My 2015 Norcal Grow


Well-Known Member
looks like your ready :) just order some botanigaurd ES and you will be all set for sure...
I looked up botaniguard ES on amazon and the only.size they carry is one quart for $98. Do you know of a site that sells smaller portions? I don't think the nursery has it


Well-Known Member
I just ordered a quart of big time exterminator. It says to use 30ml-75ml a gallon. @ 75ml a gallon that would make 12 gallons for $60 to my door. Not bad. With this and nuke em I think I should be ok. Plus the spinosad for worms. The guy at the nursery said it lasted longer than BT


Well-Known Member
Sprayed 3 and 1/2 gallons of strong strength nuke em on my girls just now. I want to spray again tomorrow but I know I should probaly wait a couple days in between right? I also need to squeeze in a spinosad spray for worms while I'm fighting mites. How do you guys do your routine?


Well-Known Member
Sprayed 3 and 1/2 gallons of strong strength nuke em on my girls just now. I want to spray again tomorrow but I know I should probaly wait a couple days in between right? I also need to squeeze in a spinosad spray for worms while I'm fighting mites. How do you guys do your routine?
i did big time @60ml/gal then spinosad @70ml/gal.. two days later an got a lil burn on lower leaves, i only hit plants not stacked close as it is just preventitive for me . but i would fucking hose em but avoid runoff . the big time 'may' increase yeilds as well...


Well-Known Member
i did big time @60ml/gal then spinosad @70ml/gal.. two days later an got a lil burn on lower leaves, i only hit plants not stacked close as it is just preventitive for me . but i would fucking hose em but avoid runoff . the big time 'may' increase yeilds as well...
Thanks again man


Well-Known Member
Indoor seedlings under a 600w. They're all blackberry crossed with two different strains. Not sure if I wanna flower them inside or try to throw them outside in october after harvest. I'm not very good at indoor, but I need to set my room up better. Right now it's just a 5x5 tent with a 600w light and a fan hooked up to the light to blow the heat out.



Well-Known Member
I sprayed the rest of the nuke em I had on my girls earlier. I figured one day in between would be ok. Next I'll hit them with spinosad in a couple days and hopfully by then the big time exterminator will be in the mailbox to finish off whatever kinda mites I'm fighting