Would you support The Muslim Reform Movement?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 6 75.0%
  • No.

    Votes: 2 25.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
No, but a few of my very good friends are. What does that have to do with anything though?

No True Scotsman fallacy. I know someone who's an incredibly strict Muslim he's never drank anything stronger than tea, and has never smoked a cigarette in his life. If you said you were hungry he'd feed you until you'd be stuffed. He considers himself a true, real, Muslim and so do I.
Ask him does he reject the violent passages of the Koran as being untrue.


Well-Known Member
Ask him does he reject the violent passages of the Koran as being untrue.
I can just imagine how this is going to go, so I'm rolling my eyes here. I'm going to say, I'm pretty sure he does. Then you're going to go, "Then he's not a true Muslim!" Then I'm going to say, "Are you Muslim? Why do you get to dictate his religion based off of your preconceived notions from the media?"


Well-Known Member
I can just imagine how this is going to go, so I'm rolling my eyes here. I'm going to say, I'm pretty sure he does. Then you're going to go, "Then he's not a true Muslim!" Then I'm going to say, "Are you Muslim? Why do you get to dictate his religion based off of your preconceived notions from the media?"
Read an English translation of the book, I enjoy fiction.

We did quite a bit in school, forced religion and all that, know thine enemy.