Mrs. Rare Dankness

Mrs. Rare Dankness

Active Member
Hi To All,
So let’s address the issue. I was banned and now I’ve been unbanned. I received an email from PotRoast this morning explaining things and apologizing.

Apparently I was banned by accident. In a mass spamming sweep, I was “detected” and banned. My personal opinion on this explanation, iti s most likely true, BUT how was I detected, why was I on the list??? My personal theory involves another seed company and I’ll leave it at that.
This became a MUCH bigger issue than I could have ever imagined. I never felt important or respected here. I just have my lil thread to answer questions, post some info, post some pic, and make sure that anyone that is running a RD strains has support. I have always felt that companies need to support the people that support them. It is one reason I have made myself reachable. And as much as it will shock some, I am not at anyway mad at the MODS. They have a job to do, sometimes I wish they would do it a little better, but I assume these people work full time and give their personal time to be here. So lay off mods, they are human and shit happens.
To all the supporters. You guys blew me away. It was very humbling. I received many, many emails, I received P.m.’s on other forums, some of you PM’d my husband on Facebook (yes, that happened),and a few other sites offered me a “home”. Never knew anything like this would happen.Thank you guys so much. I will continue my lil thread here, and a few other places.

Stop the fighting, take down the Ban Potroast thread (I’m sure this has been a pain in his ass), stop giving the Mods hell, they didn’t ask for this and some even helped. Some of you sent a few emails that raised my eyebrow, I DO NOT condone hacking!!! As you can see the ban was lifted, all is well.

My only personal request to the MODS is can someone please turn my PM function back on???, and I would like to be able to moderate my own thread… I know it’s a privilege, I don’t care about the trolls, I mostly care about the hateful, demeaning crap. If not, will one of you PLEASE DELETE pages 209-220. They have no place on the thread.

It is time to move on. Get in your grow rooms, take care of your girls, post some pics up and get back to doing what you’re supposed to do.
Mrs. Rare Dankness
You'va gained a supporter here with your graceful and positive reaction. The faces of some other companies react like children to much less, so thank you for the way you are handling this. More reason to chose a Rare Dankness strain in the future.
Havent been here in awhile....Redbluffer over at Depot and 'Zon....Sorry for hearing about all BS that you had to deal with, bunch of computer tough guy tools...what can you do...Glad you back and seem to be happy girl...Take care and happy holidays
I never purchased Rare Dankness genetics before as I am new to the whole scene. But Seeing how Mrs. Dank handled herself in the whole situation, I feel the best way to support her and her company is to support them with my purchase of their genetics... Rare Dank is getting my next order through a supported seed bank - that is for sure.
I never purchased Rare Dankness genetics before as I am new to the whole scene. But Seeing how Mrs. Dank handled herself in the whole situation, I feel the best way to support her and her company is to support them with my purchase of their genetics... Rare Dank is getting my next order through a supported seed bank - that is for sure.

Dont feel alone ive been trying to get their ghost train haze #1 everytime its available dont have the cash for it. But when I do its out of order on tude and sos. Oh well was briefed that their new backbone based around the triangle kush will happen soon with tons of beans for all of us interested to enjoy :-).
Glad to see you back, I haven't run anything Rare Dankness related, but they are certainly on the list of things to be trying in the future.

Just didn't seem right that you were banned, I followed the thread and didn't see anything to warrant it.
Yep. One thing I can say for certain, Mrs. has acted with professionalism (IMO) since she first appeared on Rollitup.
I know I said it in another thread, but welcome back mrs rd. I agree w.others here, a lot of ppl
can learn from u n ur actions. I've had my eye on rd for a good while now but after seein how u were treated n how u reacted n approached the situation has given me a new level of respect for u n rare dankness in general. U handled it like a mature adult n I GREATLY respect that. Will be gettin my first 2 strains of rd tmrw, rugburn OG n another undecided bout...if u or ne1 else has a good recommendation plz tell me, I'm terrible w.hard decisions like picking from many dank strains
If you'd like another OG go with Scott's or Venom.. Sativa got with Bubba's Trainwreck Haze.. it is a HAZE.. long flower time.. Indica Hillbilly Armour or Afghan Poison.
Glad u said Scott's bc it caught my eye as well, I'm an avid diesel fan but nvr rly got into the whole OG thing, it was just all any1 tlkd bout n I guess the nonsense turned me off. Closest I've gotten was kandy kush from DNA but that is 50/50 OG trainwreck. Been thinkin I shld see what all the hype is bout.
once you smoke an OG you'll realize that it's not hype at all. those gene are gold. I have 4 scotts OG in flowering right now from seed. all smelling very similar. very uniform growth. got me 4 boys to choose from too. already collected pollen from 2.
Just smoked my first bowl of Ghost Train Haze #1 tonight. Homegrown, even. Smells and tastes like limes. I have a serious tolerance, and I'm high as heck after three hits. I'm not a huge haze fan, but this is amazing stuff. Thanks for the dank, Mrs. RD! Glad you're back.
My first OG experience hasn't been so great, started off with a shemale.. Reverse did fix that issue though. It had a garlic smell at first that I didn't care for but now it's getting really earthy smelling.. Has some nice compact buds though..