MrHowardMarks' experienced grower journal.


Active Member
sour d grows like a out of control weed falling over and stuff, the smoke sour.... the high is seriously stoney... not the best high... but extremly potiant ..... ive grown it 2 times indoor and 1 outdoor i wont be growing it again


Well-Known Member
I don't own any of the "cannabibles" but have looked through them...

Mostly his articles that were in high times were what made me think he's a dumbass.

And no, I doubt he has ever had a successful grow, he's just your average douche who buys weed.

I'll have some pictures to share in a little bit...


Quit my fucking job!!!

Now I'm... bongsmilie FREE!


Well-Known Member

Quit my fucking job!!!

Now I'm... bongsmilie FREE!
just because, or did the shit go down?

heres to unemployment - :joint:

Congrats. What will you do? What did you do?

I have a three-year plan myself. . . a combination of miserliness and lottery tickets:dunce:
i have the very same plan, except mine involves pimping asian women for free egg foo yung as well(food aint free ya know).:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Props for getting out of the normal working class. I hope to be to that point in about 6-7 months ideally, cus I just found out I'm gonna be a daddy!


Well-Known Member
Props for getting out of the normal working class. I hope to be to that point in about 6-7 months ideally, cus I just found out I'm gonna be a daddy!
Well, that usually doesn't forecast a life of leisure!

Edit: Oh, but many hearty congratulations!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, congrats man...

I was in maintence at an international airport... It sucked ass. I had been planning on quitting for awhile, was just holding out hoping to get laid off.

I'm planning on getting some land, and building a house.

Following my sculpture/furniture dream... Hopefully I'll sell enough shit, otherwise, I'll need a bunch of "private collectors."

Yeah, and I'm actually putting some effort into finding a girl... :mrgreen:

I'll upload some pics tomorrow, some are about ready to harvest, a lot of them have a few more weeks to go.

My Silver Mango cross is looking really, really promising, and smells incredible, it's almost the perfect mix of the two strains... I'm excited nonetheless.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys, and MHM, that wounds like a sweet plan. We are planning on a move not sure if we are gonna try to buy a house yet or not, but I'm gonna start blowing glass once I have a shop to do it. I'd love to build a ceramics studio too.


Well-Known Member
MHM, weve all seen pics of our common art. how about some of your other art, the not-so-green kind. im interested in pics, ive never had any artistic talent myself, so i like to watch.

i feel ya on the findin a girl thing. my kid is almost 3 with no mama, so i got some shopping to do! i gotta be double picky.


Well-Known Member
I guess I could sift through some older stuff, I haven't had a studio space in about 2 years...

A lot of my work is in storage, a lot was thrown out between moves...

I sold a decent amount of my work that was Satanic related, mostly paintings, and small sculputures of symbology, I know some wierd people.

I'm more interested in sculpture that has design and structure, I like to build shit... I'd consider my veg cabinet/storage shelf a work of art...

I constructed it with nuts and bolts instead of screws and nails. Eveything is perfectly square, doors and a laminate finish could be added to make it look really nice, but it functions just fine.

Art is everything that has design, anything that makes you think, or have an emotion about.

That's why my satanic paintings were probably the strongest "art" I've done, they definately excited emotions within the viewer.

I don't think I still have pictures of those paintings, so to explain, they were all acrylic paintings. They had a textured black background, with a sharp edged white symbols of; a pentagram, a upside down cross, the 666 mark of the beast, the goat, and the 6 pointed star where you don't lift your pen, popularized by the wierdo Alistor Crowley.

Overlaying the image and background was a splattering of what looks like dried blood, enough to puddle on the textured lines, but still have the splattered look. They were very dark...

Most of my work isn't like that, it has a natural, raw feel.


Well-Known Member
Good thing I have a character for a signature instead of my name...

Anyone guess what kinda toy car that is?

And yeah, that's a self portrait from 1999... Dreadlocks ablaze.