Most Stupid Things

i was working and had to travel to s. carolina. i was driving to work from our hotel and had just got done blazing a bowl. i thought i would show off for my buddy, so when turning off the road to go to a gas station i popped the clutch out and did like a long burnout. when i looked to the left at the gas station i noticed about six squad cars and a bunch of cops standing around enjoying their morning coffee and donuts. they all were standing with their mouths agape in astonishment. and their faces looked like what in the fuck is up with this idiot. well when i stopped in the parking lot one of them ran up to me and said "boy what in the fuck did you do that for?" my friend was desperately looking at me like we have weed in here. well one of my god given talents is slick talking my way out of tight situations. kind of like ricky off trailer park boys lol. i said sir i just got this car and i am newly learning how to drive this clutch. well with all this traffic i got scared and popped the clutch too fast to avoid getting oncoming traffic. i said i didnt know how to control this powerful car. he looked at me and said this aint the place to learn how to fuckin drive and if i couldnt drive it then let my friend drive. we got away without even a warning and the funny thing is i was driving a cavalier lol.
Firefox browsers spelling tool suggests that gibberellic acid should actually be flibbertigibbet's acid,wow what a cool dictionary lmfao built in stoned jokes:clap:
I was playing racing game sitting on my favorite armchair and after few rounds I decided to wear safety belt and tried to reach it. When had not found the belt I realized I play game and sit at home not at racing car!
after smoking a joint or get high period i like to smoke a cig.(marlboro red)and anyways numerous times ive hit the cherry side of the smoke and needless to say burnt the shit out of my lip,lol,well atleast nowi can.....ras
When i was young me and my friend would go smoke on the roof of this building. Big ass joints and we later realized we were smoing in front of a detox center. LOL i think its kinda funny.
damn man this topic is funny as balls i got alot of these but i'm too sober to remember... i'm gonna go buy some greenery then ill be back :P
lol. it's always good to have some sort of knowledge about what you're doing, so you can make shit up like that. woot woot! i like this one...

i was working and had to travel to s. carolina. i was driving to work from our hotel and had just got done blazing a bowl. i thought i would show off for my buddy, so when turning off the road to go to a gas station i popped the clutch out and did like a long burnout. when i looked to the left at the gas station i noticed about six squad cars and a bunch of cops standing around enjoying their morning coffee and donuts. they all were standing with their mouths agape in astonishment. and their faces looked like what in the fuck is up with this idiot. well when i stopped in the parking lot one of them ran up to me and said "boy what in the fuck did you do that for?" my friend was desperately looking at me like we have weed in here. well one of my god given talents is slick talking my way out of tight situations. kind of like ricky off trailer park boys lol. i said sir i just got this car and i am newly learning how to drive this clutch. well with all this traffic i got scared and popped the clutch too fast to avoid getting oncoming traffic. i said i didnt know how to control this powerful car. he looked at me and said this aint the place to learn how to fuckin drive and if i couldnt drive it then let my friend drive. we got away without even a warning and the funny thing is i was driving a cavalier lol.
I was playing racing game sitting on my favorite armchair and after few rounds I decided to wear safety belt and tried to reach it. When had not found the belt I realized I play game and sit at home not at racing car!

I've done that, except with Tekken 3. Hworang does Tae Kwon Do (in the video game) and so do I (in real like), so as I was fighing in the game, i forgot and threw a jab at the guy in front of me, consequently dropping my controller and getting KOed...:joint:

I had a bad experience once too, usually when I get ripped I´m somewhere away whith good friends, but this time I went to a near buy club, After a few beers(czech beer mmm...!) and a few glasses of vodka I descided to go smoke, cause my friends where all like cmon, noone´s gonna notice so I went I got so layed i was talking shit all the time, than I I started flirting with the girl serving drinks by the bar, she´s so awsome(most guys who see here think so) but she´s got a fernando(boy friend) I was flirting for like half an hour telling her how awsome she is, etc etc + plus a few things you don´t need to know, and nothing. Noone even noticed me, than her fernando stopes by, coming towards her I don´t see him, that´s when I told her something he shouldn´t have heard, and he thought so too, he draged me outside and I saw the wrong side of his size 12. But the funiest thing about comming home beaten up and drunk was my mom asking what happened and me replying: ,,I don´t know, I just don´t know? and I really didn´t found out the next day when my mates told me:D
i walked into the worst situation ever, im just getting back to my friends house and on the way to the living room i get a phone call and my friend says "hey whats up" i say "well i just walked into the room and there is an angry bull dyke raping a girl, paul is filming it, dan is jerking off using a donut in the corner and im just an honnest man eating some french fries" gotta say its the weirdest thing ive ever walked into high.
My friend happened to remind me of this today and thought I would share:

After a long night at the club years ago, I was getting a piggy-back ride from my boyfriend across the road. (this is the last thing I remember). When he tripped on the curb going up and I went flying off his shoulders and landed on my head. Next thing I know I come awake in the hospital! My best friend has my eye pried open shining the light in it, my other friend has the blood pressure thing on my arm squeezing the fuck out of it and they are fucking laughing like crazy. Also I have a hospital gown on and have no idea how that happened. I jumped up, grabbed my clothes and said "What the fuck, let's get out of here" and we all left. The next day and for a few more days my head hurt real bad. Silly shit. It ended up that my brother drove my car to the hospital, ( I was the designated driver that night, not a drop to drink either, lol) they threw me in the backseat and all piled in to take me there. I was unconscious. Crazy shit I tell ya. For not having anything to drink, my head sure felt like it for days.
i can remember being seriously high off of some chronic that i bought off a mate of mine and we were just cruisin the streets for a while and i can vividly remember walking up to a random in he street and having a fairly stupid conversation about the "aesthetically pleasing trees planted in the area" to quote myself. boy he looked freaked after that, he walked away talking on a phone and me and my friend just bailed out, he took a few acid tabs a while later and as they kicked in he just ran off into the park. i found him about 2 hours later curled up under his dashboard whimpering, it was pretty damn hilarious.