tho,as chemicals kill it.
I will try to put a link up for you to look at.


Active Member
Since my existing plant seems to be going along nicely (although I have no previous plant to compare it with) I believe I'm not going to try to monkey with the SOIL pH during this grow. Instead I'll just work up a SOIL pH correct soil mix during my next grow.



Active Member
Merry Christmas Robro. If you have a moment I'd like you opinion. Since I'm thinking of growing only one or two plants for my next grow I was considering NOT growing an autoflowering plant but rather going for a feminized strain. I'd continue with my CFL setup in my grow tent but obviously there are a lot of choices of strains out there. My tent is only 3'x3' so ultimate plant size will be a consideration. I'd like a plant that goes start to finish in 8 weeks (fewer weeks the better) and doesn't grow taller than 1 meter (shorter the better). Ease of growing and high yield are a priority. Have you grown such strains?


Active Member
Merry Xmas pirate.
I take it you mean a photoperiod plant.
I think we are all looking for a plant that will go from start to finish in 8 weeks.
I think some photo plants will do this if you put them on 12/12 from seedling,but i have never done it.
photos wont grow to their full potential grown this way.i.e. no veg period.
IMO autos are the best option for finishing quickly.Ive harvested a NL auto after 7.5 weeks and a very nice smoke.
There is an auto called 60 day wonder,which is meant to finish in 60 days,but from grow reports ive read this is not the case.
You could do a perpetual grow with 2 autos that finish in 10 weeks.Starting 2 new seedlings 5 weeks into first two`s grow.
Then you can harvest every 5 weeks or so.
Hope this helps ya pirate.


Active Member
Good options. I've also been looking at Purple Wreck but haven't researched it much. I now have my camera at home and took some photos of the small amount of leaf damage. It isn't widespread at all and this morning I added 3 liters of 6.4 water to plant (the leaves where a bit droopy). The runoff water was 313 ppm with 6.2 pH. This plant is needing water about every day now. It has grown .75 inches taller and 1 inch wider since yesterday.



Active Member
I believe i see pistils.They are the small white needle like growths coming from future bud sites.
Well done pirate,your first buds are on their way.
How did she look overall,after your absence?