Monster Plant harvest. Dresser Grow


Well-Known Member
yes. i am sure you fuck. link. "derived from: Mono-potassium Phosphate, Magnesium Phosphate, Mono-ammonium Phosphate, Magnesium Sulphate, Magnesium Nitrate, Potassium Nitrate, Di-potassium Phosphate, Urea Phosphate, Potassium Carbonate, Potassium Sulphate." AND theres also a warning on the bottle..."warning. DO NOT SWALLOW"....hmm, if you cant swallow it, what makes you think you can smoke it??

its funny how you dont even know what you are growing with...and why all of a sudden are you name calling? perhaps because you know im right and you feel like a fucking retard....its no wonder you always get bashed on...cant even argue like an intelligent adult without resorting to name calling....

munch box

Well-Known Member
you're stupid as fuck . monkey juice is 100% organic. Just because its natural doesn't mean people can drink it! You are a total douche bag. I hope you drink a whole bottle of your favorite organic nutrient and die


Well-Known Member
dude...are you blind? did you not just read the ingredients for that nasty shit? btw, if i drank a whole bottle of my nutes, i would just get a tummy ache...if that.

Mono-ammonium Phosphate...yummmm....sounds tasty!

lets just pretend i was wrong though...and MJ is still have all that other nasty shit your putting in your plants!!!

its ok man...i get upset when im wrong too...

munch box

Well-Known Member
are you speaking from past experience. have you used all the nutes i used and then come up with this conclusion or are you just talking out of your ass? if ammonium sounds tastey to you then maybe you deserve to die you stupid fuck. Look on the bottle says "100% organic" I'm still waiting to see a picture of your grow room...


Well-Known Member
take a quality picture of the bottle so i can see. because in the link i gave you, there is a picture of the label, and it doesnt show 100% organic. there are some pictures of my grow room in my signature. they are old though, and im waiting until i get a new camera to update the pics. i did spend about 1000 though, 150 for a used generator, 550 for a new AC that has two hoses so it wont compromise the grow room atmosphere, and about 150 for a controller and some DIY parts, and then a few LP tanks, and accessories for the all adds up quick...

btw, just to make sure, i checked several site, and not one has stated that Monkey Juice is organic, and these are sites that DO post which ones are organic BTW....


Rebel From The North
dam guys relax no need to continue the drama, I use half what
he has and plan on going to all of it that plant says it all I get
avg. 3 ounces per but six would be better


Well-Known Member
ANND i just check the official AN website. Monkey Juice is NOT listed under organic nutrients. the products that were listed under organic had ingredients such as...

Iguana Juice Bloom

Alfalfa Extract
Earthworm Castings
Fish Base
Kelp Meal
Krill Extract
Volcanic Ash
Yucca Extract

Mother Earth Blended Organic Super Tea Grow

Alfalfa Extract
Canola Meal
Citric Acid
Crab Meal
Earthworm Castings
Fish Meal
Sea Kelp
Shrimp Meal


B-1 (Thiamine Hydrochloride)
B-12 (Cobalamin)
B-2 (Riboflavin)
B-3 (Niacin)
B-5 (Panthothenic Acid)
B-6 (Pyridoxine)
B-7 (Biotin)
Yeast Extract


now those look like organic ingredients.

here are several non organic products...


Ascophylum Nodosum
B-1 (Thiamine Hydrochloride)
B-2 (Riboflavin)
B-3 (Niacin)
B-7 (Biotin)
Calcium Pantothenate
Folic Acid
Magnesium Phosphate
Magnesium Sulphate/Sulfate
Potassium Nitrate
Potassium Phosphate
Potassium Sulphate/Sulfate


Ascorbic Acid
Folic Acid
Fulvic Acid
Magnesium Phosphate
Magnesium Sulphate/Sulfate
Potassium Nitrate
Potassium Phosphate

AND finally your precious Monkey Juice....

