My 2013 Greenhouse Grow


Active Member
I actually have the floor covered in felt and underneith that I put slug killer and 7 dust to kill all critters that may want to try crawling under the felt for a home. I was kicking around the idea of sucking up the water with a vac since when I watered the soil after ammending it all it took forever for the water to soak thru the felt. I have had root aphids before and they suck ass! That is why the felt is underneath the pools to to keep those critters out of my soil. I am also thinking about covering the tops of the soil with sand to keep down on any fungus knat problems. After that it will then be up to the Azamax and the Neem oil. I have had my share of root aphids in soil and in hydro and they suck and once you got em your pretty much screwed so with the greenhouse it's all about the prevention. I have Actinovate and sulfer and burner if needed for mildew and am keeping the outside perimeter clean so that there isn't inhabiting area's for bugs. I am also germinating tons of marigold flowers to go around the outside perimeter and Marigolds, botanically known as Calendula officinalis, are perhaps the most well-known of the annual plants that repel aphids. Their content of pyrethrin -- a potent natural insecticide -- causes them to be beloved by organic gardeners, who rely on marigolds to send aphids and other pests on their way. I also will be introducing ladybugs and prying mantis's into the greenhouse which will love eating anything that may get in.


Active Member
Thx bro! I have had my experience with things going south on me in a big hurry and I'm doing my best to be more preventive than trying to solve a problem that has already become and is slowly getting out of hand.


Well-Known Member
Definately sound like u know wtf ur doing! I will be watching n learning. Should ask ur neighbor how much is the 10 foot fence:bigjoint:

Ps. Please keep it so informitve, fantastic. And thanks


Active Member
Would love to roll to the BBQ gotta check the schedule but it is on a Saturday this year so very plausible... Im in southern oregon medford ashland area so not to long a drive. Ill let ya know bud.


Well-Known Member
good idea about putting lots of holes in the pools. I can definitely see the roots going into the ground once the pool up.


Well-Known Member
Well, I had not thought of felt. Great idea!

I have read that a good thick top of sand will help prevent alphids, also. They need to hang our just under the soil surface to get air.


Active Member
Also since aphids are pretty prevalent in my area I put screen over my fans that is small enough so that aphids don't end up being shot into the greenhouse like a pez dispenser. I can stand bugs and if I can have it my way there won't be any....knock on


Active Member
Here's a quick update on the greenhouse, got a 6" fan for my exhaust that's taking the hot humid air that's at the top of the greenhouse out. It was 90 degrees in there today when I went in there around 11:30, I turned on the two intake fans and it lowered to about 86 degrees because even tho nice cool air was coming in the hot air was being trapped at the top. After I installed the 6" fan after about an hour it was down to 74 and after two hours it is at 60 degrees which is good cause the outside temp was 54 degrees so a little higher in the greenhouse is expected . I am stirring up my soil mix every other day to keep it loomy and nice. Things are looking good right now and I just got the baby's transplanted into bigger 1 1/2 gallon pots, this is where they will stay for another 6 weeks before they go into their permanent greenhouse spot. With my experience with kush strains I had topped it early to encourage branching and just now topped all the tops off for clones and to make it bush out like crazy. The others are almost ready for their first toppings and that will probably happen in about a week or so. Lastly I added a pic of everything that I ammended into my soil with the addition of Mycorrhizal, Epsom salts and worm castings.



Hey guys I posted some pics in another thread but wanted to do a outdoor grow review in a greenhouse which I don't see to much of. My Greenhouse is still getting all the kinks worked out of it and I will be adding some more fans and I will be having it controlled through my GrowTronix enviromental controller to turn on fans and water my plants. Should be interesting to say the least. This will be my first greenhouse grow and I'm pretty excited to get it all on the way. I bought some BC Bud Depot's Girl Scout Cookies, Royal Queen Royal Cheese, Kerala x Skunk #1, White Widow, Sour Diesel and OG Kush. I feel this is a good line up and ready to put these ladies into their permanent pots in the end of May or first of June. In the greenhouse I laid felt on the ground so to keep weeds and grass down and dust when they start to flower. I decided to go with baby pools w/ the bottoms drilled out so that they can continue to grow into and thru the felt.

I got some good organic soil that I amended with a light supersoil mix, I made the mix lighter then recommended because I plan to water with Age Old Organics and Liquid Karma, Things so far are looking great and I am just waiting for 6-7 more weeks to go till it all begins....More to come!

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HI how are you keeping it warm in the winter?