music and drugs


Well-Known Member
Had a strange friend once. I went to one of the most affluent high schools in the country, everyone drove the most expensive cars except my friend, he drove around in an old truck. One day some of the others (you know high school) gathered around his truck and laughed at it and him. The next day, there he was in the parking lot, with his truck, only there was a trailer attached and in it was his "special car" it was a drag racing funny car, he just used the truck to haul the trailer for it. No one ever made fun of his ride again. Anyway, he and I would get together and take acid here and there. One day he invited me to his house which was high above a canyon. He acquired several very large amps and sets of very large speakers from some group somewhere and set them up to over look the canyon. He put some pink Floyd on and we took acid and explored that canyon. We could hear the music everywhere down there, like our own personal out door concert.


Well-Known Member
nothing like being stoned and turning on old school jimmy Hendrix, he was the king of drug music with his guitar ! if you have not heard him well try it,


Well-Known Member
I remember the first grateful dead song I sang in was 5am in my friends valley..a long one on his farm..we were at the end of the field looking the other the sun came up,there was day break on one side and a beautiful cresent moon on the other with stars(reminded me of all the 'night and day yin-yang hippy stickers' you see in head shops..'friend of the devil' came on and we all grooved..I sang the whole song and then realized,this was the first song other than happy birthday that I knew all the lyrics/words to..and I actually was impressed with myself and said so..damn being 14 was a lot of fun!...'gone are the days...'


Well-Known Member
if you can make it through 'severalsmallspeciesofanimalsgatheredtogether ' on at least 400ug of LSD then you are a stronger man than me.... I laugh hysterically and then get equally creeped out! They played with there instruments the sound of a man walking into a room, picking up a fly swatter and killing a fly.... i think you can only hear that shit on LSD....


Well-Known Member
Groovin with a pict...and yes,numerous times on way more than 400ug...if u read my post on me in the hot tub with a blizzard,that's what we listened to that morning coming down....


Well-Known Member
Chillin with the son of the inventor of the 'gazelle glider'...crazy bunch of brit decendants...awesome posh crib tho..they had a wooden hockey rink in the barn!..lots of fun watching trails on the rink!


Well-Known Member
They were more obsessive about pink floyd and psychedelics than I'm am,I think..maybe not since they got the trips from me!


Well-Known Member
I want to mention Roky Erickson and the 13th Floor Elevators. Dig on that your next trip..... my favorite is Syd Barret.....i feel connected to whatever place he was coming from..........his after pink floyd stuff is great.......Favorite all time song to trip on is Astronomy Domine


Well-Known Member
My little brother plays piano and knows every damn musician to ever exist. He's especially into classical music, so it's cool to borrow music from him that I've never even heard.

Or just put on Fantasia lol


Well-Known Member
Its not blared out of every commercial..u actually have to listen and think with music like thqt,sadly something most don't do anymore since they can get forcefred radio.


Active Member
I definitely have different taste in music depending on what I am experiencing. Sober, I love 80's pop/rock. Drunk, I love metal. Stoned or shrooming I love new age/nature music. I don't touch any other substances.


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to think of a type of music that compliments ketamine..usually I do ketamine to go to sleep after a night of molly..but I can't think of anything off hand...maybe ltj bukem...