Morning glory seeds

Q davis

Hey guys about a year ago swim found out about these flower seeds that could make you trip, morning glories. After some extensive research swim decided to try it out. Swim ate around 250 to 350 seeds. No extractions or anything swim just chewed them up and swallowed. Swim didn't know that much about MG at the time so he ate the seeds on a full stomach which probably was not very beneficial to the trip. Anyway about an hour passes and swim starts to feel some nausea. 30 more minutes go by and swim is feeling insanely sick also feeling some leg cramps. At this point swim figures the seeds are bunk and he was being poisoned by a pesticide so he set an alarm for 2 hrs and tried to sleep. 1 and a half hours later swim woke up and felt little to no nausea but pretty bad leg and stomach cramps. Swim also felt very very wierd and when he looked at walls he saw a bunch of snowflakes around 1 ft wide growing and shrinking. Also swim was experiencing a substantial amount of euphoria along with a feeling of a clear mind. Another thing swim noticed was that he seemed to be viewing life through a fish eye lense. Anyway this remains swims only MG trip yet but after such a rewarding experience last time he's decided to try it out again. Swim ordered some untreated MG heavenly blues and have come up with a plan to help reduce nausea. First swim will grind up around 400 seeds. However swim does not own a coffee grinder and was wondering if he could use a food processor or would that cause too much heat? Anyway list some ways swim could grind up the seeds. After grinding them swim will put them in a glass of orange juice and drink it down. Swim will make sure to do all this in an area with dim light so the lsa doesn't get ruined. Swim will then go smoke a bowl to help the nausea. Also could swim dribk some kind of ginger drink as I heard that also helps with the nausea. Leave some suggestions on how to better guarantee a fun and successful trip for swim. Here's the link for the seeds swim bought they should be the right ones.
mortar and pestle
my buddy had the same experience with the nausea. Hopefully its avoidable threw this process swim
Who is swim and how do you know so much about what they do

You know what I do when I wanna get high on MG seeds...I eat some acid and save myself the trouble...

Honestly though nausea has always been a staple of my lsa experiences and half the time its completely ruined all good parts to where I gave up on it all together...
I'm making my yearly LSA (I have several large large morning glories that we've been growing for a decade, maybe its the genetics or something but I barely get nausea. I do know that the government puts some kind of coating on the seeds, you can buy them at Walmart or the like but when you try to do it it will make you sick (you'll trip too but...)
Now someone who is me (I'm a beaner and I don't SWIM) say grind those shits down, at least 200 per serving, l crush them or put in a blender with some water till its nice and powdery, all the seeds are broken (If its not a full powder I make sure to break open everything) I make sure its about half cup seed powder to a full cup water, no more, maybe a bit less water but definitely no more, put in a jar with a lid, and hide it for at least a week. Then after a week stir that shit, and hide for a day. Repeat the process of stirring it every day for one more week. The last 3-4 days leave the lid off so some of the water will evaporate. Not a lot,if too much water evaps (1/2 the solution) just stop. You're done no need to concentrate any more. strain if you want (i never strain, something in me says keep that shit in there just in case it didnt come out of the seeds all the way) Squeeze a lemon or two (or lime) into the thick yellowy goo. It should be kind of a yellowy green color, more yellow than anything. And thick real thick like jelly. Mix it up, and take a shot. In an hour or so judge if you want that second or third... Oh hell just drink it all already! Its good for a solid 18 hours + if you do it right, yeah its not as strong as acid, but its a different feeling. Its some decent visuals, I always think they are more smokey than anything if you can feel that, but a super high and warm and fuzzy feeling body buzz real nice real energetic, and if you dose high enough it will give you some good visuals. I'm about to make my yearly LSA so if you want a tek with pics I'd be more than happy
Don't buy morning glory from somewhere online that is your first mistake. I don't know the exact compound, but all morning glories you buy from Walmart home depot online, its gonna have this chemical spray which makes you nauseous. Find someone who has one growing in their yard. Each flower has 3-8 seeds, usually 5-6 on average. The seeds that have grown from a live plant will not have any chemical residue and won't make you sick. I've been doing the LSA thing once a year and the longer I've been doing it (the more generations I grow from the initial store bought seeds) the less nausea!
Who is swim and how do you know so much about what they do

You know what I do when I wanna get high on MG seeds...I eat some acid and save myself the trouble...

Honestly though nausea has always been a staple of my lsa experiences and half the time its completely ruined all good parts to where I gave up on it all together...

God I've been trying to get my hands on some acid for months now, it's pretty hard to come by where I live. Trust me I would much rather trip on acid than these seeds
God I've been trying to get my hands on some acid for months now, it's pretty hard to come by where I live. Trust me I would much rather trip on acid than these seeds

just grow shrooms then, very effective, less side effects, easily sourced.
and you know what in them if you grow them.
For me HBWR is a better alternative to MG, some people report a way stronger body high on HBWR but less visuals. I have found this strange because the active compound in both is LSA (as far as I know anyway). I used to buy organic HBWR seeds on Etsy of all places. You could tell the supplier knew the main purpose because each bag had "have fun" written on it with sharpie and would come with a winking smiley face sticker so I trust it more than walmart seeds lol.
This is about 1/3-1/4 the seeds I will be using. Water and seeds straight into a blender, depending on how much seeds I get total, 1-2 cups water (this looks about 1/2 cup I would use a little under a cup now) blend until pretty finely chopped. If you want to make it a bit easier to chop them, soak for a couple hours in water first, the drain the water and chop them, they will start to germinate and the shell will go soft making it much easier. Then putting it into a little jar and the jar into a dark bucket in my basement for a week.
If you want to help the nausea, a little honey and lemon juice goes a long way. Try small shots on an empty stomach until you get to what ever dose you are looking for. One time I drank the water from about 1000-1500 seeds, it was a thick yellow jelly water, really bitter. I tripped balls for almost 2 days lol. You get some good visuals with higher doses, comparable to LSD, it lasts a lot longer with a higher body high than anything really
if you extract your lsa properly you can get rid of most side effects.
wash seeds good with soap and water. crush..defat seeds like your making bho, discard..soak in distilled water in a dark environment. filter and drink...or continue to play with it and make better

if your good you can remove fish eye, vasoconstriction, leg cramps and nausea
Just eat them slowly lol I usually take 15-20 minutes to choke down a few hundred or take that shot of morning glory jelly water.
I get why you would say just go for regular good ol LSD but I mean, these things grow wild, I always end up with 2k seeds so its no bother to make the juice