Most Stupid Things

anyone ever fart and shit themselves?

You mean shart themselves
okay this isn't a high story but its funny , okay im at the mall amd i was kinda of sick at the time and i had just got doe from takin a shit in the bathroom . so about 7 mins later i tell my mom i have to go to the bathroom and she like no u dont and we keep walkin and we go to a toy store so we're in the store and i pick up powerranger and take a pick shit on my self this wouldnt of been so bad but i wuz 13 years old i ran out the store like a little puss
Once upon a time, while a senior in high school, I attended a huge, raging house party on a Friday night, the day after Thanksgiving. Before going out to party, I prepared for a long night drinking by stuffing myself with Thanksgiving leftovers.

Great plan.

Upon arriving, I went straight for the keg and downed a beer. Not very cold and when it hit my stomach, I was feeling WAY full so I decided to ease into the drinking and went to play in a poker table that was forming in the kitchen. The table was full of people and all of a sudden, a three footer bong was at me and I was offered a bump off that bad boy. Of course I took a hit. A big hit. A big hit that made me cough. A big hit that made me cough up the biggest burp along with a projectile stream of my Thanksgiving leftovers. Fucking nasty. Puke reeked like smoked turkey dressing and beer.... spewed all over the table, poker chips, cards, people, everywhere.


Believe it or not, later that night I won that poker pot ($220) and boned the hostess of the party. Go figure. :mrgreen:
Just the other night my eyes were killing me. I wear contacts and smoking can make my eyes hurt. So I go to the bathroom and take my contacts out...or so I thought. About an hour later I;m like something is wrong I'm blind but my eyes feel like they are crossing trying to focus or something...I'm getting a bad headache. Suddenly I realize I didn't take my contacts out I put a second pair in like a dope.
Just the other night my eyes were killing me. I wear contacts and smoking can make my eyes hurt. So I go to the bathroom and take my contacts out...or so I thought. About an hour later I;m like something is wrong I'm blind but my eyes feel like they are crossing trying to focus or something...I'm getting a bad headache. Suddenly I realize I didn't take my contacts out I put a second pair in like a dope.

I wish it was me, but this is about my stoner buddy. We had just started smoking and he really was trying to hit on this chick. He asked me if it was a good idea for him to smoke to be "smoother". I just wanted to smoke so I agreed with him. He smoked a good 5 bowls himself and proceeded to hit on this girl. The only problem was that

He was thinking out loud.

Everything, and I mean every single thing he thought he would say.
such as , "Why is this ceiling so goddamn blue, I mean who would make this ceiling." "Maybe if I put my arm around her she will notice me more, because I dont want her to think that we are limited to being friends." "Quick, do something with her or she will lose interest!"

I tried to help him out by kicking him under the table to which he looked at me and said, "Why is zack kicking me, what does he mean I am thinking out loud?"

Once he figured it out, he went outside and vomited.
I still laugh my ass off about it...
well have you ever thought about building a ladder to the moon...sounds fucked but once you get there you have a smoke and carry on till u get to the sun dont get too close tho. then you put a bench at the top looking at then sun chuck some weed on and get the galaxey high. i discussed this for hours to my mate one night and we was gonna start building put got to baked and slept. shit story but thoguht id share :mrgreen:
One time I was sitting up late as hell and I couldnt sleep so I thought I would (milk my snake) if you know what I mean. I thought maybe it would help me sleep. So anyway i'm doing the deed and I wake up with my viana sausage in my hand. LOL I fell asleep on my couch in the middle of masterbation.

I thought it was hilarious.

Hahaha. This same kinda thing happend to my friend. He said he was really baked and was watching porno....naked. He sleeps in the basement and his garage is in the basement so his parents had to walk by him to leave in the morning. He fell asleep and in the morning he woke up, on top of his covers, naked. The movie he was watching was off so he didnt think too much about it. When his parents got home his dad confronted him and said, "Next time, make sure you turn your TV off". They had walked by him lying naked, turned the TV off and left.
Hahaha. This same kinda thing happend to my friend. He said he was really baked and was watching porno....naked. He sleeps in the basement and his garage is in the basement so his parents had to walk by him to leave in the morning. He fell asleep and in the morning he woke up, on top of his covers, naked. The movie he was watching was off so he didnt think too much about it. When his parents got home his dad confronted him and said, "Next time, make sure you turn your TV off". They had walked by him lying naked, turned the TV off and left.

that's just funny.
i was growin a skiny tall plant in ma room and it was becomein to big (3ft) so i decided to move it to my dads greenhouse therfore being 16 i had to get the bus so i baged it up which i regrate becasue it was a beutiful 1 and i set off to the bus stop. everyone was lookin at me dodgy be i didnt care i just wanted to get on the bus!!!!!! i was half way to my dads on the bus wen i police car put his lights on and the bus slowed down and the car did to i was shittin my self so i eat most of the leafs in like 15 seconds wen the car just drove past i was gutted my pride and joy gone ................fuk sake
Understand when reading this that I am a former Army Ranger. I Have been playing socom (military shooter) online since socom 1. So Im in the middle of a clan war and it's the final round and it's all tied up. The other 15 players on my team are all dead and it's all up to me. The other team has 6 people left alive. I have my trusty .50 cal sniper rifle and it's a big board and i'm feeling good. Bam I snipe out 5 of them and its one on one. I catch a glimpse of the last guy closing in on my position. Fuck this sniper rifle is no good for whats about to happen. I pull out my silenced pistol and lay in a bush and get ready for an ambush. It's been a long game and my heart is racing a little bit. I have my cell phone resting on my chest in case one of my teamates calls with some intel. My GF is asleep so it's on vibrate. So I'm in this bush just waiting for this guy to come around the corrner. Bam the guy jumps out and fires. At the exact moment he fired my phone vibrated on my chest. I jump (in real life) and do a ninja roll across the room like this shit was real. My heart was pounding and that when remembered I was stoned beyond belief.
Bam the guy jumps out and fires. At the exact moment he fired my phone vibrated on my chest. I jump (in real life) and do a ninja roll across the room like this shit was real. My heart was pounding and that when remembered I was stoned beyond belief.

LOL, that's some funny shit man!

So, got high this morning and was heading into work. I decided to stop at the grocery store and pick up something to have for lunch. I went to walk through one of those automatic doors all suave and shit so nobody would know I'm high. Turns out it isn't one of those kind of doors.

I've been going to this grocery store multiple times a week for 3 years now.
I was high and cleaned my bong. I went into the living room to get something and came back and my bong was no where to be found....I looked and looked for about 25 minutes. Then I looked in my closet and realized that before I went to the living room, I had alrdy put it up .
I was high and cleaned my bong. I went into the living room to get something and came back and my bong was no where to be found....I looked and looked for about 25 minutes. Then I looked in my closet and realized that before I went to the living room, I had alrdy put it up .

that's not the "most stupid" thing you've done though. is it? :hump::hump::mrgreen:
keep in mind ive only been friends with the sacred leaf for about 2 1/2 months. And I just started pretty heavy smoking. I used to not go anywhere or do anything while high, I was too scared. So im just starting :)
keep in mind ive only been friends with the sacred leaf for about 2 1/2 months. And I just started pretty heavy smoking. I used to not go anywhere or do anything while high, I was too scared. So im just starting :)

yeah took me a month or two to start going out high.
I was the same way, now the people know me at the local burger king when the munchies set in. They just look at me and go so back again.....and stare at me holding my cup of soda for like 10 minutes with my food sitting on the counter