Monkey Juice Bloom Part A & B

Calcium Nitrate
Di-Potassium Phosphate
Iron Proteinate
Magnesium Nitrate
Magnesium Phosphate
Magnesium Sulphate/Sulfate
Manganese EDTA
Manganese Proteinate
Mono Ammonium Phosphate
Mono Potassium Phosphate
Potassium Carbonate
Potassium Nitrate
Potassium Sulphate/Sulfate


Well-Known Member
you dont need a picture of anyones grow room to see the difference in those products. ingredients like "Alfalfa Extract" and "Yeast Extract" sound organic....things like "Di-Potassium Phosphate" and "Magnesium Nitrate" are DEFINITELY in no way shape or form organic...maybe all your chemical nutes have melted your brain...

you already know that B-52 and Overdrive arent organic right? then tell me how Monkey Juice can be "100% certified organic" if they share some of the EXACT SAME INGREDIENTS!??

you are the fool. and again, my grow room or how much i spend on my co2 system have nothing to do with the fact that you are wrong, most of the products you use to grow are anything but organic, and most importantly, you are the biggest retard because you dont even know what you are growing with!!!

like i said, i never meant this to be an "Internet fight". i just simply stated my opinion that i dont like chemicals in my weed, and i stated it nicely, and you took it up the ass and start calling names....grow the fuck up, read the labels on your nasty chem nutes, and most importantly, STFU!!

munch box

Well-Known Member
you dont need a picture of anyones grow room to see the difference in those products. ingredients like "Alfalfa Extract" and "Yeast Extract" sound organic....things like "Di-Potassium Phosphate" and "Magnesium Nitrate" are DEFINITELY in no way shape or form organic...maybe all your chemical nutes have melted your brain...

you already know that B-52 and Overdrive arent organic right? then tell me how Monkey Juice can be "100% certified organic" if they share some of the EXACT SAME INGREDIENTS!??

you are the fool. and again, my grow room or how much i spend on my co2 system have nothing to do with the fact that you are wrong, most of the products you use to grow are anything but organic, and most importantly, you are the biggest retard because you dont even know what you are growing with!!!

like i said, i never meant this to be an "Internet fight". i just simply stated my opinion that i dont like chemicals in my weed, and i stated it nicely, and you took it up the ass and start calling names....grow the fuck up, read the labels on your nasty chem nutes, and most importantly, STFU!!
Monkey juice is not organic my mistake. had it mixed up with something else. But look man. even so, it doesn't really matter to me, and it sure as hell doesn't matter to the people i smoke with. If you tried some of my weed you would never know the difference. its not harsh or chemical tasting in any kind of way. I used to think it made a difference like you and only grew with organic nutes until i realized they smell up my whole house and produce inferior yield at harvest, and it tastes the same to me either way. As long as you flush properly your arguement holds no water

munch box

Well-Known Member
Try growing with that iguana juice shit and figure out a way to keep the ph under control cuz it won't happen. But i'll tell you what, if you do figure it out i will give you all the + rep in the world. In otherwords let me SEE you do something that i can't. I wasn't really upset the first time you brought up chemical taste, kept pushin' me in on some bullshit.

munch box

Well-Known Member
dude. re-read my post. no where did i tell you that you dont need any nutes to grow weed. and im sure it does help increase your yields. im not disagreeing with that. im with you 100% about fdd's plants being huge because of the sun. again, re-read my post and thats EXACTLY what i said. my point is the same as yours; "you do what you can to get the most out of your plants", and since me and you are different people, we have different ideas of what that means, and my idea of getting the best out of my plants is using some ferts and a few additives, but staying away from all the chemical nastiness that will tarnish your plants even with a flush. just because the taste in your bud isnt overwhelming or noticeable, doesnt mean it isnt there. lets see...from what i can tell in that hazy pic, you have Bud Blood, Big Bud, B-52, Carbo-Load, Monkey Juice, and Final Phase that ARE NOT organic. and thats just from what i can tell in the picture...perhaps there are one or two im that doesnt seem like "most" to me. and its funny that what you are flushing with, Final Phase, isnt even organic itself!!! so you are flushing chemicals with chemicals. cool. i didnt want this to turn into an argument. i stated my opinion, not even in a condescending way. trust me, im all for spending big bucks to get mary to produce, i just blew at least 1 grand on a co2 system for that same 30% in yield, but im not going to be putting anything nasty in my body at the same time...
This was your stupid fucking post that set me off after you kept on persisting. I didn't even care the first time you mentioned it , but how could you post this and honestly not expect me to get upset?If this were somebody elses thread i wouldn't care, but its mine so i do

just get the fuck out:cuss:


