moving troops, why are we so war oriented


Well-Known Member

everyone knows no one goes into politics. but this is more on war strat and there are a bunch of gamers around here so maybe they will understand.

jap with us is planing to move all of our forces around to different places, kool ideas dont get me wrong but this is getting to be a big bullshit game. guam, Australia, and more places to name. it just seems like the USA wants to move into countries and have a base in as many spots as possible for what ever reason. again we want USA bases in as many countries as possible but why? and where are all the bases for other countries in the USA why doesnt japan or england or france have a military base here? the french got involved with us so why didnt they stay. better yet why is most of our money in foreign countries?is it just me or is having a ton of troops spread out just a little out there?

The cap

Well-Known Member
Little places, like mine.. Sometimes MAY need help from our Big Brother..!! That's why..!!


Active Member
This is the starting tactic for the initiation of war with Iran. Sending more troops to that general area.

Russia has already said that if Iran is attacked, Russia will be stepping in. More than likely, China will be calling for ALL of the debt that we owe them if we war with Iran, and also come to Iran's aid.

Things are not looking good.


Well-Known Member
Iran would never nuke Israel for the same reason Israel would never nuke Iran....
Nuclear fallout!!!, not to mention whoever does it would becoem a pariah in the eyes of the world.
the industrial military complex.

weapons makers love the business and the military loves buying new weapons. that is why we are in war. and false accusations.



Well-Known Member
Iran would never nuke Israel for the same reason Israel would never nuke Iran....
Nuclear fallout!!!, not to mention whoever does it would becoem a pariah in the eyes of the world.
israel is protected even if someone fires on them they will not be destroyed. god has already promised to protect the promise land.

as for war with iran, lord know what will happen if china does call in the debt, i think they might want land


Well-Known Member
well fuck me rolling, i hope im bought by canada at the least. china will fuck up any chance of me growing. i agree with the sale of our country but not to them. who else do we owe?

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
why doesnt japan or england or france have a military base here? the french got involved with us so why didnt they stay. better yet why is most of our money in foreign countries?is it just me or is having a ton of troops spread out just a little out there?
thats easy , becuase Japan , England or France has never occupied the US ... we keep alota bases from past wars as strategic placements and to keep an eye on shit.

fuck the French!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they either quit or get their asses kicked in just about every engagement.... we dont want them anyways lol .. those faggots left an outpost in Bosnia cuz they took soem fire.... it cuased alota problems.... fuck the cheese eating surrender monkeys!

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
thats easy , becuase Japan , England or France has never occupied the US ... we keep alota bases from past wars as strategic placements and to keep an eye on shit.

fuck the French!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they either quit or get their asses kicked in just about every engagement.... we dont want them anyways lol .. those faggots left an outpost in Bosnia cuz they took soem fire.... it cuased alota problems.... fuck the cheese eating surrender monkeys!
France possessed most of Europe in 1812. :) It was only after Napoleon that they became bitches. ;) They made the same mistake that every Imperial country on a role makes, invading Russia. :D

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
LMAO Napoleon was leader of France in 1812. :p A military genius that had to prove he was the greatest. :) But the hate the rest of the world had for him proved greater. :lol:

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Fuck Napoleon , he was a lil bitch

heres some history on are cheese eating compadre's

1- Gallic Wars – Lost

2- Hundred Years War – Although they kinda/sorta mostly lost, they were saved by Joan of Arc (a female schizophrenic) who by accident created The First Rule of French Warfare; "France's armies are victorious only when not led by a Frenchman."

3- Italian Wars – France became the first and only country in history to lose not just one, but TWO wars against Italians.

4- Wars of Religion - France was 0-5-4 against the Huguenots.

5- Thirty Years War – Although not technically a principal, they did manage to get invaded anyway. Amusingly they claim a tie on the basis that eventually the other participants started ignoring them.

6- War of Devolution – Tied

7- The Dutch War - Tied.

8- War of the Augsburg League – Lost/claimed tie.

9- King William's War – Lost/claimed tie.

10- French and Indian War – Lost/claimed tie.
* Three ties in a row caused some deluded folks to label the period as the height of French military power.

11- War of the Spanish Succession - Lost.

12- American Revolution - In a Scribean foreshadow of the future, France claims a win even though the English colonists saw way more action.
* This is eventually known as "de Gaulle Syndrome".
* It also establishes Second Rule of French Warfare; "France only wins when America does most of the fighting."

13- French Revolution - Won, primarily due the fact that the opponent was also French.

14- The Napoleonic Wars - Lost.

15- The Franco-Prussian War - Lost.

16- World War I - Tied and on the way to losing. France was saved by the United States.

17- World War II - Lost. Conquered French liberated by the United States and Britain.

18- War in Indochina – Lost

19- Algerian Rebellion - Lost. The first defeat of a western army by a Non-Turkic Muslim force since the Crusades. It gave birth to the First Rule of Muslim Warfare; "We can always beat the French." This rule is identical to the First Rules of the Italians, Russians, Germans, English, Dutch, Spanish, Vietnamese and Esquimaux.

20- War on Terrorism – France has surrendered to Germans and Muslims just to be safe.