Mushroom, good or not good?


Well-Known Member
As I was mowing the lawn today my eyes caught an orange cap...then another and then a whole mess of them!

Have I found some good eating mushrooms or are theses not what I'm looking for . Please Help me out guys, much obliged. The stem just looks to small that's why I'm asking. Am I going to trip or die? 67401750_380040039371934_3970830108490465280_n.jpg
I personally looooooove mushrooms. A friend grows the most amazing shrooms ever. Man did I take a ride one night. Psychedelics do not bother me at all . I love the hallucinations. They’re completely controllable and one night I took close to twenty grams of penis envy and albino penis envy which are pe x albino AA plus , then mixed em with some Burma’s
three strains I legit had to rewatch the show black spot on Netflix because I was convinced the director shot the show with shit like see through Faces where I could see the major veins in people’s faces. Lol. And parts of the forest in the background shrinking and growing constantly but not the whole thing. Just spots to mess with people trippin. Nope. They shot a regular show.
It was the shrooms. It was an epic show and I zoned out on it so much that I just saw a totally different show. It was hilarious. It’s German or French with English dubbed over it. So it looked like everyone was moving in fast motion. Hilarious and whacky.
As I was mowing the lawn today my eyes caught an orange cap...then another and then a whole mess of them!

Have I found some good eating mushrooms or are theses not what I'm looking for . Please Help me out guys, much obliged. The stem just looks to small that's why I'm asking. Am I going to trip or die? View attachment 4370515
Bro. You have to do a spore test don’t just go eating shrooms you find. First off those do look like legit magic shrooms. They do grow in clumps. Usually in a woody substrate . So near mulch or wood chips.
Basically you wanna take the cap. Pop it off gently. Place it on wax paper then place a glass cup over it. Over night the spores will fall and you will have a spore print. If you see purple dusts spores your good to go brother. Fly away. If not. Don’t eat em
When in doubt, toss it out. It doesn't look like any active species I know of.
Well. Not necessarily true. So the ones that have concave tops caps whatever. They usually are a sign of magic shrooms. What strain not sure those look like Burma’s or bmc
There’s A lot of different strains though.
Tex’s yellow caps.
Double A plus
Albino penis envy
Penis envy’s
Mexican ones.
On and on. And veterans are finding a lot of therapy with them . I have a friend that grows the most amazing shrooms I’ve ever seen all strains . When mixed they’re amazing.
Picking them from the woods or yard is kinda shady. Spore print is the only way to tell. Correct ? Not correct? And sorry I meant the flat or concave ones are definitely not magic. All the “magic “ ones I’ve seen are penis head shaped. But regardless the shape the clusters the color. I know people who have done everything there is to do with shrooms and still have a tough time figuring out what they are. Better to just eat ones someone grew and knew for sure. Spore print. Purple spores. Magic psilocybin spores. They will be purple I know that much. I think. Ha
A spore print is a vital part of determining what they actually are, but I can tell you without a print they are not cubensis. While there are a few other psychoactive mushrooms, and even few that can be found in lawns its not very likely, and these don't look right.

Nice to have old members back Beantown :).
Thanks gentlemen, I had my doubts as well as my hopes. They are going in the trash, you guys basically saved my life, I owe you all.