Well-Known Member
haha, thats crazy! fdd is in a realm of his own...i think the sun is a major contributing factor with his plants though...

i think some nutes and additives are cool...but yea, i think munch uses quite a few too many...not to be rude, but personally, i wouldnt want to inhale all that stuff...even after a flush...just too much chemical for me.
thats my first post. very innocent.

I never said that you need all those nutes to grow weed. If you want big buds it helps. I disagree with fdd2blk about carboload, I think plants do need sugars and starches built up at the begining of flower so the plant can use it for energy. most of these nutes are 100% organic. Whenever you get a chemical taste its because you didn't flush well enouph, or they only used water. I have never heard of anybody flushing with final phase and end up with a chemical taste or smell. Bottom line is Fdd2blk spreads a lot of propaganda. He says that all you need is water and not a lot of food. let the plants genetics and centuries of adaptation do the work. what he doesn't mention is that people have only been growing indoors for maybe 20-30 years or so. These plants have not yet evolved to the indoor grow environment. He is talking about growing outdoors under the sun which is like having 10,000 watts overhead.I'm not just talking about the canopy either. He has 10,000 watts of side lighting as well. Plants have been growing like that for thousands of years. lets see fdd show us where in these plants genetical lineup that they have adapted to growing in closets under mh/ hps bulbs. My point is you do what you can to get the most out of your plants. Withoutout all those nutes I would harvest 30% less every cycle.(based on past experience) That comes out to hundreds of dollars more product every couple months in exchange for me buying a 20$ bottle of nutes that will last me a year or so. Do the math Bagel
heres your post telling me that if i get a bad taste, its because i dont know how to flush, and telling me to "do the math" on your yield....

dude. re-read my post. no where did i tell you that you dont need any nutes to grow weed. and im sure it does help increase your yields. im not disagreeing with that. im with you 100% about fdd's plants being huge because of the sun. again, re-read my post and thats EXACTLY what i said. my point is the same as yours; "you do what you can to get the most out of your plants", and since me and you are different people, we have different ideas of what that means, and my idea of getting the best out of my plants is using some ferts and a few additives, but staying away from all the chemical nastiness that will tarnish your plants even with a flush. just because the taste in your bud isnt overwhelming or noticeable, doesnt mean it isnt there. lets see...from what i can tell in that hazy pic, you have Bud Blood, Big Bud, B-52, Carbo-Load, Monkey Juice, and Final Phase that ARE NOT organic. and thats just from what i can tell in the picture...perhaps there are one or two im that doesnt seem like "most" to me. and its funny that what you are flushing with, Final Phase, isnt even organic itself!!! so you are flushing chemicals with chemicals. cool. i didnt want this to turn into an argument. i stated my opinion, not even in a condescending way. trust me, im all for spending big bucks to get mary to produce, i just blew at least 1 grand on a co2 system for that same 30% in yield, but im not going to be putting anything nasty in my body at the same time...
the reason i replied with this post^ is because i wanted to get my point across. which is, yes, i know all those nutes will increase your yields, and that i never argued that they wouldnt in the first place. my point is that i dont care about the increase in yield if the quality will suffer. never once in my first post did i mention anything about yield, yet you are calling me out in your post telling me to "do math" as if i am some stupid ass. i just wanted to drill it in your head that i dont give two shits about yield. i want a healthy, natural, tasty, organic smoke. you seemed to not understand that when i first said "just too much chemical for me". so in my second post i MADE SURE you understood what i meant. i was also upset that you claimed that "most of that stuff is organic anyway", when clearly, IT ISNT!!! i felt like you were trying to insult my intelligence. i know my nutes. dont think you can pull one over on me and get me to think something that isnt true.

so you do the math mother fucker.

Dick Munch=0