My 1st Grow. White Widdow in a bubbler


Active Member
I have done alot of reading. Wish I had done more before I started, but it is what it is.

Ill be Posting pictures in the next post.

I Ordered White Widow from AMS. (I likely wont be ordering from them again)

Fortunately out of the many seeds I purchased from them, it seems like White Widow is good. TO me it seems to be growing strong. I'm also a newb so I may be delusional :)

I have it in a 5 gallon bubbler that I made. I bought Earth Grow; Prime, Veg, Bloom, and Finis. Along with PH up and Down.

I learned very fast that with 3 gallons of water in the bucket to only use 1/3 of the recommended dose. I was doing half and it wasn't looking good, so I went to full dose (this is 2 weeks in) and the next day it was almost dead. So I emptied the bucket, did no nutes for 2 days then added 1/3 dose and it has been growing good ever since. So I'm assuming 1/2 was why it wasn't growing great also.

Now It is 1 month and 2 weeks of vegging. (I know I should have flowered early to make sure its female, in any "early" sexing pictures I have seen, it looks female)

I have topped her and made 1 top a clone and I also cloned a lower branch that was longer than I was hoping to start a clone with but, ill do better next time.
They are both rooted well and now in bubblers also. On 1/3 nutes and looking healthy. (To me)

They are under 2 4ft T8 6500k flo tubes, and 2 42 watt 6500K CFLs and 1 7800K T12 2ft tube. For Vegging. I have no Co2 going.

Tomorrow my 4x4x6.5 tent will be here with a carbon filter and duct fan blower. Ill get it all setup with 2 4ft T12 2700K tubes, 2 200W 2700K CFL (is that enough for just 1 plant?) Going to 12/12.

The plant is 2 feet tall from the bucket to the top. 2 feet wide.

So, since I am a newb, i'd like positive and negative feedback.

Thanks. I have read alot from some very knowledgeable people on here.


Active Member
Also, is temp as important in Veg as in Flower? Right now its about 87° in the veg room. Ill have an exhaust in the Flower tent, will that help?


Active Member
Also, with going to flower hours tomorrow, is there anything I need to do?

Should I flush and do just clean water no nutes until tomorrow? Or should i flush and put flower nutes in tonight? Im sure I have to flush though, right?

Any help would be awesome.


Active Member
when you go 12/12 your plant will veg and stretch for ~2 weeks depending on what white widow does
so she'll need nitrogen during that time probably normal veg nutes for a few weeks until the flowers fill out
then switch to the flower nutrients the'll frost right up :)


Active Member
when you go 12/12 your plant will veg and stretch for ~2 weeks depending on what white widow does
so she'll need nitrogen during that time probably normal veg nutes for a few weeks until the flowers fill out
then switch to the flower nutrients the'll frost right up :)
Thank you :) 1st response I have gotten. Was starting to get worried.

Does the plant look healthy? There some messed up looking leaves in the shady areas of the plant.


Active Member
Anymore advice before I go to 12/12 tomorrow. Im kinda nervous about a new phase. Never done it.

Also any feedback on the health, or stretching of the plant would be appreciated as well.


Active Member
SUPER IMPORTANT question if anyone can help me please.

Ive been told they still do a like a week of veg and stretching after switching to 12/12... So do I use the 6500K-7800K lights for the first week before going to 2700K????


Active Member
today is the day to switch. My sleeping habits are weird, so I should probably decide when I want the 12 off. Once I am set up in the new tent. Ill post pictures. Finally time to flower! (Hope its a she!)

Oh, for the lights, I read somewhere, that it might be good to do mostly 2700K with some 6500K with it.


Well-Known Member
yeah some people use the blue spectrum to help control the stretch first week or two. you can go mixed spectrum if you wanted the whole grow but yeah have some 2700k during flower.

to me my ww will stretch about 2-3 times in height usually depending on the pheno. so when they start stretching you will be fine for a bit but when the buds start packing weight on you may want to support the branches with a cage or bamboo or something.


Active Member
yeah some people use the blue spectrum to help control the stretch first week or two. you can go mixed spectrum if you wanted the whole grow but yeah have some 2700k during flower.

to me my ww will stretch about 2-3 times in height usually depending on the pheno. so when they start stretching you will be fine for a bit but when the buds start packing weight on you may want to support the branches with a cage or bamboo or something.
See, I had no idea. 3x?? Ok so it could be a 6+ foot plant? I better make sure the tent is set up to be prepared for that. Thanks alot dude.

How much would a 6 foot White Widow normally yield? Of course there are a million variables, but a rough ideas are always cool. Considering I dont screw anything up over the next 8 weeks.


Active Member
actually.... plants look pretty good the big one definitely looks ready
I would leave the lights 6500k-7800k for a couple of weeks switch to the 2700k
mixing the lights doesn't hurt either :)


Well-Known Member
For flouro cfl mix you want a few 2k mixed with your 6500. This will denser up the nugs alittle more then just going with one spectrum. I do not do anything to stress them when switching to 12/12. Normal and steady as she goes. Always remember the plant may double or triple in size during flowering and you don't nec want to do anything to stress them. I flowering at 19" regardless of age or date of plant. This way I can keep them at about 3 ft. Light penetration will be effected after a while. CFL on a 45 degree angle to make use of the light . You could get about 2 oz dried if you do it right or fuck up and get less. I would be happy with a fat onion of widow for the troubles.


Active Member
right now I only have 1 6500K 42w cfl with a 2 4ft 2700K T12 Bulbs and 1 200w 2700k cfl and 1 150w 2700k cfl.

I have a 4ft 2 buld T8 with 6500K. Should that be in there as well?


Active Member
For flouro cfl mix you want a few 2k mixed with your 6500. This will denser up the nugs alittle more then just going with one spectrum. I do not do anything to stress them when switching to 12/12. Normal and steady as she goes. Always remember the plant may double or triple in size during flowering and you don't nec want to do anything to stress them. I flowering at 19" regardless of age or date of plant. This way I can keep them at about 3 ft. Light penetration will be effected after a while. CFL on a 45 degree angle to make use of the light . You could get about 2 oz dried if you do it right or fuck up and get less. I would be happy with a fat onion of widow for the troubles.
Thanks for the info dude. I appreciate it. Should it be an even split between 6500K and 2700K?

Only 2 oz :P damn. was hoping for 6-8 haha


Active Member
I have an exhaust and an oscillating fan and it still seems pretty warm in the tent. I just went and got a couple pounds of dry ice and put it in foam cooler with the lid off in the tent. Hope it brings the temp down a little.